Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Government selling breeding bulls to the public at subsidized price


The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA

Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock in the district has opened the second round of sale of breeding bulls at Chishinga Livestock Breeding Centre in Kawambwa.

Disclosing the matter to ZANIS District Fisheries and Livestock Coordinator, Moono Mayoba says individual farmers or organization are eligible to purchase only one bull for cross breeding purposes at a subsidized price.

Ms. Mayoba disclosed that the bulls which are ready for sale are the beef breed, Boran and Brahman which are meant to empower the local farmers with good breeding stock.

She said process of sale of livestock bulls at the center will go up to March 9 2018 following the end of the first round in December 2017.

The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads. Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe  - ZANIS KAWAMBWA
The breeding bulls the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are offering for sale to the general public at Chishinga Breeding Centre in Kawambwa to empower the interested farmers and organisations with good breeding stocks for improving their current heads.
Picture courtesy by: Aston Nyungwe – ZANIS KAWAMBWA


  1. I thought such a venture should have been established in cattle rearing areas like southern province and western province.It would make a lot of sense

    • Luapula us tsetse fly free and has plenty of water so animal husbandly is better than southern province. It just need mind set change and make it bleeding centre to assist the rest of the country.

  2. What would make better sense is to have have an arifucial insemination program and facility and get the semen to the farms so that there is a greater amount of quality livestock. Better quality livestock means potential export markets.
    We could import semen and really improve our herds.
    You give one farmer one bull then that one farm benefits. Letcout vets learn more about artificial insemination.

  3. @ Mbembi, Maano, Singamba and other kachemas, please consider relocating your farms to Luapula and better still somewhere near Chishinga breeding centre. There is plenty of grazing land in Luapula and your cattle will quickly start looking as healthy as yourselves.

    • @Mina, pasture or grass in Luapula is of poor quality. Its not nutritious due to leaching as a result of high rainfall. You better off putting you cattle farm in Southern, Central & Northwestern provinces. look at the quality of the animals. its not so good.

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