Saturday, July 27, 2024

Japan pledges US$2.9 billion towards achieving Universal Health Coverage in various countries


Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services Chairperson, Dr. Jonas Chanda, addresses Masaiti residents during a public hearing in the district
Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services Chairperson, Dr. Jonas Chanda, addresses Masaiti residents during a public hearing in the district
Japan has pledged US$2.9 billion assistance towards promoting swift progress in achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in various countries.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has disclosed that through the package, his country will support efforts of countries and organisations in strengthening momentum towards UHC by the year 2030 among other initiatives.

Mr. Abe made these remarks in Tokyo, Japan when he officially opened the UHC forum 2017, which has attracted global leaders, parliamentarians and players in the health sector.

Zambia’s National Assembly is being represented by Bwana Mukubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda.

The Director Policy Analysis and Coordination at Cabinet Office Crusivia Hichikumba is also present at the forum.

The Prime Minister said securing sustainable financial resources for UHC is an urgent task.

“It is important for each government, not only health Ministries but finance ministries, to mobilize resources in a stable manner and to complement them with international assistance in an effective manner,” he said.

The Prime Minister said there is also need for individual countries to establish and strengthen platforms to promote cooperation by making cross-sectoral efforts, covering fields such as nutrition, water and sanitation.

“These platforms will support the development of plans and capacity building needed to achieve UHC in individual countries through organic cooperation among stakeholders, including international organisations, development partners and private-sector players under the ownership of the governments,” Mr. Abe said.

Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said gross inequities continue to leave the most vulnerable behind without access to affordable and in many cases unavailable health services.

He disclosed that out of pocket spending for health causes an estimated 100 million people fall below the poverty line every year.

And the World Health Organisation (WHO) Director General Tedro Ghebreyesus noted that the UHC strategy has the potential to provide the world’s population access to essential health services if well implemented by all countries.

Dr. Ghebreyesus said at least half the world’s population still does not have access to health services such as having a skilled birth attendant, vaccinations for children or treatment for HIV.

Speaking at the same event, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said the way global health is being financed is broken, with domestic resource mobilization failing.

And Bwana Mukubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda who is also the Chairperson for African Parliamentarians Association on Population and Development-Zambia, described the forum as a good platform where participants have learnt best practices in ensuring access to quality and affordable health services.

Dr. Chanda said he is happy that the Zambian government is taking steps that will help the country achieve Universal Health Coverage.

He said government’s decision to present the National Health Insurance Bill to parliament is a good move that will see more people access quality health care.

Dr. Chanda added that there are huge benefits for the country, if focus is emphasized on the health sector especially that Zambia has a huge young population.

The is contained in a statement released to ZANIS by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, Yotamu Mugara.


  1. Look at had the worst tragedy in history costing it tens of billion of dollars yet she has pulled herself together and back on her we Africans are still begging electing lazy things for “Koswe”leaders.

    • There are more important issues been discussed at conference, all what Sunday Chanda heard was $2.9 billion. $42 millions to Zambia.
      Ba koswe are now busy digging storage facilities hopping Japan will make mistake to send money to them.

    • When will we start seeing donor money for what it really is – “Dead Aid”..Its like your neighbour buying your wife nice clothes all the time.Very soon your wife will be obliged to let your neighbor dictate what she can do or can’t do in your home. The bible says Drink water from your own cistern….Africa should stop drinking from donor cisterns.

  2. A house divided cannot stand. Masters of division make it hard for Africans to progress. The worst enemies to ourselves are us! See above! UPND is a disease.

  3. We know what’s going on with UN and all this Universal Health Care. They have a target of reducing the population of the world by 2 Billion People by 2030. It’s called AGENDA 21. They are building Cancer Hospitals in African countries while introducing mandatory immunization and vaccinations that have cancer virus in them. Don’t be fooled by the pretext of offering you money for UHC. Their agenda is different. These Illuminati people are mass murderers. The HPV vaccine for Cervical cancer was banned in Kenya. They found out it carries a cancer virus. It’s sad that in zambia they’ve already introduced a bill in Parliament for UHC. Blind people leading the blind.

  4. Japan is a land of Science and Technology.

    The big difference is attitudes. The Japanese are very serious people in whatever they are doing.
    While we Zambians are just loud drunkards without any serious attitudes towards serious things that matter.

    Not customary to see Japanese dancing to loud music anyhow mungulu mungulu. Unless in a night club. Go to our Universities very little Research going on. Yet issues and problems abound. Cholera, housing, Deforestation & Mikula, corruption, nkongole kaloba, moral decay and child delinquency, … All we want is to become politicians so we can get freebies at the expense of the tax payer

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