Friday, January 17, 2025

President Lungu re-launches ‘ make Zambia clean, green and health campaign ‘


President Edgar Lungu with Lusaka Province Minister,Bowman Lusambo(r) and Minister of Local Government,Vincent Mwale(m) at the re-launch keep Zambia clean Campaign at Soweto market
President Edgar Lungu with Lusaka Province Minister,Bowman
Lusambo(r) and Minister of Local Government,Vincent Mwale(m) at the
re-launch keep Zambia clean Campaign at Soweto market

President Edgar Lungu has relaunched the make Zambia clean, green and health campaign with the a call to Citizens to embrace the initiative.

The re-launch of the campaign is aimed at making cities, towns, villages, public institutions and places clean to improve the health standards of “ all our people .”

And Mr. Lungu has urged Zambians to remain committed to embrace, promote and maintain a clean, healthy, safe living and working environment to foster prosperity in the nation.

Speaking during the colourful relaunch ceremony held at new Soweto annex, today , President Lungu said government has resolved to promote clean living as a way of fostering national development.

He said general cleanliness is a pre-requisite in averting disease associated with unhygienic living.

“ The general cleanliness of premises, residencies and community surroundings still remain a challenge which poses a risk to the health of the Zambian citizenry, “ he said.

President Lungu said that government introduced the green aspect as a way of preserving and sustaining the environment and the campaign has now been re-branded as “make Zambia clean, green and healthy campaign”.

The President has therefore urged individuals, households, institutions, church, civil society and cooperate world to partner with government in promote the make Zambia clean, green and health healthy campaign.

The Head of State bemoaned that cleaning of premises, residents and community surroundings remains a challenge in the country.

“ I therefore call for a mind- set change if Zambia is to become a clean, green and health country, “ said the Republican President who at the same time noted that unhygienic living poses a risk to the health of the citizenry.

President Lungu insisted that government should not be left alone to champion the programme adding that the campaign will only successes if all stakeholders joined hands with government in promoting clean living.

And Mr. Lungu has urged Zambians to remain committed to embrace, promote and maintain a clean, healthy, safe living and working environment to foster prosperity in the nation.

He also noted that the practice of poor waste disposal has further been made worse to failure by some companies in the private sector to sensitise their customers on appropriate means of waste disposal particularly packaging materials.

He explained that the failure has impacted negatively on most local authorities who have not been able to effectively collect and manage waste due to lack of capacity to do so.

“ Government however remains committed to the programme, hence our gathering today at the new Soweto annex market sheds, “ he said.

He said that the move is to illustrate the PF government’s determination to provide a conducive trading environment aimed at promoting good health for traders and their customers.

The president also disclosed that government is also working towards the enactment of the solid waste management legislation, in an attempt to keep maintain and sustain the environment legislation is expected to further strengthen private sector participation in the provision of solid waste services.

And speaking earlier at the same function, Minister of Local Government Vincent Mwale thanked President for taking keen interest in the promoting of the make Zambia clean, green and health campaign.

Mr Mwale said the local authorities have been inspired by the President’s zeal to champion clean living.

He stressed that the campaign will only be achieved if all stakeholders joined hands with government in embracing the make Zambia clean, green and health campaign.

Mr Mwale said the ministry will soon engage other ministries, churches, companies and the cooperate world in order to support the campaign.

And Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata said her ministry stands ready to support the clean, green and health campaign initiative.

Mrs Kapata pledged to help the ministry of Local government in town planning.

She said the planning of the city will include the planting of tree and grass so as to protect the environment from degradation.

Meanwhile President Lungu has appealed to companies to sensitize consumers on how to dispose used packaging materials.

He complained that most companies have failed to take responsibility hence the littering of packaging materials.

President Lungu said this has resulted in the environment being impacted negatively.

