Government Chief Spokesperson Dora Siliya has complained that alcohol consumption among women in Zambia is still very high and worrying.
Speaking when when she addressed journalists during the mid-week press briefing held every Wednesday, Ms Siliya noted that according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Zambian women are the biggest consumers in the world.
The Chief Government spokesperson further said evidence suggests that 42 percent of Zambian women drink excessively, adding that the high alcohol consumption among women is a serious challenge to government.
Ms Siliya further announced that Government has approved the long awaited implementation of the National Alcohol policy intended to regulate alcohol abuse in the Zambia. According to Ms Siliya, the decision was reached on Monday 21st May 2018 during cabinet sitting at State House.
Ms Siliya who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services pointed out that excessive intake of alcohol has exposed people to cancers, illnesses, promiscuity, gender based violence, causing accidents and low birth weight in children born from drinking mothers.
She has since appealed to sectors to participate in the implementation of the National Alcohol policy.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has also approved the National Heritage Conservation Commission taking over ownership of all significant heritage sites that are in private hands using a well-fortified compulsory acquisition mechanism.
Ms Siliya said the commission will further negotiate with individuals in instances where heritage sites are in private hands.
She disclosed that Zambia has a number of historic sites relating to its own independence which are in private hands.
Ms Siliya said most historical properties are being destroyed due to negligence by private individuals who own the heritage sites.
She complained that private owners do not adhere to heritage cohesion principles that are cardinal in the development of the tourism sector.

Just because imwe nimwe ba chisusu nga mwanwa.
The pot calling the kettle black- wasn’t she reported to drink a lot and wet her bed?
Zambia has basically a consumption problem.
Having been there a while back it seemed most men see drinking as a part time.
drinking. it is not right for a woman to drink. a lady who drinks beer can be done( f**kd) by any man! if your wife drinks then she is for everyone( an harlot)
When did Dora stop drinking. Practice what you preach. Basically, half the adults in Zambia, male and female are disgusting drunks who willfully imbibe and drive.
@Mushota, KB & Dora
Ladies stop undressing each. Fight over men not beers please.
Excessive alcohol consumption is simply bad for all sexes.
There are no good stories that come out of it. Women are r@ped, children are abused and neglected.
And true, most women that get too drunk get shagged easily, and they do not even remember who dun it. They just notice milk shake dripping down their thighs when they wake up. Very sad.
And now that the president is a total drunk, kaya manje….God help us.
It is bad for both men and women.
A lot of families have been broken up because of alcohol.
And yes it is true, most women that get too drunk (or wasted) are easy targets. They wake up in the morning only to notice milk shake dripping slowly down their thighs, and they never know who dun them.
It certainly does not help that Jonathan is a complete drunk himself. He encourages it….ask Mumbi Phiri.
She vomits all the hidden secrets that are stored in her memory.( youjust need to trigger it).
She gets cozier with her love interest.
She kisses her love interest and tells till what extent she loves him.
She says truth (always).
She is out of control ( one needs to control her like a responsibility).
She will fall asleep.
She will faint ( conditions apply*).
Hehehehe iyo kwena that is when you see how a top dog hypocrite speaks….. this one doesn’t only drink a lot but even owns a drinking place called the Manor. Please start with yourself and Ba Mumbi Phiri. Thank you I have a Phd in “master” brewing
This a PF media tactic..everytime there is a scandal just throw in the issue of alcholism among Zambians….Lazy Lungu did the same when those ZANACO bank statements were leaked showing their reckless shopping expenditure in the US.The lazy thing stated that he worried about alcholism in our youth.
Mushota even you are worse than Dora! Some things learn to keep quiet! How can you even say calling the kettle black when with you it’s like jumping from the frying pan into the fire! One for the road ayi!
Pwahahahaha!! Dora you are one to talk. We shall leave it here for now
Yes especially in PF, lead by Mumbi Phiri, to extent of embarrassing president and consequently suspended?? Ba Maria Langa looks balanwamo.
I hear Ba Margaret can drink more than Dora?
It’s worries us.
