Sunday, February 16, 2025

Allegation: UPND worked with Cambridge Analytica in 2016 polls, but Charles Kakoma denies


Cambridge Analytica Offices in Central London
Cambridge Analytica Offices in Central London

A leaked document has alleged that the opposition UPND engaged disgraced UK data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica to influence voters ahead of the 2016 general elections.
But the UPND has rubbished the revelations describing them as part of the PF’s propaganda activities.

Cambridge Analytica is at the center of a controversy over its acquisition and use of personal Facebook data in the 2016 United States presidential election.
The firm has also come under heavy scrutiny for its role in the Kenyan and Nigeria presidential elections.

In a leaked letter addressed to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema who was standing for a record fifth time in the 2016 elections, Cambridge Analytica Chief Executive Officer Alexander Nix who is now suspended following the scandal proposes to help the UPND win the elections by using “certain third party persuasion techniques”.

Mr. Nix explained that his firm had used the same techniques successfully in the Nigeria elections and he “feels a similar approach is exactly what is needed to deliver victory to the UPND.”

He said he was happy to have met with Mr. Hichilema in March 2016 and shared his frustration over the outcome of the past election.

HH meeting with Henry Sands, an associate of Cambridge Analytica
HH meeting with Henry Sands, an associate of Cambridge Analytica

Mr. Nix offered the UPND candidate a reduced rate of US$150,000 per month after Mr. Hichilema raised concerns over the budget and the short period of time ahead of the elections.

But UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma said the expose is nothing but propaganda from the PF meant to divert attention from the impeachment process of President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. Kakoma said all aspects of the UPND campaigns were run by Mr Dipak Patel and that he did not receive any external support of any kind.

Asked about a photo which shows Mr. Hichilema meeting with a Mr. Henry Sands of Sabi Strategy Group and an Associate of the Brenthurst Foundation, Mr. Kakoma said Mr. Hichilema meets a lot of white people from all over the world.

In the letter, Mr. Nix reveals that Mr. Hichilema had raised some concerns over the pricing of Mr. Sands, whom he described as a mutual friend.

Mr. Sands who is Managing Director at SABI Strategy Group, a firm that provides comprehensive communication strategies and solutions to international businesses, High-net-worth individual and political organizations attended Birmingham University, the same university Mr. Hichilema attended to study for his Finance and Business Strategy masters programme.

“This is part of propaganda by the PF. In the last one week, they had been trying to divert attention of the people from the impeachment motion and they are coming up with all sorts of allegations including that we have received funding from outsiders to buy MPs and now they are bringing in Cambridge Analytica because it is being implicated in other parts of the world and they would want to throw that mud at the UPND,” Mr Kakoma explained.

“How did the UPND manipulate the elections? It’s actually us the UPND who are aggrieved that the PF manipulated the elections, they hired people from all over the world including people that manipulated the election results in computers and we caught one person from Uganda, Chavula in the ECZ server room manipulating the elections and it us who complained and we took the matter to court that the election was rigged by PF, they can’t turn around this time around and claim that we hired Cambridge Analytica. How did we hire them? Ask the ECZ whether they saw any manipulation by the UPND? The manipulation was from the PF and we caught them.”

In a three-part series titled ‘Data, Democracy and Dirty Tricks’, Britain’s Channel 4 News exposes how Cambridge Analytica targets voters with propaganda to influence their voting decisions.

In the investigation, the company’s bosses Mr. Nix, are secretly filmed saying they discreetly campaign in elections across the world through a web of shadowy front companies or by using sub-contractors.

In the Kenyan propaganda campaign, Cambridge Analytica executives say they worked for the re-election of re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta behind the scenes.

Mr. Nix will appear before a British parliamentary committee, the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, his second before the committee and is likely to take place on April 17.

Lawmakers in the United States and Europe are demanding to know more about Facebook’s privacy practices after a whistleblower said Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed data to target US and British voter.

Cambridge Analytica, which served as the data operations team for Donald Trump’s election campaign in 2016, came under scrutiny after reports in The New York Times and The Guardian stated that the company had misused a researcher’s data to harvest more than 50 million user profiles from the site.

