Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lungu urges Chinese investors to embrace dialogue with line ministries


President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business - Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza 
President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza

President Edgar Lungu has noted that Zambia and China have continued to enjoy good relations over the years.

The President further said he is happy that China has also continued to invest in many African countries Zambia inclusive.

The Head of State added that Zambia is always happy to welcome Chinese investment as it is beneficial to both countries.

He made these remarks at State House today when a multi- million dollar Chinese investor called on him.

President Lungu however, cautioned the Chinese investor to engage Zambia in the private partnership that will work for the good of both countries unlike other investors that come to invest in the country with hidden agendas.

The Head of State has also encouraged the Chinese investor to embrace dialogue with line Ministries in various sectors at any given opportunity as it is cardinal in achieving a consensus in any investment.

And the Chinese investor Zhang Huarong, who is Board Chairman for Huajian Group also noted that Zambia has been a great friend to China for a long time.

Mr. Huarong said he is grateful to the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry for having extended an invitation to him to invest in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda hinted after a closed door meeting that the Chinese investor will in May return to Zambia to consummate agreements in various sectors.

Mr. Chanda said the President also assured the Chinese investor of Zambia’s stability as regards to its political environment.

President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business - Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza 
President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza
President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business - Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza 
President Edgar Lungu with Mr HuaRong Zhang, the Chairman of Huajian Group of China who paid a courtesy call on the Head of State at State House today. Mr Zhang is in the country leading a business delegation from China to look at various investment prospectives. He is a member of all China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of China Africa Business Council, Chairman of Asia Footwear Industry Association and President of Guanzhou Huajian International shoes Chinese Business – Pictures By Eddie Mwanaleza


  1. These so called infesters are selling us tap water and others even disrespecting labor officers. This is a result of selling our country to these choncholis for personal aggrandizement and expedience. PF is indeed a failed project.

    • The GREATEST President we have ever had in my opinion

      I hold a PhD so I know what I am talking about



    • The lazy man has sold out to the point where State House is open door to every Chine who lands at KKIA …these people are supposed to see Minister Of Commerce. Very soon they will own INDENI OIL.

    • No No No please Mother Zambia why why why….Lungu is auctioning the country and everybody is watching…Can we find someone with better ideas to run the country..i dont care who…but whoever can save us from the Chinese takeover. The way things are going in the next 10 years Zambia will cease to exist..Zambians will become foreigners in their own country..mark my words

    • We are doomed..this is it..Zambia is now officially a colony of China….game over..kaput…finish and klalre
      King Mwasti has changed his country’s name to Kingdom of Eswatini and Lungu will probably do the same..Kingdom of Jonathan Mutaware

    • But guys whether you are PF or UPND or whatever party…we need to stop Lungu at all cost…this is pure madness..Now am asking myself a Lungu really a Zambian? Maybe not

    • So true. Every contract in Zambia goes to Infestors. ZESCO gives a contract to the Chinese at K450,000 per contract per member of the tender committee and K650,000 to the MD.
      How can a Zambian win any good tender?
      The price at RDA is 10% of each tender paid upfront and once tender is awarded, changes to design are made to steal more and more.

    • Mushota do you really work? You should be propagating ways Zambia will lift itself out of the debt trap! These PF leaders (including UPND) are and would work for their own benefit!
      We need to take charge and contest next elections.

    • All of a sudden we can’t survive without the Chinese..where were the Chinese all these years..Where were the Chinese when Mwanawasa was the President…and Jonathan Mutaware thinks he is doing a good thing buy getting kickbacks from these Chinese.
      China man has seen money in Zambia. Why don’t we just ask the Chinese to be supplying us with oxygen..the air that we breathe

    • How else do you think u are repaying the debts u owe the Chinese ??? There are consequences to the borrowing Zambia has immersed itself in. Now just live with it we can protest all we want I have now seen how helpless the whole situation is and we have people who clap to everything humbly Dumbly does as if the consequences won’t affect them as well in the long term 🙁

    • Neo-Colonialism of Zambia to China due to a corrupt Malawian.
      $200,000 is what Kaizer Zulu is charging tu ma Chinese for a meeting with a corrupt Malawian Drunkard occupying Zambian State House.

