Saturday, July 27, 2024

Give us a platform on ZNBC instead of accusing us of discrediting the country-HH


From left. Nalumango, HH, Maimane and GBM

United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has challenged the PF controlled Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)to give him a platform to feature.

Speaking when he featured on Radio Phoenix ‘Let the people talk’ programme today, Hichilema wondered why the PF was always complaining each time he is featured by international media yet ZNBC is failing to give him a platform to feature.

He pointed out that the issues he raises on international media are the same ones he raises each time he is on local media and wondered if talking about corruption on the BBC was discrediting the country when everybody knows that there was high corruption in Zambia.

‘Instead of PF and their supporters complaining let me propose a solution to this, ask me to go on ZNBC tonight, I will be there, give us your Sunday interview we will be there so that there is no issue of saying what was HH saying on BBC,’ Hichilema stressed.

Hichilema wondered why he was not being given an opportunity to feature on ZNBC yet international media like Turkish National TV, BBC, SABC and other international media give him opportunities to feature and asked what was wrong with ZNBC giving him a platform.

He pointed out that even what is aired by local media like Radio Phoenix goes to the global media immediately adding that there should be nothing like discrediting the country on BBC.

Each time Hichilema appears on international media the PF condemns him for allegedly discrediting the country by talking about their corrupt activities, PF President Edgar Lungu on the other hand has been dodging each time he is invited to feature on international media.


    • Even the jnr under5 mmusi maimane will never come to zambia and start talking rubbish about the dirty dealings of Zuma and gupta. Why should you a snr under5 be talking BS about your country abroad.

    • That’s the problem with this party without a strategy…you want an independent ZNBC and Director General amend the governance issues but then again it has been sold to the Chines whilst you foooools were sleeping!!

  1. PF and ‘their supporters’ poor leader you will NEED THE SUPPORT OF ‘their supporters’ win them over with presidential language, that’s why suckr made you look like an amateur a lost cause a puppy crying over a bone when all the meet has been eaten…you will never win at this rate with us COWARDS…

    • Talk about Issues on the ground and not tissues to clean all you PF ass. Please know how to articulate issues period. Ubo ebukopo mwakwata ba PF basakalanyongo

  2. It’s not the platform, it’s the content of his message-it has no substance!!! A caller today asked him why he preaches democracy yet he hasn’t held a convention for 11 years; HE TOTALLY AVOIDED THE QUESTION!!!!

    • …and lungu and his thugs only threaten anyone with violence and sack them for having presidential ambitions like kambwili…….

  3. When you have State Parrots like DeadNBC it is to be expected that the opposition will seek other means of communication. However, I’m very sure when HH takes over he will act the same

  4. I like his response.So what will PF say?From tmoro the issue for Sunday Chanda,Kennedy Kamba and the others will be about paradise papers.With their own hands they have managed to tear apart in one year the party that took Sata ten years to build.Sad.

  5. You stole Gov$$$ and stashed the $$$ in tax havens and you want to be a President…. kawalala wa privitisation.

  6. Sammy, you need proper cross examination, first, how much was your initial capital in those businesses, how did you raise your capital, who were your partner (s) in those companies where you were the Director just for few months and resigned, whom did you hand over to. How was the money/ profit channelled.

    • And why he should tell you about his private business when Endemically Corrupt Leader and his Plunderers Federation associates cannot even agree about amount borrowed, wasted or plundered in the name of “unprecedented development” of theirs ill gotten wealth which has put Zambians in economical bondage for generations to come?
      By the way, you are like my little puddle, always barking to get leftovers. Any family connection?

  7. you just embaras zambia when you speak abroad. stephen begins zambia is full of u5 kind.

    self centred
    lack of common sense
    loosing 6 times and refusin to give chance to others
    panga wieldin namwala
    burning city market

    if you think using tribe pressRED

  8. You have discredited the country and you diserved no TV time to rant your gabbage! HH has money in Haven countries (See report on Tumfweko) and he wants to sell Zambia! He will never be president.

  9. Now hold youf fire under5, first things first. You are a democrat right? At least that is what you claim on international media. Now to me demicracy immediately brings to mind elections, same with you under5 right? Ok under5 so why don’t you begin with internal elections in your “party “,? Start with provincial elections and then do national elections including your position. Otherwise you sound like a joker when you demand “free and fair elections” from President Lungu.

  10. Deadnbc should prove their worth, by having HH on Sunday interview, if pf has got guts let Sunday Chanda be the interviewer.

    This man has inspired me, we have international businessmen in this country, who don’t depend on government connections to supply wheelbarrows, but a businessman who can stand shoulder to shoulder with any who is who in the international business community.

    HH you the man.

  11. Bring him on ZNBC for two hours , phone in program so that we finish him once and for all, we have so many questions to ask Sammy, we are well in enlightened now. God is fair to us to make him lose for five times.

  12. When you look at any picture of the Upnd officials no one smiles except GBM. Kakoma is always angry while Katuka looks like one who’s just stumbled on ugly feces. HH looks like Lucifer who’s just been chased from heaven. Smile maybe you could attract a few new members, you never know.

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