The revelations have triggered a crisis at Facebook, with lawmakers in several countries now investigating the company’s response.


    • The grammatical mistakes by PF are so obvious , that said credit to HH, he know the value of money and seems capable of negotiating a better deal, these are skills the country needs. I have all the confidence that HH would negotiate best deals for this country. Clearly Edgar Lungu is now a lame duck president because the impeachment motion has now shown who really has the power, it is the people through their MPs. All those MPs who are not part of the loot at State House should vote for the impeachment and Inonge Wina should take over

    • Shamelessly this Hichilema has taken so much commitments from foreign interest Groups. Thought after seeing the damage to our miners his amoral acts of non-patriotism and insatiable appetite for money in the privatization scandal in the mines and our tourism industries have done, he should have repented. The chap heartlessly connived with foreign interest to offload our national assets for a song in exchange of shares. A normal person should have taken as lesson learned. Alas, traitors are have no conscience to protect.

    • No wonder HH was declaring victory even before a single vote was even cast. In hindsight, there is a reason why Hakainde/UPND seemed so convinced they would pull out a surprise victory…the reason, Cambridge Analytica!

      You can even see the premature gloating on the Internet (Facebook in particular) from UPND associated “goons” (like Larry Mweetwa) in the UK. They were so convinced that the scheme would pay-off. Nevertheless, they ignored ONE BIG FLAW in their overly inflated comfindence….the fact that most Zambian voters are NOT on Facebook or similar platforms whose stollen personal user-data Cambridge Analytica exploits. And when HH could get the election result he paid for, he launched a bogus presidential election petition in order to save face. Just wait, Kakoma can deny…

    • Everyone knows that the majority of Zambian voters are the rural voters.These people are not ONLINE. Camridge Analytica works with online profiles on social media.The majority of Zambians conduct their lives OFFLINE whilst in developed countries everything is done online.It would be useless to target online voters in Zambia who would most likely be in the diaspora.This is a cheap shot by PF. Instead of making up a fake letter by Alexander NIX they should have provided an actual letter from HH or UPND.Showing a picture of HH and a white boy is not evidence of anything.

    • PF used Chavula to manipulate results. We all saw his arrest & subsequent release without any explanation.

    • Amazing with all this barking …. Firstly there is nothing wrong with Cambridge analytica soliciting business from UPND this is normal since they are in this business and any election presents an opportunity to them…I wouldn’t be surprised if the same was proposed to PF, save for the English in that letter doesn’t sound as if it is coming from a Brit but a Zambian. Engaging a data analyst for better targeted election is not a sin or something wrong in fact it is the best way to go about it and may result in a more cost effective campaign. The amounts the PF spent in the last election are shocking if u even just go by the materials distributed. RB the PF election consultant used image builders and other such. The fact that CA are in their current predicament doesn’t mean they have…

      Zambia is not so ICT literate yet. The voting populous do not use ICTs to a point of being swayed to voting for a sole loser and his bunch of cliques. This Cambridge Analytica thing thing has no room to influence Zambian politics unless they were deployed on the ground. Like M’membe just learnt, using some form of information tool like the Post Newspaper only managed to swing a few disturbed individuals in the collision course. In Zambia Radio and TV are tools that work. No wonder Govt saw the need to charge on a few disgruntled media houses poised to set Zambia on fire.

    • The letter looks as authentic as double h masonist facebook post extract LT published previously. LT how did you manage to pull this supposedly high profile file from the UPNDEADs?
      Awe to you PF if you let Cambridge Analytica squeeze themselves to secretly influence the mashrooming TV and Radio stations. IBA pull up your socks, remain watchful. What a boomshell! I am still in shock on how UPNDEADs managed to pull those numbers in their region and regions even when it was clear that voter apathy was the order of the day countrywide. Was VJ an agent of Cambridge Analytica? Yes UPNDEAD rigged the election.

    • The brits may speak good English but their written is poor. Ask every person who has lived with them about the written its not at par.

