Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH’s speech after release from Prison



  1. I just listened to it and it has. I content.

    To be fair the man was jailed and he seemed to have put on weight instead of losing weight.

    Something doesn’t add up. I like him and respect his family but quiet honestly he is not fit for purpose.

    Kambwili would make a better UPND president.



    • Excellent speech form a man the system tried to breakdown. Insoni ba Lungu!!We are a Christian onto others as you would like them to do to you. We need more compassion, more civility and humanity. I wish HH well.

    • Just returned from my vacation in Majorica, had my BBC, CNN and LT switched off for 14 days. Nice surprise this morning to learn about release of HH. Very good and HH welcome! I knew this case was leading no where.
      Unfortunately, I want to vomit when I see this useless PHD, this animal has gone on rampage, she now realizes she was on wrong side. Read her statement, and Look at the way she is trying to change her position. Now she is saying she likes him and his family, what an hypocrite this lady lady is!!! She was the same person insulting Mutinta.
      Mushota you are a disgrace to Zambia. Take a holiday, and reflect!!

  2. What a graduation speech after enduring an intense 4-5 month course in “leadership acknowledgement” at Mukobeko & Chimbokaila Training Centers. Congrats big man & may the struggle continue!

  3. Upnd zealots celebrating for the first time ever since the formation of the tonga party. Though the celebration is doesn’t mean anything. Us we celebrate real victory not nollies.

    • You tried hard to make yourselves believe that HH had been forgotten by people, most pf chaps were even bragging, nevers, gbm, mulongoti held on,ka tayali even spent a weekend in chux for him, then tresphore mpundu and the bishops came, then mmusi, malema, obasanjo, honorable Scotland (Commonwealth SG), finally winter, saviour, sinkamba and Antonio mwanza realized and opened their eyes, what are we doing to our own brother for foreigners to come and couch us on freedom, you knew Monday was going to be massive, delayed it to Wednesday just for you to kill the celebrations, but still even on a Wednesday people came out and toasted to freedom.

  4. Let’s learn to talk peace and give credit where it’s due. The speech by the man was quite building and we should all support every message of peace. Both leaders have shown interest for the nation and we need to bury this business of name-calling because it will never ever build our nation.

  5. Thank you to all the Zambians. Ours is a blessed country. There is a God who looks over us. Evil has tiny legs. We have noble work ahead to do. Let us stand up for what is right in the eyes of God.

  6. Now the PF and it’s bandits they call leaders will soon start to disintegrate and disown each other. Now the real fight begins and the dictatorship will be bruised badly.

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