Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Let us remain united, HH tells Zambians


The UPND leadership attending a church service at Bread of Life Church's Blessings Centre in Lusaka.
The UPND leadership attending a church service at Bread of Life Church’s Blessings Centre in Lusaka.

Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has called on all Zambians to remain united.

Mr Hichilema has since called on Christians regardless of the day of worship to take the lead in uniting the nation.

He said there is only one Zambia and that the task is to unite its

The UPND leader was speaking shortly after attending a church service at Bread of Life’s Blessings Centre in Lusaka.

“To our country, it is important that regardless of the day of worship, we remain united and focus on preaching the gospel. We only have one Zambia and our task is to unite it. The Church is a blessing that God has bestowed on us to use in uplifting our oneness as a Christian Nation,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said, “the body of Christ is one and we are one people. We should live as a testament of this oneness not only before our almighty God but even amongst our neighbours whom we live with on earth.”

Mr Hichilema who held a private meet by with Bread of Life Presiding Bishop Joe Imakando said there is need to lose faith in God.

“Through Bishop Imakando, God is encouraging all of us to have faith in him and that no matter how long the wait may be, he will surely fulfil his (God) promises of our needs and desires,” Mr Hichilema said.

 Bishop Imakando embraces HH
Bishop Imakando embraces HH
HH with Bishop Imakando and Pastor Chileshe
HH with Bishop Imakando and Pastor Chileshe
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Bishop Imakando confers with HH
Congregants at Bread of Life Blessings Centre in Lusaka
Congregants at Bread of Life Blessings Centre in Lusaka


  1. Yesterday one said,” you don’t know me, I can put zed on fire “.Today he is church preaching unity.
    Zambians should be careful there these ditches JJ,ckupp,check there eyes there not straight, there mouths can tell you something is not stable.

  2. Because president Lungu was out doing the Lord’s work collecting money for the multi praise center, someone went to church. God shall get you to church in the most mysterious of manners. Even HH can’t escape Jesus.

  3. HH behaves like a headless chicken due to his desperation for state house!!Kainde calls himself an elder in the SDA Church who gather on saturdays.but since 2006,HH has failed to win any election,he has now joined churches which gather on sundays-kekekekekekeke…desperate fella!!!anyway,Bishop Imakando is Lozi so he can accommodate you!!but bantustan votes wont take you to plot one badaala!!

  4. H.h, didnt you forget something? Just a hint, you usually tell us about your stint at Mukobeko and of course how cowardly Zambians are.

    I wonder what Bishop Imakando told him for him to realise the need for peace. But of course we know h.h very well now, he will take back his words soon.
    But h.h could be trying to act smart, he was probably lobbying for the support of the Bishop at the church than at h.hs home. Look out Bishop this boy is desperate for power. We want you to continue preaching to us.

  5. Before you quote anybody, I advise you to know the source.Online social media is full of fake news. HH never uttered those words.I f the did please can you post it on youtube for the world to listen.
    Nomba Kaili ba HH ati ba Satanist,manje why tabasemwike in the presence of the almighty?

  6. HH is not a Christian. Bring back the money and invest in zambia to create jobs and then we can listen to u.

    That Chileshe is a fake pastor and he is a wolve in the sheep skin like his political father HH. I Will never for for any political party which has HH has it’s head and Chileshe as they spiritual dad. Fake!

  7. As SDAs we don’t in that,one Christ different days.Elder HH stop lying unless you a fake elder and not from SDA.The SDA I know is the only true church remaining.

  8. He is a double tounged fork tounged serpent. This nincompoop charlatan and his uneducated wife were promising to unleash Armageddon fire on our people.
    Don’t believe a word from this Satamic snake from hell.

  9. How can he today preach peace ans unity? He’s just a shameless copycat with no agenda for Zambia. His media team busy copying from President Edgar’s church fundraiser where K27, 000 was raised in one day.
    He tried the Petition now that it failed he wants to hoodwink Zambians with peace and religion.
    This basterd is a filthy corporate war lord who sells off national assets. He should go for a circumcision to remove his filth

  10. Funny how history repeats itself. This Jason Kabanana crook is taking the path of the failed Pulpit Master Nervous Mumbwe
    Meanwhile GBM and the charlatan Kaponya (HH) are at loggerheads you can’t see them together ever again. GBM tried to poison (HH) now he’s about to be expelled

  11. Ba greatest ukusabaila. Ati SDA is the only true Church. My brother God is not going to judge people by denominations but by whether they did His will.

  12. pf cadres are so many on this forum…nga baikuta kusabaila fye… so many real issues which are affecting the country and you avoid them…

  13. Eish, Those are elitist’s churches. Your strategistics should arrange for churches like Roman Catholic and bamutumbwa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazion. You should donate there as well. Those are some of us churches. They don’t vote.

  14. The true church is the Church of Christ. SDA is not a church but a day. Read Romans 16:16 -“Greet one another with a holly kiss.” “The Churches of Christ greet you.” This was agreeting from sending them to the Churches in Rom.

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