Thursday, February 13, 2025

President Lungu calls for engagement of local contractors


President Lungu listens to Engineer Xiang Yu Zhang  during the ground Breaking Ceremony for the Construction of Lusaka Specialized Hospital in Chongwe District

President Edgar Lungu has urged the ministry of housing and infrastructure to ensure that the sub-contractors and suppliers of materials for the construction of Lusaka specialized hospital are locals.

He said this at the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Lusaka specialized hospital in Lusaka yesterday.

The president said emphasized that the hospital was being constructed at great cost hence the need for various specialized skills during and after construction.

The president further called upon the church, faith based organizations and the civil society , who have for long partnered with government in the provision of health services, to help execute the specialized hospital project.

The occasion was attended by Housing and Infrastructure Development Ronald Chitotela, Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya, Her Royal Highness Chieftainess Mukamambo 2, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming , among others.

The Specialized Hospital when operational will provided specialized treatment in cardiology and neuro-surgery among others.

And speaking at the same event china national complete engineering cooperation (CCEC) deputy general manager Chen Ming said the project would be implemented under the requirements of the ministry of housing and infrastructure development and health.

And the (CCEC) would adhere to the safety regulations and to commit to the contract and laws and regulations of the country.


    • He states that the Hospital is being constructed at a great cost when they have borrowed at unknown interest rates and he has the cheek to tell i dont know who…to use local contractors when this is an Exim Bank loan.

  1. How l wish l cud start a new movement; a new CHURCH movement to DE – PENTECOST Zambia my country, my home, my pride. As a nation mwandi, we are at a stand still; we are in a terrible mess if and when you look at the goings on in the country developmentally amid this madness in bu Pente…

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