Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Jacaranda School sale scandal up for public debate today


The proposed site designs fo Jacaranda
The proposed site designs for Jacaranda

Government will today hold a symposium to discuss the planned sale of land in Lusaka where Jacaranda Basic School and other public buildings sit.

According to the notice, the Market Sounding Symposium will be held at the New Government Complex in Lusaka starting at 08 Hours.

Vice President Inonge Wina is expected to officiate and the members of the public wishing to attend are encouraged to register online using a link provided.

According to the Ministry of Works and Supply, the Market Sounding Symposium is an innovative approach to calling on all stakeholders to be part of the development of the city.

The Ministry says the event will be held to propose Mixed Use Development sites located in what it calls boisterous areas of Lusaka.

They said that the proposed sites will be part of new development and will house retail line shops with an anchor shop and office space within the annex building.

The other targeted land is the one where Longacres Lodge sits, Herbert Young Lodge in Rhodespark which is near Jacaranda Basic School, the former SEDB House (Kwacha House) in Cairo Road in the CBD and some land along Nangwenya road.

According to the notice, investors in infrastructure development, stakeholders in the NGOs, private and public sectors and business practitioners and captains of the industry are encouraged to attend.

This week, a letter from the Ministry of Works and Supply to the Ministry of General Education emerged which revealed the planned sale of Jacaranda Basic School in Lusaka.

The revelation saw many people take to social media to object to the sale of the school.

According to a letter dated 2nd May 2018 which was signed by Ministry of Works and Supply Permanent Secretary Agness Musunga and addressed to Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary and copied to Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati and to the Cabinet office, government has identified Jacaranda Primary School as one of the five wasting properties that will be surrendered to private partners for mutual benefits.

Mrs. Musunga stated that the decision was necessitated by the failure by her ministry to deliver its mandate of providing adequate office accommodation to Ministries Provinces and other Spending Agencies (MPSAs).

In the letter, Mrs. Musunga also stated that due to inadequate office space cause by a number of government wasting assets, a lot of ministries had opted to rent private buildings or purchase expensive office blocks.

“In 1964, the Zambian Government inherited building infrastructure from the British Government which included all buildings that were designated for the public use. Over the years, the inherited buildings have not been adequately maintained and have since deteriorated. Further, the pace of constructing new office buildings has been slow, due to inadequate fiscal space. In addition, the numbers of the civil servants and other public workers has increased while the number of office space has predominantly been static. This has resulted in officers overcrowding in offices which negatively affects productivity and service delivery,” she stated.

She stated that Jacaranda primary school was among the five wasting properties which government through her ministry had identified for redevelopment through the PPP arrangement.

“Arising from the aforementioned challenges, the Ministry of Works and Supply has been unable to deliver its mandate of providing adequate office accommodation to MPSAs. This has led to a situation where some ministries have opted to rent private buildings or purchase expensive office blocks. In this regard, the Ministry of Works and Supply has embarked on a transformation agenda of identifying and redevelopment wasting assets country wide. The ministry has initially identified five (5) properties in the city of Lusaka for redevelopment namely: Hurbert Young hostels and Jacaranda Primary School, Plot No. 12604 at corner of Ngwee and UN road in Longacres, Plot No. 314, Independence Avenue, Small Enterprise Development Board (SEDB) House, along Cairo road and an undeveloped plot on Nangwenya road opposite National Assembly Motel,” stated Mrs. Musunga.

“The redevelopment of these properties will be carried out through Private Partnerships (PPP) and other innovative financing arrangements. In this regard, the Ministry of Works and Supply has developed conceptual plans for the proposed redevelopment of these selected properties. The Ministry intends to conduct a market sounding event scheduled for 29th May 2018, in order to engage and verify possible financiers and developers. The purpose of writing is to inform you about the intended use of the property which has been our jurisdiction and to request for your support and active participation in this transformation process aimed at enhancing service delivery of the public workers who will be executing other duties in a modern and conducive environment.”

But when contacted, General Education Minister David Mabumba said he was unaware of the sale and expressed shock that a school could be considered a wasting asset.

And when contacted, Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati refused to comment on the matter and referred queries to his Spokesperson Ndubi Mvula who requested for a press query.

The proposed site designs fo Jacaranda
The proposed site designs for Jacaranda
Proposed Mixed Use Development for Long Acres
Proposed Mixed Use Development for Long Acres
Proposed Mixed Use Development for Long Acres
The proposed site designs for Nangwenya
The proposed site designs for Nangwenya
The proposed site designs for Nangwenya
The proposed site designs for Nangwenya
SEDB House Redevelopment Plan 1
SEDB House Redevelopment Plan 1
SEDB House Redevelopment Plan 1
SEDB House Redevelopment Plan 1


  1. This government is not responsible with looking after national assets. They want to sell everything, and pocket the money.

    This chakolwa Lungu is a nightmare to our country. He must be stopped, otherwise zambia will become a Chinese territory coz we will never be able pay back the debt we owe them.

    Zambians, say NO to corruption. Say NO to Lungu.

    • I want to see the buildings which were there so that i compare with the proposed construction. but i can tell that this is meaningful development the only thing they need to do is to provide an alternative school for children.

    • Those mock up pictures of what is proposed to be built are way much better.

