Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prosecute e-voucher fraudsters-ZNFU


Jervis Zimba
Jervis Zimba

The Zambia National Farmers Union( ZNFU) has pledged to work with government to ensure that all those involved in sabotaging the e-Voucher system face the wrath of law.

ZNFU president Jervis Zimba observes that government had good intentions to introduce the e-Voucher system to farmers but some civil servants were frustrating government efforts in improving the well-being of farmers by sabotaging the system hence frustrating farmers.

Mr Zimba disclosed that they had information on some civil servants and Agro dealers that were benefitting from the system

He was speaking yesterday in Kaoma when he paid a courtesy call on the District Commissioner Kennedy Mubanga.

Mr Zimba further disclosed that his union had put an intelligent system to ensure all those that would be found wanting were arrested.

He noted that farmers had for a long time been abused by unscrupulous people adding that ZNFU would not sit idle but try by all means to defend the farmers.

Meanwhile Mr. Zimba appealed to government to pay farmers on time so that they could have their inputs early if food security was to be guaranteed.

Speaking earlier Kaoma District Commissioner Kennedy Mubanga said ZNFU should help farmers in the District to find market for their crops.

Mr Mubanga mentioned groundnuts as one of the crops that was grown on a large scale in the district but did not have readily available market.


  1. Please always have a skeleton of your article. Here are my questions.
    #1:What is the problem?
    #2: Who is affected from the stakeholders
    #4: Quantify the costs etc
    #3: How/what is the mitigation strategy from e-Voucher implementer

    Avoid useless statements like:
    Mr Zimba disclosed that they had information on some civil servants and Agro dealers that were benefitting from the system

    Mr Zimba further disclosed that his union had put an intelligent system to ensure all those that would be found wanting were arrested.

  2. The determination by Upnd to subortage government efforts is very vicious. This party will bring chaos if not put in check.

    • Ndanje Khakis: How does UPND come in here? Jervis Zimba heads the farmers’ union and he is talking about
      the need to prosecute fraudsters of the e-voucher system. How does this sabotage government?

  3. I seriously do not understand the Politicians like Dora & Co in PF….simply look at Zim across the Victoria falls, their economy was down down non functional and their currency was worthless crap but they used mobile money or Eco-cash to make transactions even to buy groceries or beer at the bar ….but in Zambia where the economy is stable everything is a mighty challenge as they all want to have a cut of the cake by all means possible …its utterly shameful and no one is fired by the lazy thing in State House he is indifferent to everything.

  4. First off I like the observation by @1 citizen. I often stop mid-article because of very poorly, aimless articles. Secondly I get pretty curious how it is that typically in Zambia fraud is to be found just about everywhere. I am sure even nannies are busy scheming how they can defraud the babies in their charge. As for systems, there is still a top-down behavior of introducing systems that result in the beneficiaries having no clue how it works and therefore not knowing how to help combat fraud. ASK the citizen what they WANT. I have always advocated for citizen-centric systems. Nobody seems to have picked the significance of this in relation to governance – or perhaps it is because of this potential power that it is ignored as a strategy.

  5. Believe me, some e-vouchers are at State House and some in RB’s hands but many more with Dora. Keep wasting your time making press statements looking for some boogyman that does not exist. Lungu, RB and Dora have the e-vouchers you think were abused. Look at the firetrucks, the ambulances and many many other abuses. It is Lungu, RB and Dora. Kampyongo is given a fourth hand jalopy from Japan, he gets all excited and throws insults at anyone who says anything negative about the Godfather, Lungu. Sad. Stop looking for the e-vouchers, just ask Lungu, he will give you some as long as you promise him a vote.

  6. Why should everything be political? There is no politics in prosecuting those defrauding the e-voucher system, case closed. Does it mean politics is all we can discuss? Life is wider than that.

  7. Mr Zimba yes those that cheated the system should be dealt with, but rather than worry about inputs you are a farmers union should be more concerned and focused on fighting for a fair price for this year’s Maize and Soya crop.

    You as a Union have been very toothless and have been absolutely useless in bringing out the criminal activities of maize middle men buyers (often cadres) who have been buying maize at low prices. These maize buyer cadres are working hand in hand with millers to disadvantage the farmers. This and FRA’s low price have killed farmers and you as a Union have let farmers down!

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