Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili discharged, pursued by police


Kambwili discharged and taken to Woodlands police station under police guard

Opposition NDC Political Consultant Chishimba Kambwili has been discharged from CFB Medical Centre in Lusaka where he was receiving treatment.

Mr Kambwili was immediately pursued by state police soon after his discharge.

He was under heavy police guard escorted to Woodlands Police Station.

Upon arrival at the police station, police had to fire bullets to disperse Mr. Kambwili’s supporters who escorted him to the police station.

Heavily armed police escort Kambwili to Woodlands police station


    • I feel for him medical wise, but he is facing charges and they should not be washed under the carpet.

      To have failed to give him bond, was the Police/state shooting themselves in the foot.

      Either way, the Courts and Police are largely and always controlled by the Government and more so a ruling Party.

      Anything else painting contrary to that is text to fill in the textbooks which is useless and believed by the unwashed masses

      I hold a PhD



    • But why harrassing those opposing you. NDC is here to stay wether with kambwili or not. UPND will stay wether PF likes it or not and in no time soon are they forming govt. PF’s time is over! A new party in power please!

    • It is so annoying seeing this comedy playing off right before us.PF have no strategy whatsoever they think repression of the people will save them.
      And look at their arrogance recently Amos Chanda was referring to citizens as “chaps”.Time will come for them to reflect on their incompetence and dullness unfortunately this will be when they are no longer in power and cant harass the citizens using the police.

    • This has Kampyongo written all over it! As typical Humbly Dumbly is just watching and happy with it. So if he had been evacuated would these police have gone with him to RSA??

    • Thats why its not easy to fight corruption. Ck is placed with cases if corruption and foools are already sympathizing with him. How best can corruption be fought?
      Upndonkeys through zwd issued alot of corrupt practices by ck but today hh is telling us that state is persecuting him for no reason. Today they’re accusing kz and AC of corruption but once they’re dropped upnd will say they’re innocent leave them alone. Its indeed a circus with our opposition.

    • Taking a closer look at ck it’s very very very difficult to tell whether he is straght from icu or home. What i know about patients from ocu is that when they discharge them from icu they go to the wards for observation maybe for some days. But this patient is a miricle. Imagine coming straight from icu and he is screeming and chanting his party’s slogan. Kiki. Only under5s would believe that this buffoon was sick.

    • He is not being pursued, it’s actually police escort for the junior cobra. On a serious note Kambwili has something he wants to tell the country about how he was stealing with the president who turned against him but he can’t say because
      i) they were stealing together
      ii) he is less intelligent to somehow implicate the president while distancing himself
      iii) Kambwili has a lot to say but the Eddie chap thinks if he keeps on his heel like this that is the way to tame him
      The police with no clue are doing the dirty work for LUNGU

    • Only in Zambia where someone moves from the ICU straight to the streets dancing and waving party symbols..Even doctors are comprised in Zambia…sad very sad indeed..even doctors are corrupt..what a beautiful country.. ZAMBIA THE REAL AFRICA.

    • Why the heavy police guard? With all those cars?? Doesn’t our police operate intelligently? Kambwili is fat. He cant run away so why would any thinking police force waste so much manpower and fuel to just move him from hospital to cell? Bakapokola bakwa Lungu utulo.

    • Just how many people live and work with diabetes and high blood pressure in Zambia? Certainly most of the Judges. So stop fooling yourself coz you are fooling no one. Face justice for the looting charges like your high Priest M’me….

  1. They are trying very hard to stop him from attending Parliament tomorrow…simply look at that Police escort….PF can create a storm in a tea cup.

  2. Really we can do better than this Zambia. Let’s treat each other humanely even if we are on opposite sides of the political divide.
    Jesus said “love your enemies” and “do unto others what you would have them do to you”. Let the guy recover and then prodecute him.. CK is not going anywhere. If he stole we all want him locked up. But to harass him even when he is sick and has just come from hospital is not progressive.

    • @Jay jay am happy to have an intelligent conversation or debate with you on the credibility of the scriptures and the reality of Jesus. I respect your right to have divergent views and I expect nothing less from you as well. If you are interested in an honest, open exchange of ideas and views, let me know. Am happy to engage.