President Edgar Lungu at the re-launch keep Zambia clean Campaign at Soweto market
President Edgar Lungu at the re-launch keep Zambia clean
Campaign at Soweto market
President Edgar Lungu confers with Minister of Local Government,Vicent Mwale during the re-launch keep Zambia clean Campaign at Soweto marke
President Edgar Lungu confers with Minister of Local
Government,Vicent Mwale during the re-launch keep Zambia clean
Campaign at Soweto market


    • Nga iwe ka chiilkala ya shani. Lungu this and that. Cant u be ashamed iwe ka Economical refugee. Go ku Zed and talk id…oit kolo kombwa

    • Lungu will win in 2021 not because he is a good President but because all of the opposition are jokers..HH,Mmembe,Kambwili,Nevers all useless

    • This is becoming a pattern…everytime there is a scandal Lazy Lungu rushes to go and clean up…if you recall last time there was Mukula Tree debacle he rushes to the central district to clean up. Why does he show the same energy when it comes to fighting corruption.

    • Good effort. But just encouraging people to clean up the environment is not enough. Create laws. Fine people who litter. The police should be involved in arresting people for littering. Be very strict about it. Post signs throughout the city warning the public that they’ll be fined if they litter. Something like “DO NOT LITTER. K500 FINE FOR LITTERING.” Consider banning the use of plastic bags by grocery stores. That’s what Rwanda has done. Require all public buses and taxis to have signs in them that warn people not to throw trash through the windows. And that the violators will be fined or arrested. Secondly. make sure large trash bins are placed in all public places. The bins should be well labeled with something like:” KEEP LUSAKA CLEAN.THROW TRASH HERE.” And make sure all…

    • (Continued)… these bins are emptied once or twice a week. Distributing trash bins throughout the city, and then not collecting the trash is as bad as not having trash bins in the first place. Strictly ban public urinating and defecating. Build fee paying public toilets. Also require all gas stations to have public toilets in them. Raise some of the money needed for this sanitation by adding a tax to water bills and other city utility bills. Teach Health Science in schools, from preschool to at least primary school. Keeping a country clean should be number one priority for the government. It helps bring down the cost of healthcare, and attracts tourists to the country. It also attracts investors. Tourists can tolerate many things in a host country, but not dirtiness. So invest…

    • (continued)… heavily in this and Zambia will reap immense benefits in the next few years. We’re currently the dirtiest country in Southern Africa, and that’s unacceptable. Let’s work together and change that image. But the government should lead the way.

    • Look at him as old as he is spewing unpalatables online should be ashamed of yourself; its all coming out now….is that how you behave in Odense, Denmark? I have no battle with you….

    • To the contrary, thumbs up Mr President. I am not your fan but thumbs up. You can even emulate Nigeria who had put it as a must to clean each family’s surrounding every last Saturday of each month for 2 hours and they called it ‘WAR AGAINST INDISCIPLINE or WAI! Nigerian Cities, including Lagos are what they are today because of WAI and determination of their leaders! Thanks Mr President!

  1. Lusaka town centre came to standstill as president Edgar Lungu was launching the keep Zambia clean!!!Guys Kainde ali mucibe in 2021!!!
    Now understand that politics is life football where if one supports Manchester United,they remain like that for better for worse!!PF has mantained more than 90% of its lovers in 6.5 provinces!!!
    ECZ must just now register more youths especially in PF strongholds to add on the list of PF voters!!!
    I SIMPLY CANT SEE HOW KAINDE CAN DEFEAT MIGHTY PF IN 2021-ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!a lot of youths,many of them below 18 years were busy shouting “pabwato pabwato…in town today!!!

  2. Keep up the good works Mr Prez. For doing right by Zambia, I would choose you, even if you were not a Zambian, over those who call themselves Zambians yet behave like foreigners against their own people.

  3. Lungu is cleaning himself because his govt has failed to build a self sustaining ,well regulated system of sanitation.In Atlanta the mayor or state governor doesn’t have to come clean my street or local market himself.

