Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu joins fundraising walk for Church project


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  at the Reformed Church in Zambia Kamwala Congregation during the fundraising Walk  to raise funds towards the multipurpose hall on Saturday,February 24,2018. Pictures by  Eddie Mwanaleza
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at the Reformed Church in Zambia Kamwala Congregation during the fundraising Walk to raise funds towards the multipurpose hall on Saturday,February 24,2018. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza

President Edgar Lungu yesterday morning led hundreds of congregants from Kamwala Reformed Church in a fundraising walk towards the completion of a multi-purpose hall under construction.

President Lungu walked with the congregants from the freedom statue up to the premises of the Reformed Church in Zambia in Kamwala area to raise funds to complete the construction of the K15 million church project.

Business came to a standstill in Kamwala business centre as the President approached shop owners and motorists for donations.

Many residents jousted to catch a glance of President Lungu collecting donations from motorists and shop owners.

The Head of State was accompanied by the First Lady Esther Lungu, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo, Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance Godfridah Sumaili, Minister of Justice Given Lubinda, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya, Senior government and party officials.

And President Edgar Lungu has called for closer collaboration between the church and government.

President Lungu said working closely with church is cardinal in fostering national unity and development in the country.

He reaffirmed government’s commitment to engaging the church on matters that pertain to governance.

President Lungu said the church’s role is to pray for the nation and offer guidance to political leaders.

The Head of State said this when he graced the Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) fundraising walk for the construction of the Multi-purpose hall.

He implored RCZ not to relent in praying for leaders in government and those in the opposition arena.

President Lungu saluted the RCZ leadership for their efforts and dedication towards the construction project.

He noted that the magnitude of the project calls for personal sacrifice from both leaders in RCZ and ordinary members.

President Lungu assured the congregants of government’s continued support as the church endeavors to advance the work of God.

The Head of State expressed optimism that the completion of the Multi-purpose hall will provide enough worship space for congregants.

And RCZ Resident Minister, Daniel Daka thanked President Lungu for accepting to officiate at the event.

Rev. Daka said the presence of the Head of State was humbling before the children of God.

The Clegyman urged President Lungu to continue looking to God as he governs the country.


  1. Edgar has money, he can afford crates of beer and bottles of jamessons,,,,,yet he ‘mislead’ Christians into begging,,,
    That’s why its difficult for drankard rich man to go heaven than for ten camels to go through the eye of needle

  2. The culture of begging is entrenched by the President. How will Lusaka city council remove street beggars when it is led by Lungu himself?

  3. This donation at gun point, how do you give freely surrounded cadres and police. You are forced to give even when you don’t intend to. Besides Lungu has too much free time to be doing this. A serious head of state would have no time for this as he would be busy with national issues now this one thinks he was elected to jog around, beg for money on the streets.

  4. Something different for the first time. Fundraising is different from perpetual street begging. There is a project to complete.

    • Street begging is also fundraising. Why are you trying to split hairs in defence of begging in the name of the lord?

  5. How much was raised? That should have been announced in the church. If it was and the reporter left it out, that’s sloppy journalism.

  6. “President Lungu said the church’s role is to pray for the nation and offer guidance to political leaders.”

    “Ultimately religious language does not refer to observable, empirical facts and goes beyond the limits of proper language.”

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