    • Our democracy is under attack, these are stealth machinations intended to subjugate the will of the people … they are wicked and immoral because the ultimate goals are to impose leaders on people against their will.

      Such leaders are compromised and can easily be blackmailed and so they play along but once in office the real powers that are show up and take over the country and its resources.

      The denial is the exact play book methods used to obfuscate and create doubt. The old playbook rules written by spy agents during the Cold War era.

      We are under attack and the intelligence services need to up the radio signals to intercept more information, our radar defenses need to be updated. Our airspace is being violated almost every night.

      ZAF needs to start watching our skies at…

    • Continued…

      ZAF needs to start watching our skies at night the same way they did during KK’s rule. This government has more enemies than it thinks.

      For some reasons they don’t like ECL and they have not been able to get from him what they want but someone else has promised them everything and/or is in their pockets already.

      You can tell how the narrative on almost all social media is the same consistent to what we saw in the US, UK during Brexit, France and Germany elections here recently.

      Someone wants to take over Zambia and they are not Zambians. Some Zambians are being used and they are mere puppets ~ this is matter of national security!!! We are under attack.

      Heaven help us all …

    • Abena Yambayamba, et al … I read your blog and others attributing with sadness rural Zambians as not having access to facebook, etc.

      Make no mistake about that, there are over 12 million cellphone subscribers in a country of roughly 16 million. These people can he reached anywhere by cellphone.

      Everyone of them has a facebook account … Zambia is one of the most subscribed countries per capita in Africa and Cambridge Analytica knows that.

    • Hehehehe

      More conspiracy theory nutcases on LT then thought……..

      maybe ZAF needs witchcraft detecting radar…..hehehehe.

      Kwena some people a just delusional….listen…..the West has nothing to gain in Zambia , the chinese and Indians have bought you for the next 25 years……if the west wanted anything from Zambia they would have let IMF give you money, but they even refused the IMF giving you money…

    • Abena Spaka fimo fimo … noti uku sabaila lyonse. There’s intelligence on the ground where certain old abandoned air strips are experiencing private small planes landing at night.

      This has nothing to do with the west … but smuggling activities of some of our precious natural resources, such as emeralds and gold. The frequency has increased thus the need for ZAF to intensify their reach.

      These are dangerous times we live in, who knows what else they are bringing in and/or taking out of the country.

      I rest my case…

      WHAT NEXT?

      WHAT NEXT?

    • That English was written by a black man,, that phone number after signing off hahahahah only in Zambia and Africa,,, and the voice on that number is definitely not white I called the number

    • This is so shameful if true. It’s extreme desperation which is dangerous. Manipulating people surely! God forbid. What scares me most is that Zambia Reports has provided links to other websites for same story including New York Times where Zambia is listed as one of those countries Cambridge Analytica claims to have influenced elections by pumping fake stories on to social media. Then this letter to UPND appears. The Devil knows what the LORD has planned for our beloved country Zambia & his so scared. But we are a Christian Nation & we are victorious because Christ is on the Throne. The Devil is a liar & Truth will always reveal him & defeat him & protect us even if he tries to use Zambians to try & reclaim the throne from Christ. God Bless Zambia

    • This so-called letter was written by a Zambian whose command of English is questionable. It multiple grammatical errors of which I have spotted the following: Here are some of the errors:
      1. “March 11”–this date format is American, not British. One cannot combine the American way
      of writing and British one at the same time. For instance, “synthesise” and ‘proved” is
      British as opposed to American ‘synthesize” and “proven”. The last two are seen in the
      letter supposedly written by a Brit.
      2. Provindent –This word is misspelled. This type of mistakes is often made by Zambian
      speakers of English.
      3. Our mutual friend — What does that mean?
      4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
      complementizer of understand, a coma…