  4. A clean environment is a product of clean minds! The question I always ask myself is why are we always having these launches to keep Lusaka in particular clean? We had a launch with Chiluba (when he wanted to make Lusaka the Garden City), it failed, then came LPM again it failed and now we have ECL re-launching. These are all great moves but how can we sustain cleanliness in Lusaka with all the Shunties around which started with KK’s corrupt ward chairmen? I propose to Mr President that what he has started should go beyond just cleaning the streets. We should also start a bold and radical move to phase out Shunty Compounds by either upgrading them or relocating the inhabitants! Charity begins at home and if our people can be made to appreciate good housing, piped water, green and clean…

  5. Charity begins at home and if our people can be made to appreciate good housing, piped water, green and clean environments with play parks for children, then we can have a sustainable clean city. Start twinning Lusaka with other progressive cities like Kigali and Gaborone! Well done!

    • Have you ever seen John “Bulldozer” Magufuli relaunching anything twice or visiting twice …he does it right first time round, gets rid of lazy tins but our humble thief Edgar/Jonathan rewards mediocrity and myopia hence ripping the soiled rewards of his folly!!

    • @6.1. That kind of thought is the reason this country keeps going backwards. There’s no wrong in re-emphasizing a point to ensure it sticks in people’s minds. Different people have different levels of comprehending a situation. Some people need to hear about samething more often than not before they begin to adapt.

  6. The lazy bum polygamist father who produced a tribalist son with no manners sees good as bad and bad as good. He never saw anything wrong in a University Professor who wrote a letter to the UN on a University Letterhead as though it was official endorsement of the university but finds time to criticise a president who is encouraging cleanliness in the nation! You are criticizing the president not because he is wrong but because he is NOT Tonga! “Only a Tonga President can do things better!”

    • Are you sure Spaka, Chintombwa knows the father? Last time when campaigning for elections he paid a woman to pose as his mother at his farm!

  7. Prof. HaNdulo: “Badala, you wrote a letter to the UN on a University letterhead? Hahaha!”
    “Yes, Badala, I did!” Prof. Hansoni.
    “What was the point, Badala?” Prof. Handulo. “To make a point and emphasis, Badala!” Prof. Hansoni.
    Prof. HaNdulo, “But that Badala, showed that the University was stating its position on Zambia, Hahaha!”
    Prof. Hansoni, “That was the point Badala, the UN has to know that educated Zambians don’t want this ‘corrupt’ (code word for NON-TONGA) government!”
    Prof. HaNdulo, “I think they got it that you are a supporter of Hazaluza Hagain!” Prof. Hansoni, “That is the point Badala, SUPPORT your local team mudala! The UN can’t tell! If you write our local bodies they will know why! HH is the only person who can and must lead Zambia, Badala!”

  8. Let him clean his corrupt government not rubbish in Soweto . Why put on mask, kabili fiko fyobe.
    Imikula, yoonse bapwa, go and plant trees where you are deforesting the bushes. Nonsens .

  9. Very incoherent gibberish and rants we get subjected to by ‘Sharon’. Can’t you write a sober well constructed sentence? This continued obsession with HH is also frightening.

    • Sharon must have had a one night with a Tonga bull she has never forgotten about unfortunately the Tonga bull was after a one night but Sharon thought other wise , that is why she is so bitter towards Tonga bulls……

    • Excuse our dear Sharon/Victor she is touchy-feely and has a lingering gaze to focus on anything hence the gibberish…her hubby in the US has also probably done a runner for greener pastures across the pond!!

  10. I have to learn more after self research that 85%of tonga ‘s a well learned but very selfish, in anything done by a non tonga is rubbish not only I government even outside to tell you tonga u need to come to terms this is country let’s love one and other I personally am half ila but I love every Zambian and I don’t I have to be selfish to an extent that I start worship someone rather than God I will never

  11. “….The president also disclosed that government is also working towards the enactment of the solid waste …”

    “…Mr Mwale said the ministry will soon engage other ministries…”

    “..She said the planning of the city will include the planting of tree ….”

