Saturday, July 27, 2024

KK conferred with 2018 UNAIDS leadership award



  1. Is Lungu improving with age? That was a nice closing speech to a well organised event. In fact all the speeches were great. cONGRAtulations to KK on this well deserved honour and award

    • This breed of Africans called Zambians are simply the best ~ B R Mumba, Sr.

      Because they know that Life Is A Serious Enterprise; What A Sweet Life ~ B R Mumba, Sr

      As they prove day by day that Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Them ~ B R Mumba, Sr

      Original Content, No Copyrights Reserved.

  2. Congratulations to the Emeritus President of the entire continent of Africa; the Living Legend and Provost of them all.

    Well deserved award, congratulations once more.

    Long Live KK; Live Long & Prosper …

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