    • 4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
      complementizer of understand, a coma is required before “our“ and after “Sands”.
      5. We can add powerful, decisive value to your campaign – Since powerful and decisive
      modify value, the author was supposed to use the conjunction “and’ between powerful and
      6. “unprecedented” and “value” are overused by Zambians.
      7. I hope can clarify our offer and help us come to an arrangement— What does this
      sentence mean? First, it is ungrammatical. An article is missing before the auxiliary “can”
      Second, “to” is equally missing before “come”.
      8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
      firmly believe that, etc.)
      9. Please, let me…

    • 7. I hope can clarify our offer and help us come to an arrangement— What does this
      sentence mean? First, it is ungrammatical. An article is missing before the auxiliary “can”
      Second, “to” is equally missing before “come”.
      8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
      firmly believe that, etc.)
      9. Please, let me office know – What does this mean “me office”?
      10. The combination of “I” and “we”
      All in all, this thing is written in poor Zambian English with several punctuation mistakes.

    • No hh said he had a private pvc which he could not disclose. This is the one for those who may want to know. The tribal default supporters are in denial. Kiki. .yaba

  1. The president MUST be impeached we do not want to read trash from PF secretariat aimed at shifting peoples attention from impeaching learned lawyer, the great president of the 21st century.

  2. Now I understand why HH is bitter. He spent over $150,000 just to loose elections and for sure who can accept that. Its just a lot of money just for small data mining that does not even connect with electorates. He could have used that money to mobilise a few drunkards in the compounds to drum up support for him and not spending so much on the fraudulent bazungu. He is now pushing for a base less impeachment agenda. But how does one impeach someone he does not recognise as president in the first place. To HH Lungu is not a president of Zambia and at the same time he wants to impeach the very Lungu who is not the president. Baba just recognise Lungu as president then people can see sense in you impeaching him.
    Just continue spending big time on bazungu lies. I am sure the 2021 bigger bill…

    • @RudeMonk, Is the letter authentic? Is there proof in the letter that Upnd accepted the deal amount? It’s better to pass judgment only when we have all the facts. The grammatical errors in the letter bring into question the authenticity.

    • @The people, just the fact that HH’s name seems to pop up in association with these foreign entities should be a concern to you and everyone who cares about our Country. Mention the PANAMA PAPERS, HH’s name pops up. The BRENTHURST CRIMINAL CARTEL, HH’s name pops again. Mention the heartless mining cartels, such as the GLENCOEs of this world, HH’s name is associated with them too. Now it is CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA….where does it end? Where does it end?! Or is it that this guy, HH, has no MORAL CAMPASS whatsoever to guide him in life and his political career?

      Quite frankly, HH behaves like a CON-MAN willing to con his way to the Presidency by any means necessary….just like his supposedly “big brother”, Trump.

      That amounts to a staggering $750,000 in 5 months. MuchiZambian with a dolla at K9,640. It goes to K 7,230,000,000. This is awesomely ridiculous.
      Dullo fellow.

    • Dont get scared. I was scares too. Now rebase K7,230,000,000 muchMichael Sata currency. It gives you K7,230,000 a dollar at K9.64

    • And u are paying for the PF win ….dont think u have gotten away with it most things you are concessioning and overpriced contracts are repayments so either way you are scr.ewed

  3. Had it not been for the grammatical errors….. I also don’t think the heading is appropriate . Why “presidential campaign ” only. Could have been General elections or something. Then there is “engagement of Data services ” poor title that. You engage the firm to offer you services not the services. Proper heading could have read ” offer of Data services for Campains”

    I have said enough.

  4. From the contents of the letter alone, as the document speaks for itself, if indeed it’s authentic, it only shows a proposal for the services and there is no other proof of a contract or return mail from Upnd accepting this offer. It would be helpful if we are also were shown the response to the above letter. The questions that this letter cannot answer are – is the letter authentic?, if yes, was the deal finalized? Was there any illegality in the deal? To GRZ If Cambridge analytica is the one that indeed helped Uhuru Kenyatta in Kenya why did our president congratulate him? From the above letter alone there is nothing illegal that was proposed. In the would today there a lot of such firms, just like it was alleged in 2016 that Pf hired an Israeli company to help them.