      @zonzo icho chintu lol

    • What’s there to intelligently debate about a religion that is 2000 years yet there are no bones of these selfsame characters in the bible like Jesus Christ fella….I mean your ancestors who built the pyramids 10,000 years still have buildings and their bones in tombs and you wonder why they are not mentioned in your book.
      Quoting things from that book is like referencing Wikipedia in an assignment.
      Study about self not reading one book!!

    • @Jay jay You have made many wrong assumptions mate.
      1. If you found Jesus bones what would happen to his claim to have resurrected? Also there are many ancient famous people whose bones we don’t have. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. does this mean they never existed? You also fail to realise that Jesus lived in a very small colonised nation in a very small remote town of that country. So he was not a Pharoah so that he would have a tomb built in his honour
      2. Most scholars agree that the ancient Egyptians where Berbers not blacks so they are unlikely to be our ancestors. I am aware of an interesting debate here but am quoting the general accepted theory.
      3. The Egyptians are mentioned very accurately in the bible mate. take a read.
      4. All reputable scholars agree on at least the…

    • ….continued….the following. that Jesus was born during Augustus Reign and crucified by Pilate. All confirmed by contemporary non Christian sources of that time eg Pliny the Younger.

      like I said mate it’s just about having an open mind and following the FACTS. Christianity is about facts. But don’t take it from me. look up Sir William Mitchell Ramsay. renounced archiologist. He started out as sceptical as you. look him up.

      Like I said if you are ready to exchange ideas, am open. If you are only interested in pouring scorn without examining facts let’s leave it here.

    • Jesus was not white. Just do your research. The white missionaries who brought him here painted him white to look like them so they could intimidate us with the thought that God was white

    • Kwame Nkrumah – that is irrelevant here ..its like saying Father Christmas is white…really laughable ..that’s how folly you sound to me as its all fiction to start with. If it comforts you believe that!!

    • JourneyMan – there is nothing factual about the bible if it was there would be a date in there for some reason there is none and its in third person tense.
      “Christianity is about facts”….really laughable… name five facts.

  3. Release the man on a bond, its his entitlement provided for by law! Lungu’s time will be up soon and he will know to be pursued like a rat!

  4. One really wonders what all this fuss is about..

    Ba kapokola na bena mu Zambia tabakwata fyakucita. Everytime it’s Woodlands Police Station? Guilty or not, the police are supposed to protect citizens’ rights and should only step in when there’s a court order authorizing an arrest or if public security is at stake.

  5. While the PF may feel they have legitimate cause to arrest Kambwili, they need to be objective in how they handle the case. Take lessons from the “Arab Spring.” Africa has come of age and its citizens can no longer be taken for granted! Ask Mugabe, Gaddafi, Zuma, Bouteflika, and Mubarak to name just these few.

  6. What do you want the police to do? Police bond can only be issued in and by the courts of law.And you want ECL to be all over signing bonds. Let home appear before the magerstrits and the bond can be applied,This Chimbwili guy thinks he is every thing.He is suspected to have stolen and that is why ACC want him charged. You make a wrong and you want the president intervene and release the suspects.You will be the first one who will crying louder ati PF is not fighting corruption.

  7. I think Kambwili is no different from all political leaders who use their position to acquire wealth. But this criminalisation of people with divergent views is disgraceful and not helpful to building our country.Lungu and his police force are doing themselves a disservice.That heavy police escort is meant to intimidate.It’s time to get rid of colonial laws.Why are we quick to change useless laws but not the ones that will help us move into the 21st century like the rest of the world

  8. I feel for Amos Chanda sure imwe. His crimes are easily accessible (the Kabwili & HH audios )… How can he surely direct the police to arrest he whom he doesn’t like? Does he have arresting power ? Maybe the current constitution permits the presidential spokeperson to act as an arresting officer?
    but iwe weka. you are in deep trouble. The PF’s time is nearing the finish line mudala. We will find you…

  9. Why can’t he go quietly as brave leader? So all the talking is just hot air. Abaume niba FTJ. No shouting no sabaila.

  10. CK is not sick at all. This is political posturing at its worst. I have had a number of relatives who have been through the ICU; they head either directly to the mortuary or are too frail to go home immediately and are transferred to the ward for observation before being discharged. I have never seen anyone holding press political briefings or issuing statements in the ICU or looking as fit as CK appears. What troubles me is naivete and gullibility of some bloggers who can’t see through CK’s charade and are glorifying him as a hero.

