Saturday, July 27, 2024

Human Rights Commission concerned about abuse of witchcraft suspects


The accompanying picture features HRC Commissioner Yuyo Kambikambi with the Commissioner of Police for Northern Province Mr. Richard Mweene during a courtesay call at Kasama Central Police Station
The accompanying picture features HRC Commissioner Yuyo Kambikambi with the Commissioner of Police for Northern Province Mr. Richard Mweene during a courtesay call at Kasama Central Police Station

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has expressed grave concern over revelations that witch-finders in Kaputa District have engaged in serious human rights abuses working with some traditional leaders and their subjects.

Northern Province Commissioner of Police Mr. Richard Mweene disclosed to HRC the rampant abuse of human rights by witch-finders in Kaputa yesterday when HRC Commissioner Yuyo Kambikambi paid a courtesy call on him.

Mr. Mweene noted that there is strong belief in witchcraft among residents of Kaputa and incidences of hiring witch finders to know the cause of one’s death or illness are prevalent.

“The hired witch-finders extort fines from subjects who they suspect are practising witchcraft in form money and valuable property and traditional leaders do not seem to care”, he stated. “Some suspects are whipped, enslaved or victimised”.

Mr. Mweene expressed particular concern that it was mostly the elderly who were targeted and abused on suspicions of witcraft because of their advanced age.

Commenting on revelations made by Northern Province Commissioner of Police, HRC Commissioner Yuyo Kambikambi stressed the need to ensure protection of those being targeted on witchcraft suspicions from abuse of human rights, exploitation and cruel or degrading treatment.

“Many violations can occur to those who are suspected practising witchcraft, including destruction of property, loss of life and eviction from the very areas where they live and, as such they need to be protected by the law”, she said.

It is an offence under the Witchcraft Act CAP 90 of the Laws of Zambia to conduct witch finding sessions, let alone to name anyone as a witch or wizard. The offence is punishable by imprisonment if one is found guilty.
Commissioner Kambikambi appealed to traditional leaders as custodians of the Zambian traditions and customs to take the lead in discouraging practices such as witch-finding which are against the law and repugnant to human rights norms. She also called on the Zambia Police Service to join forces with the Human Rights Commission in sensitising the communities in Kaputa and other parts of Northern Province about the need to respect human rights and the law prohibiting witchcraft.

Commissioner Kambikambi was pleased to note that attempts were being made by the Provincial Command to transform the Police from a Force to a Service through continuous and professional training of police officers in basic principles of human rights and law enforcement. She reiterated the need for the Police to observe the highest standards of professionalism and use non-violent means in carrying out policing duties as now it is a Service.

The HRC delegation led by Commissioner Kambikambi visited Northern Province as part of its efforts to engage various stakeholders in order to build partnerships necessary for the promotion and protection of human rights in Zambia.


  1. How come that HRC has not voiced concern about discriminatory application of Human Rights by the Zambian Police?
    Afraid to antagonize appointing authority and loose job?

  2. No mercy for anyone practising witchraft; our chiefs should be allowed their traditional freedom to deal with those who practice witchraft;

  3. Those who believe in witchcraft are just primitive. How can an elderly person who is way down his /her prime life engage in witchcraft? Often its grand children who accuse old people of be witching their children yet these same accusers fail to take their children for treatment at established health facilities when their children fall ill, may be due to malaria, etc. After failing to have their children treated by traditional health practitioners and children/ relatives have become more sick that is when they seek medical treatment. This same thing happening in Kaputa is very common in Solwezi, Kasempa, Mufumbwe, Mushindamo and part of Mwinilunga. Here any death be it a road traffic accident, or natural causes they always point at some juju as being behind the death. In Solwezi there is…

  4. Coming from the district in question. Its true that traditional leaders have ingarged them selves in such the sense that they have found it to be the survival income despite getting subsidies from government. People are being in sleeved. Coppola punishment and other unjustified charges are practised, by both traditional leaders and witch finder. Its a shame to these traditional leaders, please hrc monitor the said activities and rescue the innocent people, in tabwa land particularly kaputa chief Dom.

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