      Chinese loans are a loan to a chinese company but repaid by zambian people for an over-priced white-elephant contract.
      – Contract is awarded to a chinese company
      – the money is paid directly into chinese company’s account in china, it does not touch Zambia
      – Top Management is chinese
      – supervisors are chinese
      – most labourers are chinese prisoners
      – machinery is chinese
      – raw materials are imported from china
      – After the project, Chinese stay on buying huge tracts of land, start street-vending, trading, ARV-chicken farming taking informal jobs from locals. They venture into illegal…

    • CONT’D..
      They venture into illegal activities like mukula logging, illegal mining & smelting, producing fake products including mineral water from tap water etc.

      Chinese loans have no benefit to zambians besides a road whch lasts 3 years. This Malawian drunkard has to go now & be brought to court for auctioning the country. 2021 is too far.

    • Show me a serious Zambian investor who has shown and built developmental projects for Zambians?
      Keep quiet and enjoy the Chinese jobs and money. After all they will not go back with buildings to China

    • PF00Lish Govt gave Chinese huge tracts of land after Mufulira turn-off (Sabina) to develop a multi-facility economic zone to produce various goods including cell-phones. Today if you go at Sabina, you’ll find chinese selling cabbages, ARV-fed Chickens, taking away business from the locals. The population of tu ma Chinese outnumbers that of locals in Chambeshi.

      Indeni is being auctioned to tu ma Chinese. Don’t be surprised when paraffin is pumped into your car one day or if Indeni is burnt due to chinese poor regard for safety. Population of Ndola will be 60% chinese soon as they import millions of labourers for indeni.

    • Disgusting sure they left brown envelopes. Lungu is so cheap, yet Zambian his own people can never be given a chance to pay a courtesy visit. Your own Minister of Labour was being disrespected by a Chinese National with no support from your office. We will deport all Chinese come 2021.

  2. More brown envelopes for the lazy Lungu who is dressed like the head waiter at State House…no wonder the Chines they are now untouchables in Zambia!!

  3. This is where People like Trump make sense..sometimes you need a business man to control the economy of the country. Just look the way he has put his foot down on NAFTA and China trade..but for as long as Jonathan Mutaware gets his brown envelope then all is well

  4. Dialog don’t $h!t these motherf^cker$ need to be kicked out of my country and go back to chocholiland.

  5. So true. Every contract in Zambia goes to Infestors. ZESCO gives a contract to the Chinese at K450,000 per contract per member of the tender committee and K650,000 to the MD.
    How can a Zambian win any good tender?
    The price at RDA is 10% of each tender paid upfront and once tender is awarded, changes to design are made to steal more and more.

  6. The PF rats we have are happy to see Chinese own everything……their job is kickbacks only……the more Chinese, the more kickbacks they have and less work for them to do…..

  7. Sorry ba Zambia……we will not own anything with these corrupt theives ….
    Lungu and his gang have strangled the country with debt and are now desperate to sell off everything….

    • Ba Chifubu do not be excited with Mr Lungu’s fake promise. Ask ba Kabwe, he promised them Mulungushi Textiles after ba Kabwe ba vota Lungu apita mumulu to avoid passing through Kabwe. That hospital no fake story if you are luck it will start and then abandoned so that it becomes 2021 fake promise we want to finish our projects. If it finishes, no medicine, one doctor without even stethoscope, two enrolled nurses and one cleaner. No bed, no equipment thats how hospitals operate under corrupt PF.

  8. Lungu uswana inge mutu ya inyelezi ni ku ishamela mwa musisi omunsu hala maliha, wa futumalelwa sesinde, kono wa nunka wa mwana kangamba!

  9. Zambia died the Day Sata, the Godfather of ba Jona Mutawali took over.
    Now just making burial arrangements, which will be done by The Sino Undertakers.

  10. ZamChina province: an overseas territory of china whose inhabitants are majority black but its economy is Chinese controlled.

  11. Comment:what comes first thinking or talking?Edgar lungu said that Chinese and Labour minister they must have a dialogue that is a good advise but you, why you don’t want to have a dialogue with opposition parties?


  13. @dontcare… a lot of established Zambian businesses have closed down because:
    – the Chinese opened a shop next door
    – because the Chinese stole a brand
    – because the Chinese was allowed to introduce products of substandard quality

    Aquasavana handled the Chinese scandal like a boss (because they identified the problem sooner than later). But there are many that have gone down without a trace. Either they didnt know that the loss of business was because of a Chinese cutting corners somewhere, or they found out, but didn’t have the capacity to fight it.

    – The Chinese “know” too many people up there.

  14. Ba Lungu and his colleagues are the only people benefiting from these so called investors who come with bad conditions and don’t care about the locals because they have already paid off the big fish what a shame.

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