The President is always too drunk to ever get embarrassed.
He is a drunkard, and a thief.
An embarrassment to our country.
An embarrassment to humanity.
Maria Langa is Rasta, so is her husband. They do not drink or eat meat, on inhaling Mary Jane, that is a subject for another day. kikikiki.
Some people behave worse than drunkards
They insult worse than drunkards.
You don’t win votes through insulting
Just tell us what your president will deliver
You are as good as accepting that your party PF is full of drunks and the best counter argument is as usual to point at the opposition. U say some people behave worse than drunkards may u please kindly show us someone who has behave worse than Mumbi Phiri in recent times?????
Especially that you are leading by example, what else do you expect?
This Dora thing was the last person to talk about women drinking too much, because she is one the drunkards herself. Lets be serious when talking about issues.
certainly shifting attention to women drunkards when she is a drunkard herself!
The economy has been potholed with corruption, iwe dora can you address mega bribes and gifts..
Ba Kwindi!
Beer ergonomics, a drunken colleague is a liability while a drank girlfriend is a treasured asset
EEEEh ba ayatollah kaili kulaipilibwilafye. Coming to Dora, it is true including you and Maggie. Women have gone mad and its because of Stiff (insunko). Ma, ma give us a signal.
up date
We will never forget bars as long as you dont build recreational facilities. In rural Zambia (and urban) we are forced to play in bars watching English League games, playing pool at an early age. Build modern libraries with internet access, sports grounds, etc so that we won’t produce drunk miniters in the future. Until then we must deal with the consequences of alcohol use and abuse.
Excellent point
It must have been a very uncomfortable topic to even categorize women in particular. Once upon a time I saw madam Dora totally drank in the company of late Christon Tembo at Golfview Hotel bar and she was all over him. Unless she tells us that she is a changed woman after a divorce from Chisha. She should declare personal interest if they tell her to attend to such topics that she is found wanting.
Gen Tembo is not avaiable to defend himself. Morality demands that let the dead RIP!
Police in Mazabuka have arrested a teacher for allegedly obtaining over K40,000 from Bayport Financial Services using another person’s identity. The suspect stole a payslip and NRC from a fellow teacher and attempted to obtain a loan of K44,000 using the same documents. The susoect has been charged with forgery, uttering false documents, and attempting to obtain money by false pretences on tuesday last week in Mazabuka.
Uuhhmm now this is very interesting. I thought Mazabuka is right in h.h’s territory, where upnd which loathes corruption and immoral behaviour comes from. Now imagine this evil culprit was promoted to senior position in civil service Lusaka. All manner of corruption and suspicious tenders, and h.h would conveniently point at his opponents PF without mentioning that some…
Our dear comrade leader stole money from a widow and now he is president. So what is the problem? Nimwibala!
Ladies and gentlemen this policy is not about Dora or Edgar or any other high profile individuals in govt, it’s intended for the good of the nation.
Statistics as earlier alluded to have shown 95% of RTA on roads are alcohol triggered.
GBVs in homes are as result of alcohol.
Alcohol is one of major drivers of HIV infection. Let’s support well intended piece of legislation.
You are absolutely right. As always we choose to discuss individuals instead of looking at the subject matter, very sad indeed
What people are saying is that leaders should lead by example. Like ‘see I practice what I preach’. They are not against any alcohol policy, just pointing out the hypocrisy in some people.
Marry modern Zambian women at your own Peril is what Dora Silica is saying kikikiki.
Uuhhmm now this is very interesting. I thought Mazabuka is right in h.h’s territory, where upnd which loathes corruption and immoral behaviour comes from. Now imagine this evil culprit was promoted to senior position in civil service Lusaka. All manner of corruption and suspicious tenders, and h.h would conveniently point at his opponents PF without mentioning that some if not most corrupt civil servants are are bona fide staunch upnd members. Ala bane corruption is perpetrated even by upnd and in fact mostly by them because they have to portray a bad picture of their main opponent at all times.
Just increase cost of fuel so that there will be less money for beer. Otherwise zambians mostly drink to forget the hardships caused by your government Madam.
