Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government releases Constituency Development Fund to all constistuencies


Ministry of Local Government and Housing Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga
Ministry of Local Government and Housing Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga

Government has disbursed the first consignment of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to all the 156 constituencies in the country.

Ministry of Local government Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga told journalist in Lusaka today that some constituencies have received half of the full amounts (K700, 000,) while others have received full amounts.

Mr. Malupenga explained that two weeks ago government had released K100 million to go towards CDF of which only 14 constituencies were not catered for in that allocation.

We firstly allocated to the constituencies held by back benchers both from the ruling part and opposition,” stated Mr. Malupenga.

He said the treasury further released k30 million last week to carter for the 14 constituencies that were not covered in the first consignment.

The Permanent Secretary pointed out that government is keen on releasing the remaining amount to cover for constituencies that received half amounts, adding that this is the first time CDF is released since 2014.


  1. We are glad, but majority of the members of parliament will as usual divert the cash to their personal use looking at Christmas and New Year celebrations which are around the corner!

    • Who is hard working when this money will be looted? There are many mps frustrating Government efforts. Who knows some of this CDF money will be used to develop girlfriends?

      The community only eats crumbs falling off the table. Pass through the ghettos and see for yourself. Start with zingalume, george, lilanda, kanyama then come and prove me wrong if you can.

  2. Yet we continue seeing nothing happening to our ghettos. I pass through zingalume road and see blocked drainages with gabbage, no single refuse collection bin, potholes.

    Ba Kaziya and his counsellors thinks matero consituency ends in matero. You wont full us next time.

  3. If I were President, I would not only visit ghettos at campaign time. I would make abrupt visits and scream at my mps and counselors just to engage the action gear. Even coming up with performance appraisal policy.
    Ruling and opposition need to visit their constituencies once in a while to appraise their mps performance. why do politicians only need us when its time to vote?

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