Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kitwe records three confirmed cholera cases


Muchinga PS Bright Nundwe
Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe
Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright NUNDWE says Kitwe district has three confirmed cholera cases of which two are children and one male adult.

The children who were admitted two days ago aged eight months and one year four months are from Chipata and Buchi Townships, respectively.

He said the only cholera patient who was admitted at Masala Cholera Centre in Ndola has been discharged.

Mr. Nundwe said the discharged patient in Ndola has fully recovered and sent home though he had no fixed abode at the time of admission as he was reportedly sleeping at Masala market where it is suspected he contracted cholera.

He said Ndola has not recorded any new case in the last six days but has intensified the cleaning up of market places and collection of garbage.

The PS added that all local authorities in the province have been engaged to help remove street vendors from the streets to facilitate cleaning.

Meanwhile Mr. Nundwe said sensitization of communities on prevention of cholera has continued while public gatherings are being discouraged as per directive by the ministry of health.


    • Edgar Lungu should feel shame when he flies around to meet other heads of state. They should be gossiping about him already that his country is as filthy as a rubbish dump site, yet he has no time to offer innovative leadership.

      After the episode what are the long term plans?

  1. The theory that the Chinese contaminated drinking water is being proven to be true. You can not have the whole country have Cholera because of being dirty. It’s not possible. They murdered people in West Africa using Ebola, they want to do the same with southern africa with cholera. Are you telling me Malawi is dirty too?

    • Zambia is dirty and needs cleaning naimwe!!! This was a disaster waiting to happen… and we only have ourselves to blame. This one is NOT GLOBAL

    • Just shut your trap if you have nothing sensible to contribute. Is it the Chinese who failed to provide clean water, toilets, collect garbage, unblock drainages? Much as the Chinese have their shortcomings your attempt at creating public outrage against them has failed.

  2. @Lombe in regards to your posting “The theory Chinese contaminated drinking water is being proven to be true” That it totally nonsense. When are we Zambian’s going to start taking accountability for the lack of action on from our leaders. Blaming the Chinese is down right wrong. Face the facts that Zambia has become dirty.

    Our leaders allow street vendors to sell food to the public knowingly that they don’t have access to clean water to wash their hands while handling food. Nor do they have access to a clean toilet while processing the food, but yet are allowed to sell food in the open. WHY? This alone was a disaster waiting to happen. All it takes is one person infected with Cholera that comes in touch with food and shares it with a friend or family member or shakes another…

  3. or shake hands , but never bothered to wash their hands after using the toilet. That’s my friend is how Cholera gets spread from person to person. Plain and simple Cholera is a result of dirtiness. Stop blaming other nationals for Zambia’s problems. Zambia needs to fix Zambia.

    The people that we need to hold accountable is our Zambian government. They should have contained the spread of Cholera in the early stages. What were they waiting for?????

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