  6. Let lungu just show how a popular and good a leader he is and see through the impeachment process ……..this kind of dodging is clear for all to see,

    the PF rats are now bewildered that their “popular humble” leader can not go through an impeachment even though they have more MPs and the claim he is not a corrupt thief…….

    Hehehehehe , these chavula manuvarings have exposed the corrupt thief , he is afraid of any vote. If this vote was not in parliament , the humbol corrupt thief would have unleashed his pf brutal thugs and state police to brutalise all those voting….

  7. I don’t think Kakoma can simply say “Yes we sought help from Cambridge. …”. Not that I completely agree with the story but certainly Kakoma cannot admit to the allegations even if they were true.

    • This so-called letter was written by a Zambian whose command of English is questionable. It multiple grammatical errors of which I have spotted the following: Here are some of the errors:
      1. “March 11”–this date format is American, not British. One cannot combine the American way
      of writing and British one at the same time. For instance, “synthesise” and ‘proved” is
      British as opposed to American ‘synthesize” and “proven”. The last two are seen in the
      letter supposedly written by a Brit.
      2. Provindent –This word is misspelled. This type of mistakes is often made by Zambian
      speakers of English.
      3. Our mutual friend — What does that mean?
      4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
      complementizer of understand, a coma…

    • 7. I hope can clarify our offer and help us come to an arrangement— What does this
      sentence mean? First, it is ungrammatical. An article is missing before the auxiliary “can”
      Second, “to” is equally missing before “come”.
      8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
      firmly believe that, etc.)
      9. Please, let me office know – What does this mean “me office”?
      10. The combination of “I” and “we”
      All in all, this thing is written in poor Zambian English with several punctuation mistakes.

  8. Even if just assuming it were true, ni Cambridge yanyoko?How about those countless imagine builders the ruling flew into the country?

  9. Zambia was supposed to be focusing on Easter as a Christian nation, the climax of our faith. Politics of power and elections is the daily discourse. Politics that brings real transformation driven by servant leadership is absent. Going with the current flow of priorities, the nation will only resurrect after two decades, the love for power and money, thieving from the poor and oppression of those with alternative views on both side is our politics.

    • God gave us the country to manage. We are gonna watch on all the wolves wanting to rule over us as we remember Easter. Eyes on the ball.We know Jesus is our ultimate leader and He has no contender, HE is already a Victor. We don’t Lucifer to steal our country too.

    • Abena Henry … since you identified yourself as a Christian, please read the book of Nehemiah 4:17. When the Israelites decided to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, they had so many enemies.

      They carried building materials in one hand and a sword in the other hand to protect themselves. The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise are at those crossroads. It’s time we built while defending our country from foreign intruders.

      We cannot relent not even on Easter, we only have one Zambia for us. Others are ready to sacrifice Zambia on their altars, some of us ain’t.

      So help us God …

  10. God gave us the country to manage. We are gonna watch on all the wolves wanting to rule over us as we remember Easter. Eyes on the ball.We know Jesus is our ultimate leader and he as no contender, HE is already a Victor. We don’t Lucifer to steal our country too.

    • There is a serpent in state house covered in sheep’s wool with a bible under raps ready to dupe the gullible about being humble….

    • I vote with a conscious not by default like you. Your comment is natural hatred. Are you double h’s nephew? I can switch who I vote for based on informed decisions not on gullible biasness anchored on nepotism you have no control over. If M’membe will drive the message straight home, my vote, not being hardwired (by default), I will flip. I am a swing voter. I vote for whoever has a sellable policy. I have been voting since you were 9. You sound like a payed Cambridge Analytica agent who has failed to make it count for double h. People love that so called serpent in state house. If it pains enough, go to a closet and sob son.

    • We all know who the real snakes are and there none at State House. I can now see why someone always carries a heavy heart.

    • Hehehe ati people love the serpent ……

      Yes enough love for the serpent to use all violence illigalities in the last elections…

    • Yes oh! Only impeachers who belong to a certain cult and who share the same kind of culture hate him. Progressive people with progressive thinking regardless of where they come from are level headed. When PF was in opposition, they carried themselves with high esteem and worked extra harder to find themselves where they are today through the ballot. Guess what, they will rule til their time ends. Your bitter grudges will end up killing your tuma little egos and finally yourselves. Get over it. ECL is very much president like or not. Else, go hang.

