Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF still intact on the Copperbelt


PF Copperbelt Chairman Stephen Kainga (in Khaki shirt) leading the solidarity march
PF Copperbelt Chairman Stephen Kainga (in Khaki shirt) leading the solidarity march
The Patriotic Front (PF) Copperbelt provincial leadership says the party is intact and still going strong in the province.

Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Stephen Kainga says contrary to assertions by the opposition, the Copperbelt was and will remain a stronghold of the ruling party.

Mr. Kainga said in a statement released to ZANIS in Ndola yesterday that it had come to their attention that there is panic among the opposition adding that lies had become their daily bread.

Mr. Kainga said as PF it was strange that some people wanted to continue to peddle lies to gain political mileage but pointed out that the Copperbelt province was still and would remain to be the bedroom of the ruling mighty PF.

He said the PF leadership in the province was aware that some people from the opposition had focused their energies to bring divisions to the party within the Copperbelt, but that they would not succeed.

He added that the PF leadership on the Copperbelt together with the Provincial Minister Bowman Lusambo have a good working relationship which has attracted more people to the party.

Mr. Kainga said rushing to the media did not solve anything saying the PF and its leader , President Edgar Lungu have always had an open door policy and would always listen to the concerns of the Zambian people, even if the concerns came from an individual.

He said the PF leadership on the Copperbelt was looking forward to positive engagements that would benefit all Zambians.

He however pointed out that the party knew that there were some people that were being used by the NDC and UPND to speak ill and create an impression that there were divisions on the Copperbelt.

He has since advised the NDC to tell their consultant Chishimba Kambwili to resign so that his popularity on the Copperbelt could be tested as he claimed.


  1. It is only your boss you can mislead since he lives in the sky are rarely visit earth. The party is no longer strong on Kopala

  2. Mukuba ward in the heart of Kitwe belongs to the opposition(the first in many years). Wake up and smell the coffee if another by election was to be held,you could see the real picture. Continue comforting your boss even RB used to get the same until the day he cried!

    • Why are you advising us if you want to win as well. Why cant you let us remain with our wrong perception until we lose. The answer is that you are cheating people by your statement. If you knew that things are really tough for PF, you would just stay quite. You want to make mislead masses in the hope that people would start ditching the PF. It wont happen.

    • ken it’s you pf cadres always giving unsolicited advise to upnd, he is just giving you a taste of your own medicine.

  3. Stop protecting your jobs by telling the president lies. Ba Rupiah went through this. Wake up, PF is no more at grassroots. Your followers in the picture are doing the Guy Scott. .”don’t kubeba”.

  4. @Chichi;if PF is no longer strong in the copperbelt then which party has overtaken PF there?plus how have you arrived at that?be real guys in politics.
    I recall UPND claimed that it has taken up popularity in CB from PF after several miners lost their jobs.BUT AFTER VOTING,PF CAME OUT NUMBER 1 AND SWEPT ALL SEATS IN CB URBAN.PF WON EVEN IN COPPERBELT RURAL WHERE IT USED TO LOSE!!!dreaming is free but please control you dreams!!!
    Ask Kambwili to withdraw his case from court so that we can have a warm up(by election) in Roan.YOU CAN BE SHOCKED SEEING HOW PF MAY DEFEAT BOTH UPND AND NDC IN ROAN!!!Elections are not won my imaginations or dreaming.PF IS STI

    • Njimbu dont solicit for answers. I dont know which party has overtaken PF but what i do know is that certainly you will not get the same votes/support you got in 2011 on Kopala.

  5. Let Ck drop court cases so that we go for by election & we see the real boxer in the ring. ECL nga taliko bonse nimwe bangwele.Viva PF.

  6. More school kids out of school than never before, more unemployed people than never before, more less money in the business system than never before, more corruption than never before, more misused funds in the auditor general’s report than never before, more presidential foreign trips than never before, more food rationing in people’s home than never before therefore, its only boot lickers who can paint a different picture to their boss about the status quo in order to protect what they know best, boot licking.

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