Veteran football administrator Simata Simata has reported FAZ President Andrew Kamanga and his executive committee for theft of K800,000 to the Anti-Corruption Commission(ACC)
Simataa also reported the Kamanga led Executive to the Zambia Revenue Authority for tax fraud.
During the FAZ AGM held last week financial and accounts documents revealed that Kamanga and his executive members paid themselves hefty allowances amounting to K800,000 for work done for the U-20 tournament.
The funds were directed by FAZ Secretary General Pasipononga Liwewe who directed First National Bank to transfer K805,000.00
Those paid include Andrew Kamanga(K105,000), Eric Mweemba(K103,900.00), Dr Joseph Mulenga(K60,650.00), Brenda Kunda (K80,650), Elijah Chileshe(80,650), Ponga Liwewe(K106,100), and Lombe Mbalashi (K99,650.00)
is that reason why someone resigned from this FAZ
Simataa Snitch
FAZ or FIFA need to change the rules …so genuine Football Fans from business world can have a chance to make this organisation profitable not these hungry guys who in there because they are on the board of some club which has not declared profit for years
Website going to be dirty again with these Simataa & Kamanga.
Mulongoti & Ka Tayali are better.
So what,,,?
If it was a muzungu getting that sort of money there would be no hullabaloo!
Let them get what they deserve.
Yah…..sack and jail them if they have began looting…….you mean to tell me there are no guidelines of how much these parasites are allowed to paythem selves ???
These chaps must be locked up!! It is pure corruption. Sad that Kamanga has fired his accounts staff on the premise that they are the ones who leaked the documents!!
#AbashKamanga #AbashKamanga
It’s not corruption bwana; it’s daylight robbery!
They want to scamper in different directions after taking the loot. Zambia has an endemic corruption virus that has penetrated all spheres of society. Where are going to with these kinds of leaders? Everywhere, there is corruption this, corruption that and this is government money we are talking about. There is the evidence ba ACC, for once move swiftly and arrest the minions.
Get in on the case ACC.
simaata is at ZRA not ACC thanks
So Ponga is a shameless unprincipled coward, he got paid and jumped ship swam to safe RSA…really laughable…the FAZ situation is terrible sight indeed, its crabs in a bucket climbing over each other attempting to escape….they are all hungry for power ..going to Zurich, meeting stars, contracts etc… why on earth would a Mining Magnate want to cling to that position of Veep or Kamanga the so called rich man be approving such ridiculous allowances. Its Animal Farm in FAZ, one thing I detest about our Zambian culture we dont our own to succeed…even if you gave Sims that position the same will happen as its the same people all these years still clinging on.
Jail the thieves so that whoever will take the realm of FAZ will not come and still. Ponga should also be arrested that is why the guy came back from SA just to steal money from FAZ coffers some guys, you wouldn’t even suspect him that he is also a thief.
If Ponga was wise which I thought he was…he would have rejected this allowance and then resigned or citing this as to the reason why he resigned but he kept quiet thinking he was smart citing politics . ..you are guilty by association by accepting a share of the loot.
what do you expect. When foreigners are running football. These Malawians are a pain?????????
Anyone with a nyanja name is from Malawi?
Simataa Simataa has always been disgruntled he wanted to be FAZ president so badly sour grapes let him report fake stories
Simataa Simataa this problem is not only at FAZ but the whole government structure. Everywhere people are paid salaries and allowances for work which they are supposed to do. In government civil servants do it everyday, at parliament MPs pay themselves allowances for every sitting. They are some MPs who only show up for 2 mins and get hefty allowances. Ministers in Lungus government get paid for delivering a speech to talk about government policy. I tell you things are upside down in Zambia. Lungu has no control over his government. How I wish he could learn from Magufuli, the president of Tanzania who has scrapped allowances for public workers. So what happened at FAZ is because of lack of rules everywhere in Zambia.
Simataa is one character you’ll like and hate at the same time. It’s like in yester years being caught by a Lozi or Tonga policeman, it was non negotiable but today they’re the ones proposing bribes. After Tom Mtine the best President FAZ ever had was late David Phiri who was a golfer. Then the Constitution was changed to bar perceived outsiders. If this had happened when Dennis was alive, he could have ordered his son to pay back every ngwee, that’s the kind of man he was
I don’t like him but on this one I support him. Unlike others who just make unfounded allegations, Simaata has actually reported these spoilers to a law enforcement agency.
Nibakabwalala fye bonse, Kamangs na Pongz. Simataa is a struggler he isn’t a thief. ACC act quickly our football has gone to the dogs. We celebrate being no 2 to Bafana in a 4 nations tourney. Atase!
Kalusha was a thief, Simataa fought him tooth and nail, now Kananga is a thief. Who is clean you the accuser Zambians this country will never move forward we are just too much PHD. Let’s try to support each other for once.
Simataa is,a bitter man. To hell with him