Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili’s son arrested


Mwanba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.
Mwamba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.

Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili’s son Mwamba has been arrested and charged with two counts of owning property suspected to be from proceeds of crime.

Mr Mwamba Kambwili was summoned by the Anti-Corruption Commission at Woodlands Police station .

Mwamba arrived around 09:15 Hours at the police Station and was interrogated for two hours.

He has been granted bond with two working sureties, which he was yet to meet at Lusaka’s Woodlands Station at the time of publishing.

Mwamba was accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.

Mwanba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.
Mwamba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.
Mwanba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.
Mwamba accompanied by his father Chishimba Kambwili and his lawyer Christopher Mundia and other NDC officials.


  1. Witch hunt!!! Ask Tasila where she’s got all the properties from?? Also, ask Chitotela, Kapyongo and Jean Kapata how they have accummulated all that wealth.

    What about LUSAMBO, ba Kolwe imwe leave Kambwili alone

  2. I looked at the BUFFOON father, then at the son, and I thought, The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

  3. Very sad indeed. I never and will never like Kambwili but I sympathyze with him for what is family. May the Good Lord tame his mouth during these trying moments.

    • Zambia police. Don’t hide in lies that the police get instructions from State house. It’s only when you try it that you can complain.

    • Is that the same police who stood by and watched as NDC were hacked with pangas at central police by PF ? Or the other police that CK reported lusambo for assault ???

    • Spaka so you’re able to watch all these from the UK. You must be great, but how come you can’t influence the election.

    • Ndanji in this age of multimedia and the internet , PF transgressions are well known……you can not hide the police and PF brutality on opposition…

    • Why does it seem to bother you when you see people fishing in a dry pond?

      You still have your dinner without their bother, don’t you?

    • By multimedia do you mean Zambian Watchdog? Or haven’t you heard of AI? Today any thing can be created including pictures of police beating up “people “. I thought you in England would know better.

  4. Umwana wa Mbwili, owning properties suspected to be from proceeds of crime. Balalenga Imbwili BP ikwele again!

  5. Kambwili, after screaming on top of his lungs that pf are thieves, only to find there is theft to be answered in his own house, concerning himself & now afecting innocent children. If you live in a glass house dont throw stones bane, hope lesson sinking in

    • It’s the same with EL. He has to be careful how he treats his opposers or else we will see him in and out of the galores after 2021. Wait n see. These vision less politics!! God help us.

  6. What is going on. NDC and UPND losing elections, NDC leader arrested. Lealui voters going to Limulunga, just what’s going on?.

    • This kind of walk can only be seen in the mountains of Rwanda. There is a big population of Gorillas there.

  7. Leave the kids alone, go after Kambwili- no need to target the son, and Kambwili should be man enough to shield his son! If my son was ever in such a situation as a result of my deeds I would be man enough to step in and say leave my son alone but take me instead! Kambwili be a man, what type of cowardice is this, first he pretended that he was sick now hiding behind the son? How do you even compare this coward to Sata? What type of f000ls can support a coward like Kambwili???? Even women from previous regimes that were arrested have shown more courage to serve time remember Gladys Nyirongo? Not this coward!

  8. But where is the equilibrium for Kambwili. He looks so disfigured. Chi very reckless body mass, that’s why chi fainter fainter

  9. Someone needs to remind Lungu he is term limited. His corrupt term will also come to an end; karma.

  10. I am not particularly interested in that scruffy thing called Kambwili, you may lock it up or hide it away somewhere. I dont want to comment further in case it thinks that it is important.

  11. HH is in the toilet so we can’t leave him there when we come out because we come out with his smell. Even when he goes to South Africa his smell follows him there! Don’t you smell it?

  12. Not Kambwili. He was a good crusader for the masses. But he crossed the line looting big time.

    And for what? Just to get so stuffed and be unable to see one’s di….k and b..lls and walk with legs apart!!!

  13. How much money did the son deposit in father’s account? He must tell rather than just yapping, ‘since when did depositing money in someone’s account become a crime.’

  14. Why talk about HH where it is not necessary? The platform is good but people are misusing it. Mind you, what you do unto others can be done on you. Let’s us anchor our prayers to God to help us through all this predicament.

  15. Dora siliya’s son was found to have millions in his account by the ACC and was never arrested. This is a teenager son with no history of employment or business. Very funny justice system.

    • Kambwili was my headboy at Mpatamatu in 1990 and he use to beat his fellow pupils a lot. I never liked him!!…and am still wondering, how can his son of 19yrs become richer than ine newa lesambilila naba wish!

  16. Poltics has to gone to the dogs. People are suffering real problems are not being articulated. Leaders of selfishness.

  17. When you steal don’t involve your family because the entire clan might end up in jail. Now Kambwili and son are facing similar charges, we don’t know who’s next? Now all his properties will be restricted and forfeited to the State. He will end up in Mpatamato, what a life!

  18. Imbwili’s NDC was pathetic in by-elections for wards. How will they run presidential campaign? I hope Kalaba is learning how politics actually work pa Zed. Never consider yourself too important.

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