President Edgar Lungu this morning joined hundreds of congregants from the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in celebrating 40 years collaboration between the diocese of Zambia and the United Kingdom.
Speaking shortly after the service, President Lungu made a passionate appeal to the Christian community to join the political arena.
The President noted that Christian influence will bring decency to the political arena.
President Lungu observed that the non-involvement of Christians in politics has contributed to divisions in the country.
He wondered why Christians shun politics when politicians are drawn from different churches organisations.
President Lungu expressed optimism that the full participation of Christians in politics will make Zambia a better country.
The President urged the church to continue partnering with government by offering advice and guidance in the affairs of governance.
President Lungu also urged politicians to emulate the collaboration exhibited by the Anglican Church of Zambia and the Diocese of UK.
President Lungu counseled politicians to leave in harmony instead of destroying and dividing the country.
He said there is no need for politicians to demonize each other.
“Bring Christ to the political arena.” President Lungu appealed.
Meanwhile President Lungu mesmerized the congressional when He energetically danced during the praise and worship service.
The congregation raptured in praise as they were overwhelmed with President Lungu’s participation in the singing and dancing of Christian songs.
President Lungu was accompanied by the First Lady Esther, National Guidance and Religious Affairs Rev Godfridah Sumaili, Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe and other senior government officials.
The service was characterized with bible readings, poems and Christian hymns.
And delivering homily to the fully parked church service, Bath and Wells Diocese Bishop, Right Rev Peter Hancock implored congregants to continue reflecting the love of God to the world.
The clergyman observed that the world is in dire need of God’s love as evidence from the turmoil in many parts of the world.
He implored congregants to shine there light in various communities by following the footsteps of Christ.
Bishop Hancock said people should be able to see the glory of God through.
He described the 40 years partnership has beneficial and edifying.
Speaking at the same service, National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili thanked President Lungu for accepting to attending the 40 years celebration

Great man
But God doesnt like Christians who are Politicians. If you are a Christian and you practice politics you need to rethink.
Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
I am right YET again
Yes dance man dance, bika ichimwela!!! Wombela umo wombela….
We thank your sister for coming to your rescue, today. So dance man dance.
But tomorrow release Ba Siwale from jail, what kind of christian are you?
Even Jesus asked his disciples “whom do you think am…?”, you remember how many answers he got?
John his young brother was silent!!! He never punished anyone for doubting he was the messiah.
Then Jesus said turned water into strong WINE… and they were all drunk like crazy!! Thats how it should be… lets drink, sent prisoners free.
Kekekeke @Mushota you are wrong yet again. The verse you took is refering to Satan & Jah.
You money thing means:
“don’t give your vibrator as offering to church, give them money”.
Proverbs 29:2 KJV … when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
That’s why I love Edgar … always striving to say and do the right thing. Proud of you.
Jonathan is a mad mad.
Trust the same Spirit that made King David dance made you dance also Mr President. If you keep God in your heart nothing is impossible. God will always give Zambia a leader who has a heart for His people. Zambia is God country & will forever remain a Christian Nation. Our God loves us & we love our Lord. God Bless Zambia
Wasted years indeed!!
Now that you went to church today, can you release from prison all those crying out for the truth about your identity. All you need is to explain who you are and not detain people. Remember Barrack Obama did not ask for Trump to be detained but instead produced his birth certificate to prove himself. Why is it that you evil doers like hiding behind the church and want to appear more christian than Jesus himself?
Note to Kambwili – dancing keeps your body healthy and trim, try it instead of fainting from excess body weight. Waumfwa!
BUFFOON CK was right when he said Lazy Lungu is a useless President but if you tell him to stand on this stage right now he will embarrass the likes of Loketo and Papa Wemba as he is a good dancer…really laughable …you can take the Komboni boy into State House but you can not take the Komboni out of him, tomorrow he will flying to Chinsali to go and dance again whilst planting trees.
Jonathan has spoken, in short he is saying more Malawians should come to Zambia and join politics.
