Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka High Court dismisses Fred M’membe preliminary issues


Fred M’membe
Fred M’membe
The Lusaka High Court has dismissed a notice of intention by Former Post Newspaper Limited Editor-in-Chief, Fred M’membe to raise preliminary issues on whether Lusaka High Court Judge , Sunday Nkonde could continue hearing a case involving the liquidation of the Newspaper.

Justice Nkonde says this is because the notice sworn in by Dr M’membe is defective.

Dr. M’membe had intended to raise preliminary issues as regard to the alleged bias by Justice Nkonde.

But, Abel Mbozi and three others urged the court not to allow Dr. M’membe to raise preliminary issues because he is not a party to the proceedings as he was not joined to the case by the court.

And in his ruling Justice Nkonde said having struck out the affidavit for the notice to raise preliminary issues he will not go ahead to determine the questions that Dr. M’membe had raised.

This is in a matter in which five former Post Newspaper Limited ( In liquidation ) employees sued the newspaper to wind up business alleging it has no financial capacity to continue operating.


  1. Closing the Post did not serve any purpose. We live in a digital world. We carry internet in our hands. Closing down Newspaper establishment is so 1960’s. Whether Post is closed or open, corruption will still be exposed. The world is connected through internet, not the Newspaper on the street. Just give this man his Newspaper business.

  2. Fyalipwa ba yama ba Fred. That power you yielded in the judiciary is gone. Like every common citizen, the law applies the same. I remember judges shaking just by hearing your name, nomba ni wala!!

  3. Zambians indeed do have a short memory span. He had the option to keep the Post by simply paying his taxes, why do you want to excuse someone who thought he was much bigger than the whole country? come on guys, we should learn to move on. Case closed.

    • Move on to where?
      The Americans are on the verge of declaring some individuals criminally culpable in relation to the Russian vote tempering. You run issues to closures not moving on.

  4. It would appear we always want to side with a guy carrying a big stick. We do not seem to have critical minds of our own like the M’membes of this world..He is a very brave guy and very few Zambians would match…Most of the people speak out of jealous for this man….Remember brave men like Shaka Zulu, Nelson Mandela, they faced cruel men with guns..This for Mmembe is just a passing phase, so why worry!!!!!!

    • Being brave doesn’t mean you have to be a criminal. Even someone who break’s in your house late at night to steal your TV without knowing you might shoot him must be very brave indeed. But such people end up in Prison or dead because they called criminals. Tax avoidance is a crime and Mmembe is a criminal as a result!

  5. You are write mulenga everything has got time just like we had UNIP, MMD & now PF. Time is coming is also coming for another party

  6. The first thing a new administration should do is to shake up the judiciary! It seems we have PF cadres in important positions in the judiciary. Sunday Nkonde and the so-called constitutional court must be impeached pronto! Remember, justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done! The corruption in the judiciary has reached epidemic levels, even snagging the Chief Justice. Where can we run to if the entire judiciary has been captured by Jonathan and his hooligans? Let the Post matter be heard by a neutral person. Whatever Sunday decides will be null and void because he is biased , and frankly, not qualified to be a judge.

  7. Nkonde should tell us about Tedworth millions and he can’t be both judge and the accused. Irern Mambilima is inactive when all this is going on. What do we call her then, if she is complacent when such breaches take place in the judiciary where she is the boss? Corrupt? Let her resign!

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