Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rural industrialization is way to go – Senior Chief Nzamane


Senior Ngoni Chiefs led by Senior Chief Nzamane

Senior Chief Nzamane of the Ngoni speaking people of Chipata district has given a piece of land to investors to develop an industrial park that would among other things accommodate an ultra- modern Chipata international airport.

Senior Chief Nzamane says the intended investment will help open up rural areas that have remained underdeveloped for a long time.

He said rural industrialization was the way to go if people in rural areas were to be economically empowered.

He further observed that villagers’ economic status would change as they would be involved in many activities including land
clearing to pave way for the construction of various infrastructure in the park other than the airport.

Speaking earlier, Zambia Cooperative Federation (ZCF) Director General James Chirwa said money for the development of the industrial park was already available as his organization has partnered with different entities who are ready to invest in the country.

Mr Zimba said his organization wants the industrial park to be established in Eastern province because of its potential in

The industrial park would also house , an automatic tobacco curing plant, feedstock production, a research centre for
animal diseases among others.

And Chipata District Commissioner Kalunga Zulu said it was gratifying to note that investors were willing to put up an ultra-modern airport as the current Chipata airport could not accommodate bigger aero-planes.

Mr Zulu , who received the investors on behalf of Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo , thanked Senior Chief Nzamane for opening up part of his land for investment.

Various investments into feed production would go a long way in increasing the poultry industry and cutting
costs for farmers to travel long distances to treat their tobacco, he said.


  1. Refreshing to hear Chiefs talking progress and development instead of politics. Thank you Chief Nzamane, the people of Chipata are in good hands!!

  2. The New Airport That Govt Is Now Constructing In Ndola Must Be Stopped With Immediate Effect. And The Contract Must Be Terminated. Ndola And Copperbelt At Large Already Has A Modern Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport, But Chipata Has Nothing. So The New Airport In The Same Town/city To Have Two Is Just Telling Us How Biarsed Govt Is With Development Agenda In The Country. We Are Tired Of This Crap!

    Channel That Money To Construct The New International Airport In Chipata.

  3. Why not having two airports built?
    Why should we always think of exclusive development and not inclusive as a people?
    Development does not affect only the ruling party but both the ruling and opposition parties and affects us as a whole.
    We should desist for bigotry language and focus on Zambia our mother land.

  4. It Would Have Been Better To Build Whatever Is/May Be Lacking At Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Than To Waste Huge Chunks Of Million Dollars To Build Another Airport In The Same Town Which Already Has One. What Will Happen To Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe If The New One Will Be Opened?

    Why Didn’t They Build The New Airport In Mbala Where There Are Tourists Who Visit Kalambo Falls? Or In Chipata To Open The Area For Hotel Investiment And Value Addition To Agriculture? Or Easy Travel For Tourists Who Visit South Luangwa? Or In Solwezi Or Mongu Or Mansa That Has Nothing?

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