Christianity was there among slave traders, among slavery-supporting southerners in USA during the civil war 1860-64, among Tutsis during the Rwanda genocide in 1995, among PF cadres when they were hacking mourners at Lusaka Memorial Park in February 2018, among fraudsters who bought fire engines at one million dollars each, Christianity was also there among police officers who broke into Hakainde’s home and tortured his relatives in April 2017. Christianity is nothing what matters is character of a person. You can do all the evil in the world with a Bible in your pocket. DEC has arrested a woman selling drugs with a Bible in her handbag in Chelston.
Religions were made by the oppressor during slavery to perpetuate the tactic of divide and conquer.
But when Nevers Mumba practices politics, PF cadres ask him to go back to the pulpit
President Edgar Lungu actually said the same thing in November, 2015. What we need in Zambia are christians who will uphold christian values. Already we have a challenge with many people in key institutions who proclaim to love God yet the attitude towards work is pathetic. Majority of Christians in Zambia are corrupt and others are lazy
..they go to church on Sunday minutes later they are insulting here….other go to church on Saturday and shamelessly insulting just a few minutes later …
Christians lack integrity ………….the ability to do the right thing even when you are just alone, and no one is seeing you.
He wants everyone to join politics so he can have no excuse to detain you in police custody without charge when you corner him!!
“He wondered why Christians shun politics when politicians are drawn from different churches organisations.”
LOL, He wondered? Now, that’s a flat and calculated lie, and therein lays the problem. In other words he PRETENDED to wonder because he knows very well why. This is shameless lying in the House of the Almighty God.
He knows very well about:-
– the 42/42 Fire tender scandal,
– the mysterious way he has become disproportionately rich within 12 months when compared to his salary, and without corresponding income Tax trail, whist as Head of State,
– cover-up of his true identity by using Police to harass and arrest anyone who questions his questionable history as a child at primary school.
LOL – He wondered? Give us a break!
good call mr president, its about time we had Christians fully functional in politics, like king Solomon who would be a president, or king David and we have had others in lesser ranks ,its actually a command by God to influence everywhere, you dont need to believe me, look it up in mathews 10:16 ,romans 13:1 .im Breaker im transcendent and i approve this message
I respect president’s views. However, I don’t agree. There things for God and things for Caesar. They don’t fit in the same basket. Christianity is for God while politics is for Caesar. Read Mark 12:17
This Lazy Bum had a hangover forgive him…there is no separation between religion and politics for this dumb man.
Politicians and the game of politics are inherently crooked while Christianity demands the straight and narrow standards. Bwana Lungu these two sets are INCOMPATIBLE.
Meanwhile he is arresting people on Tuesday without charge then charges them at 17:00 on Friday so they spend the weekend in Police custody…come Sunday he is preaching nonsense.
Hypocrite; there are more hypocrite Christians in PF and Lungu is a Christian hypocrite number one; Look at the oppression he has brought among the opposition; he has divided the church and Zambians in general; and become more corrupt than previous presidents;
How can Mr Lungu invite christians to Zambian politics where violence and corruption define Zambian politics? Are the christian for Lungu not enough? They understand your way of doing things with Davies Mwila secretary general without portifolio. No wonder PF cannot bring meaningful development Davies Mwila a good for nothing commands them to do what he wants on behalf of PF.
Wrong and really wrong. Just how does the president invite the clergy to politics. Serving two masters at the same time where on earth. Just because he is a presido and evryone should nod their heads – no. This is greatly wrong – no one does that. Sometimes its good not just to talk when there is nothing to talk about.
The moment clergy start to preach against corruption in politics you will see how he will turn on them.
Politics is a dirty game and politicians are liars crooked ,corrupt and change colours like bananas Why would you leave a straight line to join a crooked line leading to hell?
No way Bwana Lungu that’s like encouraging Zambians to watch softpo.rn…you end up being tempted into sin.Politics is an inherently dirty game where you lie,engage in corruption and smear your opponents to win.
Zambia needs more true Christian’s from those who already claim to be Christian’s so we really can have Christian’s rather than the hypocrites who use the term to do everything that is unchristian. The country is a wash with shameless pretending Christian’s, it’s time we prayed to have the characteristics and values of Christ even as we accept our sons and seek redemption. This Christian Nation lie has to be known for what it is, a gimmick of manipulation and control.