  11. I generally don’t pay attention to allegations but this one is too serious to be ignored.

    The facts may not be verified yet, but such reports should get Zambians thinking and consider thoroughly who they entrust the leadership of the nation with. May we act just as King Solomon acted in his wisdom by judging between the two women who the real mother of the child was – it was not the desperate one.

    • This so-called letter was written by a Zambian whose command of English is questionable. It multiple grammatical errors of which I have spotted the following: Here are some of the errors:
      1. “March 11”–this date format is American, not British. One cannot combine the American way
      of writing and British one at the same time. For instance, “synthesise” and ‘proved” is
      British as opposed to American ‘synthesize” and “proven”. The last two are seen in the
      letter supposedly written by a Brit.
      2. Provindent –This word is misspelled. This type of mistakes is often made by Zambian
      speakers of English.
      3. Our mutual friend — What does that mean?
      4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
      complementizer of understand, a…

    • 4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
      complementizer of understand, a coma is required before “our“ and after “Sands”.
      5. We can add powerful, decisive value to your campaign – Since powerful and decisive
      modify value, the author was supposed to use the conjunction “and’ between powerful and
      6. “unprecedented” and “value” are overused by Zambians.
      7. I hope can clarify our offer and help us come to an arrangement— What does this
      sentence mean? First, it is ungrammatical. An article is missing before the auxiliary “can”
      Second, “to” is equally missing before “come”.
      8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
      firmly believe that, etc.)
      9. Please, let me…

    • 8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
      firmly believe that, etc.)
      9. Please, let me office know – What does this mean “me office”?
      10. The combination of “I” and “we”
      All in all, this thing is written in poor Zambian English with several punctuation mistakes.

  12. Yes you have revealed those HH arrangements for PVT, so what?
    How is this revelation relevant to the current problems Zambia is facing? Are we still not convinced that PF won or are we inadvertently saying HH won and we stole the victory from him because he used a foreign firm for his PVT? Are we not just acting out of ignorance and jealousy? There is no law in Zambia that says you cannot recruit a foreign firm to do your PVT. After all PF did worse with Chavula the Ugandan who physically did the PVT from Mulungushi totaling Computer room! The reason why Zambia won’t develop is simple! We have too much talk time than brains!

  13. This letter is genuine and authentic. HH has no love for Zambia and Zambians and can even kill to acquire political power

  14. Attempts after attempts the upnd maneuvers make look simple but in reality something big is don’t forget that someone in upnd said,”I’ll go for his throat.”so I don’t know what ‘ll come after failed impeachment?

  15. I shared on this forum that this HH has auctioned our country in advance and it’s time we became more protective, just imagine someone going to extent of work with Cambridge Analytica, that’s very serious and a woke up call to PF. Let’s not treat HH with kid’s gloves.

    • Sri auctioned this countreeee….

      The Chinese own you….even your national broadcaster is owned by them…..hell… they even nearly had their own police force with blessings of lungu…….

  16. The freemason is evil,,, can’t even smile. He belongs in jail. Convicts are excluded. Easy way.

  17. All this propaganda will not hide the insincerity, incompetence and dullness of PF cadres. Zambians are not stupid and cannot be blindfolded by this cheap propaganda. It is vital that they address the issues of corruption, breaching of the constitution, poverty levels and many many more issues a serious government would put as a priority than peddling such cheap issues.

  18. Do not forget that the chinese own you…..they even own your national broadcast service……hell lungu even wanted to have Chinese police officers arresting Zambians……so what would western entities want , Chinese leftovers ??


  20. NDC candidate for Luapula ward by election in Kalulushi says he’s going to bring water to the area if elected. So I was wondering how’s going to do it…is going to sink boreholes, erect tanks etc. Because Luapula ward like the rest of Kalulushi gets water from nkana water and sewerage and like the Kitwe, Kalulushi and Chibuluma Luapula ward is facing water deficiency. He was on radio Icengelo and I just wish him luck.

