Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government delays introduction of seat belts on Mini buses


Transport Minister Brian Mushimba
Transport Minister Brian Mushimba

Government has deferred the enforcement of the statutory instrument on the fitting of seat belts in mini buses from 2019 to 2022.

Minister of Transport and Communications Brian Mushimba says the adjustment of the enforcement of the SI has encountered many obstacles yet to be resolved with transporters.

Mr. Mushimba says discussions around the regulation have been slow.

He told journalists in an interview that government wants to enforce the regulation to protect passengers and reduce road fatalities.

Mr. Mushimba explained that most of the buses are not fitted with seat belts as they are originally manufactured as cargo vans.


  1. Go on dreaming you lousy under five bunch of PF Gang. We’re indeed a laughing stock to the outside world. everything we are doing is taka-taka. Surely in this day and age we should be seen to be talking about seat belts when our pipo are travelling to and from villages in Tipper Trucks?

    • Kiki tipper trucks. I think that’s were the problem lies. Been the third world country. If only open vans , utes were banned to transport people as it is the case during funerals then we would say we’ve made a progress. So many factors and issues to consider.

  2. So the minister says Rtsa and bureau of standards will conclude the standard bus with all safety features. Good move. The conversations to transition to this new bus happening but slow. Good move. The taxation and import duty on the new bus being agrees to with ZRA. Good. Minister you are on the right track.

  3. PF is full of danderheads, cant make a regulation and observed its always retracking just like on night driving, examination leakages, ..Cant make any firm decisions its all sorry sight

  4. NO. This is laughable, incomprehensive and completely against the greater good of public safety interests. So the Minister is saying the public safety of passengers will continue to be compromised until 2022. A Minister — and particularly at the Transport portfolio —
    must always be seen to be acting in the greater public interest of passengers in safety matters. Tell me people, does it take four years to fit a seat belt. There should be no huffing and buffing on the part of the Minister in matters of public safety.

    • Iwe its unworkable….90% of buses world wide do not have seatbelts ……

      You have to manufacture seatbelts in Zambia and adapt imported buses ….you can not even make a ZAF uniform and you think you can make seat belts

  5. A silly unworkable law……what of big buses ??

    Just the nature of fast public embark disembark and seating space on minibuses makes seat belts inpractible

  6. Just wondering how a seat belt will be installed on the stool they put in the passage way… or are new minibuses were two seats are meant for two people and not three are being bought? Fendelani uko, 3 bakwana!

    • Just the nature of seating makes seatbelts unworkable….normal minibuses have isle seats that fold up to let passengers on or off , imagine undoing and redoing seatbelts each time a passenger needs to pass….

  7. Just stop talking about seat belts. Improve the roads so that no potholes are there. Allow motorists to give way to walkers crossing the road at zebra crossing. No T junction on main roads. Introduce 100m long stretch before the car joins the main road or exiting the main road. Every vehicle must be inspected yearly to determine its road worthness.

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