Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kampamba Mulenga calls on Zambians to beware of cyber crime as they embrace e-commerce


MINISTER of Information and Broadcasting Services Kampamba Mulenga
MINISTER of Information and Broadcasting Services Kampamba Mulenga
INFORMATION and Broadcasting services minister Kampamba Mulenga has called on Zambians, especially women, to beware of cyber crime as they embrace e-commerce.

Ms Mulenga said that while e-commerce was important in economic development, there was need to ?uard against cyber crime.

She said that through cyber crime, personal information was being stolen and used in cases of cyber crime.

“Women and adolescents are the major victims of cyber crime hence the need for them to be on the look out as they carry out their businesses,” she said.

The minister said this in a speech read for her by Information and Broadcasting Services permanent secretary Godfrey Malama at the inaugural Africa Women Entrepreneurship Programme (AWEP) conference held at Intercontinental hotel in Lusaka yesterday.

She explained that the Zambia Information Communication Technology (ZICTA) was on the ground working hard to stop cyber crime.

Ms Mulenga said it was important to find means through which women could effectively play a part in the economic development of the country.

“Time for stereotyping and excluding women from utilising ICTS in furthering economic development is long gone. Zambia and Africa must heed to the worldwide call for equity in resource access and utilisation,” she said.

She explained that government was aware of the challenges of e-commerce solutions

She cited the lack of effective Infirnation Communication Technology (ICT) infrastucture to support widespread use of e-commerce solutions and inadequate lawa and legal systen to support e-commerce.

Ms Kampamba further cited inadequate innovative solutions from the ICT industry that can promote the spread of e-commerce and lack of supportive and integrated investments.

“Government is determined to tackle ICT challenges as evidence from the recent launch of the smart Zambia project at a cost of 440 million united states dollars as we move to electronic-government system which will see government provide all services,” Ms Kampamba said.

She implored entrepreneurs and business houses to take advantage of governments’ ICT initiatives to enhamce your businesses within and abroad,” she said.

The minister explained that enhancing women’s participation in development was key to achieving social justice and reducing poverty among others.

“World wide experience shows that supporting a stronger role for women contributes to economic growth, it improves child survival and overall family health and it reduces fertility, thus helping to slow population growth rates,” she said.

Ms Kampamba called on AWEP to work with the media in Zambia in sensitising women on benefits of e-commerce.


  1. Such an important issue for the minister she gets somebody to read the speech on her behalf. Was she too busy where was she.a press release to make her seem relevant

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