  21. It’s a shame what we Zambians have become especially the UPND members.
    Firstly,how can you defend a story you have no facts about?
    As for the PF supporters,its better to push for a deeper investigation.
    Cambridge Analytica and IntelligenceIQ are playing a dangerous game that has wipedout close to $100 billion of FACEBOOK value in less than a week.
    Just the fact that Hichilema is associated with people like Mr Nix should scare the hell out of a NORMAL Zambian.
    Unfortunately,my observation is that the UPND like white people so much that they are always running to them for solutions.
    It’s unfortunate coz both the Chinese and Indians don’t really think much about white people.
    As for Zambians,the lessons are clear from South Africa.
    That’s why it was going to be an insult for the DA’s…

  22. This so-called letter was written by a Zambian whose command of English is questionable. It has multiple grammatical errors of which I have spotted the following: Here are some of the errors:
    1. “March 11”–this date format is American, not British. One cannot combine the American way
    of writing and British one at the same time. For instance, “synthesise” and ‘proved” is
    British as opposed to American ‘synthesize” and “proven”. The last two are seen in the
    letter supposedly written by a Brit.
    2. Provindent –This word is misspelled. This type of mistakes is often made by Zambian
    speakers of English.
    3. Our mutual friend — What does that mean?

  23. 4. I understand from our mutual friend Henry Sands that – since “that” is the
    complementizer of understand, a coma is required before “our“ and after “Sands”.
    5. We can add powerful, decisive value to your campaign – Since powerful and decisive
    modify value, the author was supposed to use the conjunction “and’ between powerful and
    6. “unprecedented” and “value” are overused by Zambians.

  24. 8. “as” is really overused in this note (as we explained, as we discussed, as we receive, we
    firmly believe that, etc.)
    9. Please, let me office know – What does this mean “me office”?
    10. The combination of “I” and “we”
    All in all, this thing is written in poor Zambian English with several punctuation mistakes.

  25. Kakoma: “Ask the ECZ whether they saw any manipulation by the UPND? The manipulation was from the PF and we caught them.”

    Iwe Kakoma, by your own definition of rigging, how does ECZ come into this? Did Analytica interfere with ECZ systems? You have been caught pants down, or just say that at your level in upndeez you are totally ignorant about this. Its interesting how Kakoma is left to answer such embarrassing questions for Upndeez and their h.h. It seems Steven Katuka refuses to clean any mess by h.h and tells him “I told you, young man, but you dont listen”.

  26. Thats why Museveni hate him or like him , he shut all social media prior and during elections. I think its an approach to use if political players are behaving in that manner. A week before elections shut all social media and open after peopel have voted.

  27. It is high time we armed our villagers with hack proof apple computers and iphones to defuse this most troubling development. No more selfies with COWS in the background on our facebook walls in-case that brand mark can be traced to owner. To be forewarned to be forearmed. Pwahahahaha

  28. In colloquial language NIX means nothing, tapali, palibe, no, etc. UPND are in a wrong mix with Nix. They are up to nothing in 2021. Don’t blame PF and start useless petitions in 2021. Blame NIX.

  29. HH is a danger to Zambia! He has “goods” which he intends to sell! He is a desperate individual who want to enrich himself and get power at all cost by selling Zambia! Thank God for the revelation! He has the same people who acted as mendler in other countries to influence the elections! Please OP watch this guy!

  30. There is no reason to doubt there was a connection! Anyway impeaching His Excellency President Lungu is an April Fools Day joke. Best President ever. Let’s impeach those that disturb the working of Parliament by refusing to attend seatings for important matters pertaining to their constituents. How dull do Zambians have to be to punish the most astute President of Zambia’s history? Please let peace and stability reign. Fire tenders? Better we impeach those behind market burning incidents than the purchase of tenders necessitated to put those fires out. Come on Zambians, think better and not be manipulated by desperadoes.

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