Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mansa General Hospital accused of neglecting sick Congolese national


Patient’s bowl of porridge covered with ants at Mansa General Hospital Surgical Ward

The plight of a sick Congolese national admitted to Mansa General Hospital has raised concerns from members of the general public who have accused health workers at the Hospital of neglect.

According to Radio Yangeni News Reporters that rushed to Mansa General Hospital Surgical Ward on Tuesday found the patient identified as Nathan Kapotwe had developed bed sores and maggots while his bowl of porridge was covered with ants.

Kapotwe narrated that he had not been attending to for some days and that when he was checked on Tuesday, it was discovered that bedsores had become bad and maggots were feeding on him.

A further check up in the afternoon by the Journalists revealed that Kapotwe’s sores had been cleaned and peroxide administered.

Meanwhile, Mansa General Hospital Head of Clinical Care Banda Mabvuto refuted claims that nurses do not attend to Kapotwe saying if they did not he would had died.


  1. Bring him to UTH fast fast otherwise, alafwa. Zambia indeed, patients with maggots in Hospital mwebantu? Where are we going as a country kanshi?

    • Let’s not compare how Congolese treat Zambians- as Gandhi said “an eye for an eye will make all of us blind”.

      In Europe the one thing that is free is basic health care. A civilised nation which Zambia aspires to be should attend to all patients regardless of nationality.

      The truth is even if the patient was Zambian the nurses would still have neglected him. Our nurses are pure evil and can let someone die for their own sick pleasure. Many Zambian female nurses are very sadistic chaps, I’m sad to say this but its the truth. Better a male nurse than a evil woman nurse!

    • As a medical professional you take the hippocratic oath. The oath establishes several principles of medical ethics. The oath is about helping the sick; not the Zambian sick or the Congolese sick, just everyone who is sick. If you are in the medical field and you cant do this LEAVE!

  2. I know Zambians who have developed bed sores at UTH; nursing in Zambia has become bad in many hospitals; and Mabvuto is lying;

  3. Not all Congelese are as bad as one might think. I have a small business in Congo and one of my friends there fell I’ll. The way medication was administered was something I will never forget including the care of course at a minimal fee. Zambia and Congo nimoja, we are bothers and sisters after all most of us are Congolese because we came from Luba Lunda Kingdom. Nursing is a calling, rude and sarcastic nurses baipatikisha the ncito yabo ifimano bubi. How can a nurse with a human heart neglect a patient in that manner? Shame!

    • You are very right this Zambia and Congo is not of our making. Its Europeans who divided us like that and we should not start thinking we are different according to how we are defined by Europeans. atase!

  4. I am sure the health professionals in mansa are acting that way because they know how cruel Congolese are to Zambians …….if that was a Zambian in Congo he would have been thrown into a pit long time ago…

  5. First attend to the patient then other things can follow later should be the motto of this noble professional. But due to shortage of jobs even people who have no calling in such professions are now found their. Medicine has no boundaries.

  6. First attend to the patient then other things can follow later should be the motto of this noble profession. But due to shortage of jobs even people who have no calling in such professions are now found their. Medicine has no boundaries.

  7. “Banda Mabvuto refuted claims that nurses do not attend to Kapotwe saying if they did not he would had died.” This funny. Dying is not the only evidence that someone is not being looked after properly.

  8. Njovu boi bebe tabomfwa. They will never admit their mistakes, they feel admitting is a sign of weakness but to the contrary it is a sign of humility leading to correction period

  9. The English in the last sentence is scaring(Meanwhile, Mansa General Hospital Head of Clinical Care Banda Mabvuto refuted claims that nurses do not attend to Kapotwe saying if they did not he would had died.)

  10. The government must do something to make sure this mistake should not happen again this not my first time hearing this i recently head about
    And were are the nurses for someone to have been fade by the maggots

  11. The border between Zambia and Congo is an artificial boundary created by the colonialists to devour our resources. We are one and the same people. Yes there are some bad people same as there are bad people among Zambians. Congolese have had it tough due to the greed of the west but their are good people. Let us unite as Africa and work together. Remember the colonists used the “DIVIDE AND RULE” tactic and unfortunately from some comments on this thread we are not very good students of history.

  12. I agree with ndanje…nurses in zambia (especially govt clinics and hospital awe bwafya. I prefer private coz atleast they care…plz teach them how to attend to patients not to shout at them.

    • Remember they care because they want your money so that they can get paid otherwise they are same, awe mwandin..calling themselves a Christian nation.

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