Saturday, July 27, 2024

No single job will be lost at Indeni refinery, Minister assures workers


David Mabumba
David Mabumba
Government has assured Indeni Petroleum employees that no single job will be lost at the refinery.

Energy Minister David Mabumba says the decision to look for a strategic partner at the refinery was aimed at recapitalizing and repositioning the facility for an improved operational capacity.

He explained that at full scale, the refinery will generate revenue and additional manpower will be added.

“The idea is to improve the capacity, the production levels will go back to its design capacity of 1.1 million metric tonnes. Get additional man power to deal with the improved capacity” he said.

He said prolonged low production levels had resulted in stagnation at the refinery.

“At the moment, the establishment for Indeni is stagnant, simply because our production levels have gone down’’ he explained.

Mr. Mabumba further dismissed assertions of looming retrenchments and job losses adding that no single job will be lost as government will continue providing oversight.

“Instead of retrenchments, you actually create more jobs. We will be moving from 650,000 metric tonnes to 1.1 million metrics tonnes. And this will in turn mean additional man power will be required to deal with that capacity improvement. So we are going to return all the jobs at Indeni and create more” he said.

Meanwhile, government says it will undertake a local investors conference to encourage participation in the recapitalization of Indeni Petroleum.

Mr. Mabumba said the symposium was aimed at ensuring local investors wishing to get involved during the recaptalization process were not left out.

He said preparations for the conference are underway and his Ministry is closely working with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to ensure steady participation from the local entrepreneurial base.


  1. But Hon Minister the refinery needs fresh pipo in administrative and financial positions. How can one work for the same company in a non core department such as HR, FINANCE, PURCHASING for more than 20yrs. This is why inefficiencies dont end. Even for those individuals who have worked all there lives for Indeni in these positions , its detrimental to their own exposure to world.

    So Hon Minister these pipo have to go and create room for new ones. Those in technical can remain. Hope new investors and GRZ will take note of my comments and change the wamuyaya syndrome at Indeni.

    • You sound as though you work for the same refinery. A disgruntled person
      for that matter.

      Please don’t insult our intelligence. The MINISTER responsible has said it all


  2. trust yourselves , fellow zambians .. Have we failed to run The refinery. The Minister is a policyman not an implementor of policy. Ba minister give Zambians chance…. why all the time foreigners to do our work . let us make Zambia great……. this dependence syndrome is disgusting….. one wonder why we are educated for if we cant run companies…..

  3. Many of us Zambians are not well educated and disciplined.
    Our own politicians are crying about the low levels of capacity and professionalism among us Zambians.
    We are given contracts but we sell them to the Chinese.

  4. @beyond reproach. No well meaning zambian would sell contracts to Chinese. Pipo who do that are cadres who are looking for the next quick buck. One thing that separates us from white pipo is because we can’t be like white pipo. If a minister who has been in class fails to understand why a firm like indeni is not operating at full production then it begs the question are we really capable of doing anything on our own? The following reasons are the problem
    1. Cadresm..stop awarding contracts to cadres becausee they shall not deliver
    2. Stopping using the revenues the company makes aimlessly
    3. Stop employing relatives unless on merit
    4. Cut down on unnecessary employees who just sit and wait for the monthend
    5. Cutting down on wages…maintain a reasonable salary structure
    6. Travel…

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