Cow dung produces Ch4 methane too much exposure to this substance gets you high and you just start insulting and burning markets and killing people
UPND is a tribal party that hates others because they do not belong to them and not out of principle! What a waste! good observation Dora. Kindly help the women. Your haters are losers! Chronic losers!
It would have carried more weight if Madam Dora give a testimony of how she is managing to stay away from alcohol and also state how she regrets her past way of life of drinking. Thereafter advising young women to avoid that path and concentrate on their careers and families.
The challenge with alcohol in Zambia is that people think thats the only way you can enjoy life. They thinking you can’t have fun without alcohol. Thats why I don’t agree that life is difficulty in Zambia. Just go to Chilenje Chris Corner, Kangwa and Katungu in Libala, Northmead shopping centre e.tc. every day from 17hrs to midnight. You will see how Zambians spend on alcohol then turn the following day to say theres no money.
Drunkenness Destroys a Nation!
Alangizi, you are not doing your job!
Mothers, teach your daughters the right thing! Some continue drinking even when in the family way! Do we know the damage this does to the unborn? Go to UTH and see what is happening already! Shame!
Gogo Inonge should have been asked to give this briefing not Dora who is part of the problem!
Supper Kenny, FTJ, Mwanawasa, and Sata, did not touch this issue for a reason ba PF tread carefully or risk losing elections in 2021.
Let her start with herself, MUMBI PHIRI and Chagwa…
Anasiya kutunda uyu muzimai?
This must start with all our leaders, not just women, especially the ruling party. Zambian men world over are now known for too much drinking of liquor – now our women hand taken the lead, soon it will be our youths; God forbid. How can we help our youths …; when most of our leaders are sinking in alcohol? In Zambia we’ve more drinking places, than restaurants or supermarkets or salons or churches, and in most cases they are in filth conditions. Let’s do something before we destroy our youths and the future of our great country. God bless Zambia!
This must start with all our leaders, not just women, especially the ruling party. Zambian men world over are known for too much drinking of liquor – now our women have taken the lead, soon it will be our youths; God forbid. How can we help our youths …; when most of our leaders are sinking in alcohol? In Zambia we’ve more drinking places, than restaurants or supermarkets or salons or churches, and in most cases they are in filth conditions. Let’s do something before we destroy our youths and the future of our great country. God bless Zambia!
Ya Asiliya, Alesheni, Anakazi awa akumwa walwa ngako.Aliye nasoni even if nipamalilo azapita ku beer hallo first ku mwa na BIG Buyer.
its a pity for people commenting negatively over this beer issue, our fellow anakazi have become drunkards, together with sunka. its really sad, how do we educate our children?
But Ba Dora as a minister u are number one drunkard woman?
A Nation full of shame: No wonder we are now hearing of shameful things that happen when some people get drunk. Beer has brought shame to many people not only in Zambia but all over the world. My own appeal to Government is to cut drinking hours from 14:00 to 22:00 hours and remove all night clubs. I have never heard of a person dying for NOT DRINKING BEER. But I have attended 3 funerals of persons who died due to Kantobo, Mosi and the likes. I have also seen parents whose children don’t go to school because there Father is a heavy drunkard. These are facts.
When was the survey /research conducted and what was the percentage? How was it conducted?Was it when women had matebeto or a researcher went to a night club?There is insufficient evidence to make a conclusion?
Dora Siliya’s former husband told the nation through a press conference that she used to wet the bed because of beer while they were married that’s why he divorced her so this is funny coming out of her mouth talking about Zambian women and booze
So that’s why ZB has made a handsome profit recently, with the added slash on price and expansion. Of all the pressing issues in the Republic…..
Alcohol is the destruction of the Nation, herb the healing of a Nation#legaliseformedicinalpurpose
Just allow Mubarak to drink. Thank you
Women follow this advise because wise people usually say experience is the best teacher and we are luck that it’s coming from Dora who used to beaten by his Mark Ode Mubalama for excessive drinking and the aftermath results.