Meant our sins, not sons,
Daniel, Misheck , Shadreck, and Abednego in babylon plus joseph in Egypt and Moses in Egypt. Read the bible. There were God fearing political models in bible history
When the priests condem his corruption and his barbaric rule the PF rats on LT with the 2 lying chandas at statehouse are quick to condemn them for being political…….now the corrupt theif who carries a bible in his back pocket is telling them to be political ???
Fake Christian and tin pot dictator Lungu, Zambia’s worst President ever.
Thank God we have democracy in Zambia. That’s your opinion, sadly it’s not the opinion of the majority who endorsed ECL and rejected the useless upnd last Tuesday.
The results of last week’s local government elections did not truly reflect the people’s will.Violence and intimidation were the order of the day
@My Point: it’s excuses all the time. When are you going to accept that there is something very wrong with the leadership and strategy of the opposition?? It seems people didn’t fall for the lies and rubbish the opposition peddled and forgot to provide alternatives. Violence??? Wasn’t it PF that had its members hospitalised after the brutal attack by upnd thugs in southern province???
They have Mumba as an example. They are better off in the background.
In this country it is difficult to mix politics and Christianity. You that find someone who claims to be a Christian and is also a politician uses bad language at a campaign platform. Does the Bible allow Christians to use bad language? Of course not. Yesterday the President was dancing and “praising the Lord in Church” but very soon we shall hear him using bad language on campaign platforms for the upcoming Chilanga parliamentary seat. There’s so much hypocrisy. No wonder Kagame closed the 6000 churches in his country
Zambias worst president…..corruption at its highest , tribal divisions at their highest , debt at its highest, taxation at its highest , political presecutions at their highest ….
As I have alluded to above, that’s the beauty of democracy. Above is your opinion. If 2 more people differ with yours and say he is the best and we vote, you lose and Lungu becomes the best president. Corruption is a perception as it can’t be proven in any court, or maybe you mean Kambwili who is about to be arrested for corruption??? Tribal divisions are the exclusive work of hakainde and his band of tribalists in upnd, look at the voting pattern last Tuesday-Monze, upnd:9,959 and PF:3; Chiwuyu (Eastern), upnd:357 and PF:857?? You are just bitter, bwana!!!
Over and above everything else, we need leadership. Authority DOES NOT equal leadership. Definitely being religious does not necessarily make you a leader either. Awe mwe!
Mushota. You are out of context and the scripture you have used is misplaced. If you go to church history, you will discover that the church had supremacy over the government. Issues to do with governance are for everyone be it a christian or non-christian, and we do participate in politics in various levels. Mushota (PHD), when you vote, What do you call that?
You are right Mumber sr
A party trying to clean up an image that is in tatters from corruption, fire tenders, inflated contracts, misrule and lies. It little wonder that Inonge Wina was at St. Theresa and Chitotela at a church in Kitwe on the same sunday. Then there was the circus at KK’s birthday where Chagwa looked worse for wear with most of his cabinet. It common secret how the clowns have been stealing. Kalaba has let the cat out of the bag that all the so called development is only motivated by kickbacks! Lies, lies, lies is all PF has been good for!
Lungu donates cars to the Catholic Church from excess monies from shady deals and are now compromised. Have they said anything in the wake of recent arrests (Nevers and Fresher)? The they have been mute when they are supposed to be the voice for the voiceless. Why, why, why? They will even be more silent since Telephore Mpundu retired. Alick Banda is very compromised.
A pastor in Eastern Province was deported by Home Affairs minister Edgar Lungu then for commenting on corruption and other governance issues. What has changed now?
As if to say the current crop of politians are satanists except him.
Celebratory, kapyanga, tree planter President. No jobs, no governance is his modus operandi.
The wicked will NEVER rule in Zambia!
That first picture is making someone die of HaCHIKONKO in the throat!
Very bad idea Mr.president because these Christians are the good examples for moral guidance and it should remain so….when in politics money and immorality will take over……careful careful
@1.4 Mumba,
But you also and your mental ejaculations, when are they going to end, atase!