NDC General Secretary Mwenya Musenge and two other senior party Stewart’s have been arrested by police in luapula province.
The trio include NDC National Mobilization Chairman Christopher Mutale and National Elections Chairperson Ackson Simwezya.
The trio were arrested in Kawambwa district on Friday morning.
Police have denied the three bond.
The three officials were conducting interviews for prospective candidates ahead of Tuesdays local Government by election in the area.
Copperbelt NDC Chairperson Chipoka Mulenga has confirmed the arrest of the three.
Zambia: poverty, hunger and political stress at their grand climax!
@Abena N’gumbo, wandabwisha Shi Mpundu. Where is poverty, not kwesu ku N’gumbo. Don’t tell abena Ng’umbo that “mwe nchushi”, I swear bakutoba uluma.
To me sounds like Mwenya just want to suffer with Kambwili in jail.
@Nostradamus, hahahaha, shani Ba wesu, I didn’t say Abena Ng’umbo…. we still have imbowa in our lakes/rivers.
its always good to see signs of the end….
During the one party state , Kaunda’s contestant on the ballot box was a frog. The NDC would do very well to have frog as their symbol.
@Abena Ng’umbo
Kekekekeke imbowa? Not even babongo. Only fish there is insangula.
Kalamilopaula ka Edgar mwalanya. You got him into POWER WHEN GUY SCOTT TOLD YOU THAT HE WAS NOT GOOD but just a drunkard!
hahahahahaha, you reminded me of babongo very common fish in Mweru wa ntipa!
Don’t rush to conclusions before getting first hand information on why the trio have been arrested. Let the police do their job. We don’t want anarchy in Zambia.
Munene, there will be no anarchy. Edger Lungu is in charge. Whoever start the anarchy will regret the day he was born. Remember Shaka. We don’t give power like that. Not now, later. Kambwili and Musenge thought they were clever. Kalaba, is a simple fly, we dont need a bull dozer to clash him, he will just crush himself.
Arrest all the culprits.We have enough cells.
When are they arresting HH?
Good , opposition keep up the pressure , let lungu arrest as many of you as he can so the international community sees him for what he is……a crook in a sheep’s coat.
That is the only was to stop lungu….he likes to be seen on his travells as a good leader , let the international community see his dictatorial tendencies…..that is what lungu hates and fears most….international perception of him
@Boko Haram, there are 13 million Zambians. Are you sure there are enough cells?
Zambians have had enough of Lungu and his PF corruption, thieving and waste of the Billions of dollars they have borrowed in our name, that we, the people of Zambia, will have to repay with interest.
Lungus empty promises while he travels the world in luxury at taxpayers expense that he will create 500,000 jobs is now clearly a LIE! Instead, he has deprived thousands of marketeers of their livelihoods and stopped fishermen providing their families with food due to the Fish Ban.
This arrogance and incompetence is enough reason by itself to get rid of these clowns, but when it is added to the election rigging, interference with the Courts and blatant corruption and theft of public resources, Lungu is…
Lungu and his gang of thieves are the ones that should be hoping there will be space for them in the cells.
Rushing to form fake political parties for fighting your corruption cases may not work for you.
I am sure, just as in the case of the arrest of Mr Kambwili, the police officials will obviously say the opposition party members have been arrested as police await further instructions from higher authorities. It’s like it’s the new standard police procedure when effecting an arrest. Interesting times.
James don’t worry we have all the evidence. The president will say nothing, because he is smart. If you think we shall loose in 2021, you are dreaming, not Edger ,it wont happen. All those guys being arrested have issues with the state. Teaming up we don’t care, we shall sort them out on by one. Don’t ever think HH will be in state house in 2021, that’s a fare tale. We have done our home work and we shall win clean. I rest my case
This time around the very group calling the selves NDC were in fore front denouncing Guy Scott, when Data died. He told them very clear and he has been vindicated. Alelanda Ichishinka. Alemona Pa Ntanshi.
NDC I told you to up your game concerning your media team……all these arrests and prosecutions need to be internationalised.
If it were not for some of us inviting all international media houses to the then pending fake treason trial of HH , lungu would not have released HH. But he feared being labeled a dictator in eyes of the international community.
Your media teams have to increase international exposure of what is going on. Do no lie but provide verifiable emails to all international media houses and foringe embacies.
good point @Spaka like lilo, they need propaganda. The party can’t survive without strong media team
Kabanda good point I do remember the words of guy Scotty
Spaka liko, and all of you insulting the president you are wasting your time. The state has enough evidence of all these guys being arrested to day. Don’t forget you are dealing with a direct descendant of Shaka Zulu, Edger Lungu is no push over, he will sort you out smartly. That’s a distinction student in law from University of Zambia.
Who cares, you can stand on top of the mountain to the international community ati Edger is a dictator, you get nothing. The descendant of Shaka will still win come 2021. Kambwili thought he was clever. Edger is smart, small body but big mutima. Salute him
If lungu is so clever how come he lost his law liscence because of fraud ?
We know lungus soft spot………he needs forigne aid and international appreciation and a smart media campain showing his corruption and oppression will do the trick.
Strange @kings you also cannot spell his name which indicates the level of supporters he has. Shame for our great country to be ruled by the narratives of aggressive illiterates
When leaders begin using the police to intimidate their political opponents and sent a message to “would be challengers” then know that such a one has reached the end of his thinking capacity. The writing is on the wall!
let’s wait and see my heart bleeds to see what they are doing to Kambwili