Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu ready to listen to constructive advice


President Edgar Lungu flashes the PF symbol before addressing people at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu flashes the PF symbol before addressing people at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.

President Edgar Lungu says he is ready to listen to constructive advice from people who tell the truth and will only respond to sensible things that will help the country.

The Head of State said he will appreciate to listen to anyone who will confide with him on issues affecting the country than someone publicly spreading falsehood which he will not tolerate as he is human.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport in Ndola when he arrived to watch the game between the Zambia National Soccer Team and Cameroon in the 2018 Russia World Cup qualifier at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium.

President Lungu said he is aware that some people who want to become president are peddling lies about him in the Copperbelt Province and said that he will not be bothered to respond to them because doing so will signal that there is truth in what they are saying.

“I don’t know who is peddling lies about me. I will not answer back, at my level when I answer you back then it’s like am promoting you and you may think am accepting what you saying. For people who want to be president when am retired should work with the people then you vote for them, put them to be where I am”.

President Lungu said people should not think that when they talk loudly they think they have the following of the people.

The Head of State instead advised people denting his image to explain to the people on what they intend to do for the people of Zambia once he leaves office.

President Lungu advised politicians vying for presidency to learn to respect the will of people because he was democratically elected by Zambians unlike some people who have held onto power in their parties without holding party conventions.

Meanwhile Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo said there are a lot of projects on the Copperbelt that President Lungu has launched, which are progressing well.

Mr Lusambo said that the provincial administration will continue to closely supervising them.

And PF Provincial Chairperson Steven Kainga said people in the province were happy to celebrate yesterday President Lungu’s birthday with him.

President Edgar Lungu chats with Copperbelt Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo (middle) and acting Minister of Sports, Charles Banda (right) upon his arrival at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu chats with Copperbelt Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo (middle) and acting Minister of Sports, Charles Banda (right) upon his arrival at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu joins the PF choir in dancing after his arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu joins the PF choir in dancing after his arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu greets people who went to welcome him at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu greets people who went to welcome him at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu joins the PF choir in dancing after his arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu joins the PF choir in dancing after his arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS.
President Edgar Lungu admires a banner displayed by some PF members to wish him a happy birthday when he arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu admires a banner displayed by some PF members to wish him a happy birthday when he arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDANKHOMA/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu admires a banner displayed by some PF members to wish him a happy birthday when he arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu admires a banner displayed by some PF members to wish him a happy birthday when he arrived at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola on Saturday. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu makes an address at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu makes an address at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola. Picture by TISA BANDA NKHOMA/ZANIS


  1. My constructive advice is that you address the issue of you standing with your PF Central Committee and then address the country through a Press Conference.

  2. My advice is that you come out clear on the Doctrine of UN Immunity. I was mobbed just upon arrival from my UN assignment and pillaged in abuse of the court process no atate machinery, when Zambia does not even have jurisdiction in resolving allegation of misconduct committed by UN staff members.
    I also need you to come out clean on separating political ambitions from criminal gangs. Both you and HH must dialogue and accustom yourselves to international legal frameworks and norms

    It’s good news that President ECL, is also very clear on his not being eligible to contest the 2021 elections, and all the criticism should now change to peace building instead. Those with ideas can share them. He didn’t need anyone to tell him that he was not eligible, but he is a lawyer and he can…

  3. I am disheartened to be reading news of young women stabbing their husbands, and I think, what went wrong for a woman to use a knife against her lover???? Why should a woman go to such extremes? We need to find the cause of such violence so as to advocate for better rights and reduce such incidents to nil. Relationships, marriages, love affairs are for enjoying one another and not for stealing, injuring, defrauding, scamming, deceiving cheating, inciting others to steal from the woman you are seeing and pulling women down.

    Women need to be loved, appreciated, helped and encouraged to improve their livelihoods, and you cannot boast of being a man if you have stollen from a woman or incited others to steal from a woman. All those men, lawyers and whoever they are should be paraded…

  4. Mr lungu yours is a period of corruption neutering with allegations everyday that you are a corrupt theif.

    By not denying or responding to those allegations you have poisoned a generation of young leaders who think being called a corrupt theif is no big deal…..what example have you set for the country? That integrity and morals don’t matter ??

