Friday, February 14, 2025

Chambeshi Farmers worried with delayed payment for supplied maize


Chambeshi Farmers in Kasama district have expressed worry over the continued delay by Jedo Trading Limited to pay them for the maize they supplied to the company during this year’s marketing season.

Group Representative John Babyo told ZANIS in Kasama that the continued delay by Jedo to pay them has hindered them from planting their crops this farming season.

Mr. Babyo said according to the agreement, the money was supposed  to have been paid in full by October this year, but that the company has been releasing money in installments making it difficult for them to plan ahead.

He added that if monies are not released on time, farmers of Chambeshi
and surrounding areas are likely to face hunger next year.
Mr. Babyo has since called on government to intervene in the matter so as to help them get their dues.

But when contacted for comment, Jedo Trading Limited General Manager Muleza Chilembo said they have disbursed over K42, 000 out of the K72, 000 they owe Chambeshi farmers.

Mr. Chilembo also added that the company has also paid farmers in Mungwi and Mbala districts.

He said the company has made arrangements to settle the remaining 60 percent of the total amount within the course of next week.


  1. Farmers have been made to become beggars now! Next year the govt should give the farmers a better price for their maize. Enough is enough the pain is there but many farmers keep silent. We had appealed to the state to do something, false promises were made and now there is just madness! Dora and Mutati together with certain influential elements you bear full responsibitly for this sad state of affairs!

    2021 Vote Green Party, Vote Peter Sinkamba a leader that cares for all Zambians!

  2. maize meal flour plant will be much profitable than just selling the grain. the maize milling plant from can help to evaluate the maize output not just doing like beggars for companies.

  3. maize meal flour plant will be much profitable than just selling the grain. the maize milling plant from can help to evaluate the maize output not just doing like beggars for companies.

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