    • the same ones who in the past labelled him as corrupt. Lungu is said to be tolerant of corruption for which he gets criticism. When the state tries to punish someone due to their alleged corruption then Lungu is criticised for ‘persecuting’ that same individual by the same people, the ones who were at the forefront in telling us of the takeover of Luanshya golf club by Kambwili’s goats!

  11. Has this ever happened in the history of this country? A person has just been discharged from hospital and bundled to a police station? Where are we heading to?

  12. You want Kambwili to be given bail? Well let him appear in court otherwise how? By bending the law to suit him? A transit through Woodlands police hotel is the only route to court and bail. Come on upndeez be sensible for once.

  13. Zambia is on a wrong track we all can pretend all we want, but we know the reasons these are happening in our country. Zambians, be warned, no matter how smart you may think you are, you are inching your country closer to a politically and economically induced turmoil. Your so called President is not a leader but a ruler who is misusing the instruments of power to pursue political enemies. Jamaicans say “one day the bottom will come off”. No dictatorship thrives forever on earth. Dictators’ demise are always shameful and bad. It will be horse on the rider very soon. Watch this space.

  14. Soon the pursuer will be pursued. Malawian dictatorship has not always defeated Zambians. Only stupi.d Bembas have always failed to understand how much they have been used to fight political battles for Easterners every time. Making Bembas hated because some Lungu boy wants to steal

  15. Can you imagine Lungu going through the same kind of treatment he have given to Kambwili and HH in future ? I can see it happening future because the man is abusing the rule of law with impunity . He has turned the police ACC and courts as instruments to bully citizens who have divergent views to his mind.This guy has shredded the rule of law and replaced it with rules from the pub.

  16. #18 sad Patriot, you must be upndeez judging from your senseless and ignorant statement. To help you think, ask yourself what happens when a prisoner falls sick and is taken to hospital, he is under police guard and when he feels better and he is discharged takwn back to prison. Mr Kambwili was in custody at Woodlands police hotel so he goes back to custody in that hotel until he appears before a court of law. That simple mr sad patriot, the trouble is that you have allowed h.h to think for you, very soon you will want h.h to think for you when to visit the toilet.

  17. #18 sad Patriot, you must be upndeez judging from your sens.eless and ignor.ant statement. To help you think, ask yourself what happens when a prisoner falls sick and is taken to hospital, he is under police guard and when he feels better and he is discharged taken back to prison. Mr Kambwili was in custody at Woodlands police hotel so he goes back to custody in that hotel until he appears before a court of law. That simple mr sad patriot, the trouble is that you have allowed h.h to think for you, very soon you will want h.h to think for you when to visit the toi.let.

  18. Why the heavy police guard? Doesn’t our police operate intelligently? Kambwili is fat. He cant run away so why would any thinking police force waste so much manpower and fuel to just move him from hospital to cell? Bakapokola bakwa Lungu utulo.

  19. Ba “Kalos2020” compare HH to ECL and tell Zambians who is the Dictator. HH and Kambwili are bed fellows for political expediency. They both leaned on DA’s Maimane and Railla Odinga for political guidance, yet the DA and NASA have their political prospects falling apart. Is it possible that Kambwili and HH can convince the people of Zambia when UPND has since 2016 refused to recognise the Republican Presidency of ECL and now it is coming up with the Project of impeaching President Lungu. How many dull Zambians can sail along with the thinking of NDC and UPND? God forbid.