    Pray for forgiveness…..and let’s hope the next Zambian president leads by example and shows our youth that being called a corrupt theif is not part of leadership….

  5. 100% Mr. President!! We are wasting a lot of energy and time on baseless allegations that are amounting to nothing. We need to move forward as a country.

    • Why do people pour those allegations on him and his government? Bear in mind that some of his critics saved in his government at a higher level.

  6. Bless you Mr President. Thats the way to do these things. Some of the ideas we have are mind blowing and transformative with no focus on personal benefit but the country. If your govt started implementing them this year 2017 Zambia would be positively a different place in 3 years and every Zambian will be empowered at minimal cost. Please guide your assistants to allow us access to you and we can take you through the ideas. God Bless You and God Bless Zambia

    • Iwe ka chi kala ka jj you call ecl a political failure who had never lost any election in his political life. If ecl is a political failure as you have put it,then how are you going to describe hh who has never won any election since he joined politics. And for you own info hh has lost the future elections in advance.

    • @jj: All your comments about Zambian politics are NEGATIVE. I really wonder why you bother in the first place because all you see about this country is doom. If the Chinese, Brazilians, or other Asian countries had people like you, they would still wallow in poverty because I believe people like you think only the white man’s model can work- totally colonized & brainwashed!!

    • Lazy Lungu has absolutely zero leadership skills whatsoever…Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me your insults for your friends at the tavern!!

    • Ba jj: white man’s pets are proud of cleaning the masters’ behinds. While you sit in that comfortable space and look down on us resident Zambians, we don’t admire your situation. You can never be of value to our local set up. Keep your bitterness and negativity to yourself, the white man will never accept you as his equal, boy.

    • …and it is certainly not worthless diaspora who have nothing to offer except negativity and bitterness!! Comfortable as a fringe citizen. You will never be equal to the white man…you are laughable!!

    • @ Oval head ECL has never lost an election? He has NEVER WON ONE! He has grabbed the Presidency with pangas and rigging.

      Let us hear the TRUTH in an OPEN COURT and we will see what happens! Until then he is a thief that stole widows money, then the PF nomination, after that an election and TWO MILLION DOLLARS from the Zambian people.

      Waiting to HEAR the Petition!

  7. …….Iwe ka chi kala ka jj you call ecl a political failure who had never lost any election in his political life. If ecl is a political failure as you have put it,then how are you going to describe hh who has never won any election since he joined politics. And for you own info hh has lost the future elections in advance.

  8. I wish the President can show love in action and policy to his supporters and the people of Zambia in the same manner that most of his supporters love him, as can be seen from the pictures above..

  9. The out-going President of Zambia bidding farewell to his constituency and the people of Zambia 2021 we will face a different PF candidate….lets brace ourselves for that time. Go well ECL you have played your part its time to pass on the baton but don’t leave it to political squabbles look far and wide and in liaison assist with the handover process….we thank you for your input now prepare to rest 2021 you will near 64/65 a good time to enjoy your retirement….

  10. Ba Spaka naba Jay Jay babo, ama up.ndonkeys balanda kwati umunani uwasasa.
    But there is another Jay Jay who speaks ifyamano, noti aba pamulu apa pa 11.1.
    Look guys, under5 is worse than any bad leader who has not yet shown up on the political scene. Apart from the 3.5 provinces who can vote for a person who claims to be fighting for democracy when he does not practise it in his own party. You do not need a grade seven testimonial to see this dictator. Dictator at under5 what more when he reaches under10?

  11. Thanks Your Excellency The President, Mr Edgar C Lungu, for encouraging people to access your Open Door Policy and willingness to share their proposals and ideas leading to sustainable national Development.
    You are right that, confidentiality is a prerequisite in addressing and resolving issues of Individual and National concern. Point taken.

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