Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ndola Councilor introduces trophy to be awarded to cleanest house in his ward


A Civic leader in Ndola has introduced a trophy to be awarded to the cleanest house in Yengwe ward of Ndola Central Constituency to promote cleanliness in the area.

Area councilor, Arnold Mwamba said the trophy will be won on a monthly basis in an effort to promote cleanliness thereby preventing outbreak of diarrhea diseases.

He told ZANIS in an interview that the idea was to encourage people to keep their homes and surroundings clean.

Early this week, the councilor launched the ‘Keep Yengwe Ward Clean Campaign’ at North-Rise Market and the Marketeers temporally suspended their business to participate in the cleaning exercise at the market.

The cleaning exercise was spearheaded by the councilor who ensured that the market had running water and the toilets also repaired.

In a related development, Kansenshi Ward Councilor Brenda Musonda has implored residents in her ward and the general public to ensure that they keep their surroundings clean.

Ms Musonda said this when she led residents in her ward in a clean-up exercise at Kansenshi market and surrounding areas.

She stated that attaining a clean city status mainly depends on the residents to keep the district clean.

And Mufulira District Commissioner, Hildah Kawesha has directed all shop owners in the Central Business District (CBD) to put up disposal bins outside their shops or risk being closed down.

Ms. Kawesha said it is high time that shop owners in the CBD took up responsibility of keeping the town clean especially with the outbreak of Cholera in the country.

The District Commissioner was speaking when she addressed stakeholders in the area.

Ms. Kawesha said there was need to put in place clean standards in the district which should continue even after the cholera epidemic that has hit the country is contained.

“Lack of bins encourages littering so am directing all shop owners to put up bins outside their shops, the council will be going round collecting the garbage every morning. Any business place which will be found without a bin outside will be closed,” she said.

Ms Kawesha stated that members of the public should ensure that anyone found littering is brought to book if the “Keep Mufulira Clean” campaign is to be achieved.

She said keeping the district clean can only be achieved with commitment and corporation from members of the public.

“Each and every one of us need to be patriotic, if we see anyone littering, let us take responsibility and bring that person to the council,” she said.

Ms. Kawesha called on the residents and the business community to exercise high levels of hygiene and cleanliness to prevent the outbreak of cholera in Mufulira.

“I will keep doing random checks on shops, restaurants, butcheries and all other business places, any place found wanting will have to be closed immediately. Cholera is a deadly disease and we can’t take chances,” she said.

She said it is high time Zambians stopped waiting for disease outbreaks before intensifying hygiene and cleanliness.

“These random checks we are starting will continue even after the cholera outbreak so keep your shops clean at all times,” she advised.


    • The Mufulira district commissioner, is she the one who beat up a cop. The cop who was constitutionally enforcing his job of ensuring free and fair assembly for all.

  1. Its not only putting trash cans and cleaning, let shop owners also paint their shops and paint the front of their shops. Most of these shops have little manageable corridors that can be easily done but you find they are in very deplorable states. In Ndola one of the good wxamples are the shops opposite Bank of Zambia and Bank of Zambia itself in Buteko Avenue. Why cant others do the same.
    We cannot just wait for the council all the time. Shoprite must do the small patch of the road leading to the bus station. If possible let the Shop owners around that area contribute as well. Another thing that must be worked on this country is the manner in which Mini Bus business is done. Most of the Mini Buses are dirty including the drivers and conductors. There is this system where you are packed…

  2. How many trophies will you have? waste of money; just introduce fines for those who throw rubbish or papers anyhow in the city or residential places; this is how other clean cities keep their cities clean; we don’t want to hear that there’s no money for services because money is going for making trophies;

  3. I like the progressive ideas the Kopala bantus are doing. That is the way to go. Dont discourage those who want to give trophies. We can use any idea to encourage people to keep their surroundings clean because a clean environment is synonymous to health living. The benefits of a health generation are immense.

  4. @6 KK Airport. Fair point friend. You may want to appreciate that there are also positive incentives to solving a problem. It is a good initiative especially where one is encouraging a culture of cleaningness. You have to start somewhere. In the long term, of course, structural measures like what you are suggesting (fines) need to be strengthened.

  5. It worked very well in mine townships. I remember how people walked away with mattresses, wheelbarrows and other items as prizes for keeping their yards very clean. It was very competitive so much that one miner was suspected of smoking dagga because his house was kept indescribably clean and attractive.

  6. A prize doesn’t have to be food, in Zambia everything is based on food. Great idea but people need just to clean their homes and surroundings. I don’t get a prize when I mow the lawn or plant flowers at my house it’s just simple as that. Laziness and negligence will kill Zambia

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