  20. “Upon arrival at the police station, police had to FIRE BULLETS to disperse Mr. Kambwili’s supporters who escorted him to the police station”



  21. @6.5 JourneyMan.
    I respect your views on who ancient Egyptians were. I am glad that you acknowledge the existence of a debate. The identity of ancient Berbers is debated too. My only disagreement with you is the word ‘MOST’ which means the majority (for me at least). As far as I know, that issue is not settled. Unfortunately, the debate is crowded by ‘racist’ tones. There are some respected scholars who cannot stomach the possibility that the great pyramids of Egypt may have been presided over by a race considered ‘inferior’-Blacks. see George James ‘Stolen Legacy’, Hugh Trevor Roper-‘There is no African History’.

    • @lound and smart – Once upon a time I used to give detailed replies to religious bloggers to the point where I would recommend books to expand their knowledge base. However as time went by I have become more impatient and kept my answers short, to the point as these people are hardwired to one book that they fail to even question simple issues.
      I will add ‘Stolen Legacy’ – George James… to my reading list (I remember a friend mentioning it years ago), have a look out for this book as well if you have not read it already ‘Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization’ – Graham Hancock.

    • @lound and smart – Once upon a time I used to give detailed replies to religious bloggers to the point where I would recommend books to expand their knowledge base. However as time went by I have become more impatient and kept my answers short, to the point as these people are hardwired to one book that they fail to even question simple issues.
      I will add Stolen Legacy – George James… to my reading list (I remember a friend mentioning it years ago), have a look out for this book as well if you have not read it already Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization – Graham Hancock.

    • Once upon a time I used to give detailed replies to religious bloggers to the point where I would recommend books to expand their knowledge base. However as time went by I have become more impatient and kept my answers short, to the point as these people are hardwired to one book that they fail to even question simple issues.
      I will add Stolen Legacy – George James… to my reading list (I remember a friend mentioning it years ago), have a look out for this book as well if you have not read it already Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization – Graham Hancock.

  22. Mwansa Kabinga, you don’t recognize a thief who stole from you. Unless uli mupuba nga Miles Sampa. About dictatorship, since when did you hear people complaining or being kicked out of UPND because HH is afraid of their challenge. That’s the hallmark of PF. People left in the early beginnings of HH take over not because of acronym, but sadness they lost to a newcomer. Lungu beat up people at Mulungushi and was not elected as per PF bylaws. You are a poor soul that does not know the difference between a selection and an election. He has since pushed out and used state police to strengthen his position. Who is a dictator? Please, thinking is free. Start thinking. It cost nothing but improves your position in society.

  23. Totalitarianism is driving our country into a dead end. Clearly there’s no tolerance of opposing views, a contravention of basic democratic tenets. Zambians ought to be careful because we could descend into another Congo. Lawlessness is reigning supreme, institutions of governance having completely broken down. Opposing views should not make people become your enemies, just like race, tribe other affiliations shouldn’t. If someone commits a crime, arrest them but it shouldn’t be right to abuse the law to suppress opposition. As they say, what goes around will certainly come round. I urge my fellow Zambians in the Police, judiciary and military to protect our country from degrading into further lawlessness and abuse of authority. If you don’t it’ll soon be time for you to justify why we…

  24. ECL is too fair when it comes to political opponents.
    In UPND just being another tribe is a crime.
    Now just imagine what will happen to all of us who are not Tonga.

    • Ulimupuba. Lungu is using your pinhead to foster his tribal politics as you perpetuate hate for innocent Tongas who if asked has never done anything to you. Just because people are cohesive does not mean they are your enemy. If they hate Lungu, it’s not you they hate. Why don’t you try to find out. I hate Lungu openly because he is visionless and he is the biggest perpetrator of corruption ever, ever to be in that office. He is a thief and I hate thieves. So, find a hobby and leave Tongas alone. When Easterners say wako ni wako, why don’t you pour cold water on “it”?

  25. Chishimba is just a man with no wisdom but full of fake threats. It’s just recently when he was saying inbwili no mbwili, I’m puzzled that imbili is toothless, it can’t bite. Honestly, Lungu has definitely proven himself to be more powerful than him. A word to my fellow Zambians, realize that we should change in the way cast our votes. We Should always consider the long term sufferings we go through before casting our votes for just a bag of mealie meal.

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