    That all we hear “..will soon” ” working towards “…..bla bla bla….they just wake up and rush for a photo opp ati will soon fyonyoo ..fyonyoo… fyonyoo….

    More than 70 people died of cholera and still they are working towards….lazy corrupt theives…

  12. A cleaning president is a bad sign of rotten leadership.I have yet to see the CEO of Coca Cola working in their bottling lines or the CEO of Boeing working the assembly line.

    • This is because he has surrounded himself with dull Grade 2 bootlickers like Bowman as Special advisers who was doing this in CB putting on blue overalls….what advise can these give him concerning smart sustainable policies. They will be back again to relaunch X 2 the same thing in 6 months time.
      This lazy man is incapable to lead on serious issues…

    • That is so true……..6 months and still we will have “..will…” , “..working towards..” “…soon..”

      After the cholera deaths you would have thought things would be in place bynow Instead of these Sunday hangover workouts ….

  13. Lusaka is dirty and so rotten that the president and GRZ leadership have to micromanage by cleaning the streets? That means the institutional system is missing.

    • Lazy Lungu/Jonathan is the President of Zambia make no mistake …just remember that these are sadly wasted years my dear friend as this time lost will never be recovered,
      Zambia is beautiful country, she has great potential but lacks credible leadership with absolutely no vision whatsoever…imagine if you owned a fleet of buses only for you to take the wheel from your Bus drivers as they were not doing the job, what does that say about your management of your company?
      These are wasted years…for now,lets just drink hard strong lager/ spirits and watch these foooools and clowns dancing like monkeys in the maize field. By the way opposition is a laughable circus jamboree of jokers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. These corrupt useless theives lead by the corrupt vissionless lungu are time waisters. Only intrested in stealing.

    Up to now , you still have nothing in place for operations to run except these silly cader photo opportunities ?

    As JJ says above , 6 months on we will still have we are , will be , soon, working towards……from this corrupt theif and his gang……

  15. The country will not be cleaned up with PR stunts like these Mr. President. What is required are concrete actions and policies: demolish all shanty compounds and relocate all residents of these areas into well – planned residential areas with proper water and sanitation facilities; pass and enact ruthless and uncompromising laws to punish those who urinate or defecate in public, spit and blow their noses anyhow, litter the surroundings by levying them through heavy fines and even some form of imprisonment; and reward those who keep their surroundings clean.

  16. What is the program now with this cleaning thing? I don’t understand this way of doing things. It is not clear. Are they talking to themselves or to us?

  17. @Sharon
    Walasa boy. JAY JAY aumfwa ukunya pwipwipwi just like their leader Chief Satanic Agent in the name of Hakalusa Hagain HH and his tribal party.

  18. Cleaning anyone can clean. What about the 500,000 jobs?

    This guy is really hopeless. Now he has turned the presidency into street sweeping. Create jobs, people will come and do those jobs. If he thinks street sweeping is a presidential duty, he is in a wrong position. People need jobs. Do yours, they will do theirs.

    • I have been to see City Market today after the much-publicized “Make Zambia clean and green” campaign. ECL will be ECL one of the best lawyers Zambia has ever produced but somehow thinks dissolution of parliament doesn’t mean ministers should leave office. It would be really dangerous to bank on it succeeding. Rubbish is still there. some was incinerated in the drains. It is of course as dusty as ever and yesterday was the start when it should have been at its cleanest. I want a clean environment of course but PF aren’t the people to rely on to bring it about.

  19. Jay jay whatever you are die with envy our beloved republican duly elected president is doing his job .your HH will continue farting cow dung in opposition.Can you tell me if the UN has responded to his farting

  20. Any effort to keep dirty Lusaka and Zambia is commendable; Sata gave directive and people went to the streets; a directive by Lungu on radio and TV would have been enough than wasting finances for such a meeting; Lungu could have just gone to the market with some few people to clean up like Mangufuli did; KK used to speak from plot 1 and we obeyed his word; no need for lounge sofa chairs; still i support the efoort to keep Zambia clean;

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