      Only a backward sale would prefer to keep an outdated school which, Let us sale the damn thing people.



    • Zambia is the 17th biggest and 28th biggest in Africa & the World respectively geographically and you are busy debating on land when a lotta virgin land is idle.You are scrambling for graveyards, plots , farms, and so so forth.May the white man come back and colonize us bcoz its too much with our docility and stupidity.A mixture of blood between white and black will also give us handsome coloreds not hippopotamus like CK..

    • Lungu & his PF00Ls are busy selling land to foreigners whilst buying land & property in other countries like Swaziland, South Africa, Uganda, Dubai.

      Where will the poor Zambian go?
      By 2021, Zambia will be a colony of Chinese & Lebanese.

      That’s why Mulongoti says you’re a Malawian.

    • They already have the plans meaning someone is already waiting in the wings with bulldozers to move in just like those plans for that mansion in Swaziland, the only difference is that the ones for Swaziland were detailed and this is a mock-up graphic design.
      This is a govt that does things backwards…how do you hold a consultation with stakeholders when you have decided what to do…I mean how do you even contemplate demolishing a school without providing an alternative school on site…go to England and learn a thing or two about community based designs on public land.
      These people need to go before they sale everything!!

    • You issue a notice of the public discussion on the actual day? seriously?
      The meeting is at 8am on a working day and you expect interested parties to be there? – come on guys!
      There’s no consultative planning here when all the renders are already done. You can clearly see that this has been in the pipelines for a long time and it is as good as done. SMH

    • “According to the notice, the Market Sounding Symposium will be held at the New Government Complex in Lusaka starting at 08 Hours Today”

      They think everyone is as lazy as their cadres who just jumps in a truck and heads to the airport to see off the lazy thing…how do you hold consultations at 08:00hrs after the news has been leaked…why not Saturday so the parents can attend as well….useless govt indeed!!

    • Meanwhile their illogical supporters in the compounds and the educated plunderers that support them continue saying if you bring in the opposition UPND they will sale the country …. when it is being sold right under their running noses right now. This hearing or whatever they are calling it is a sheer waste of time because the PF have already made up there mind otherwise how else would there be designs already done ?? it takes time to do such designs they are putting up a semblance of consultation. Shame on you Mama Inonge at least more was expected of u than from your Boss who cares less

    • I think what is usually missing is transparency & effective communication. These are progressive ideas. Progress is good for human society and these projects will add more value to Zambian economy than maintaining prime land way it is now for emotional reasons. Many more schools have been built since Jacaranda was opened. What GRZ needs to do through an information unit is to produce You Tube & other videos with 3D Animation for these projects so that citizens can better understand scope & impact of development. Surely, these projects, Lusaka decongestion project, Dual Carriage Ways North & South of City, Millennium water project, etc, will positively transform Lusaka into a smart & modern city. It’s hard to argue against progress. God Bless Zambia

    • has it ever mattered when the PF have made up their mind. Let us stop scr$#wing each other as if we are kids. Even the revelation of this information till now has not been done by the government it is after it leaked that two days or so ago that it is now in the public domain. so how can they now be talking of consultation today. There should have been two weeks of notification and this meeting should have been on saturday not on a day like today when productive people are working and instead only caders of PF will mostly attend

  2. When Responsible Ministers are not aware and refuse to comment, it shows that this is a state house move and only PSs were instructed to do this. What an administration. It’s now clear that Mutati was refusing to sign certain things at Finance that is why he was removed. Our ministers are being sidelined to whose benefit? This PPP scheme is now being abused by some people in Government for money laundering activities. And theft of state assets.

  3. Jacaranda School is in a state of disrepair, it’s been neglected over time. The same sentiments were expressed from some quarters when developers approached Sylvia Masebo for land near Lusaka Girls where the 3 gorgeous Ilunda Buildings sit. You can’t stand in the way of development. State House and Arakan Barracks are other effigies that need to relocated to Palabana or Mwembeshi. There’s so much congestion on around this area especially when the President or Vice uses the road because traffic is blocked. Arakan Barracks is an eyesore, no wonder Georjago Musengule constructed a wall fence around the perimeter.

    • You can’t stand in the way of development?? Are you serious…Alot of govt schools in Lusaka are in a state of disrepair does that mean you sale the land because you can not repair them…you are happy to waste $1 million on one Scania truck that costs $250K just imagine what you could do with $750K stolen from procuring one unit. You are glad to take away all playing grounds in schools and sale to the Chinks ….its no wonder you can not even be bothered to prepare for Olympics as you are not serious.
      You have no clue why Arakan Barracks is centrally located on that site …

  4. Jacaranda should remain a government institution. Any re development should be exclusively be for a government school. Not for shops and offices. other institutions redevelopment should not involve the Chinese as partners.

  5. The key problem they want to address is the lack of government office space & that renting is too costly for a government. Good. Now how does selling government property address these problems?

  6. An ignorant society is by far more expensive than the designed fancy buildings.Keep the Jacaranda school compound as a public asset.

  7. Are we really out of land? Why can’t we modernize the school structure itself? Instead of PTA have an actual parent ownership in a venture even beyond the lifespan of their children at a school (so an alumni of parents and children of sorts)? Creativity is more critical than ever because let’s face it we are a broke nation now wallowing in debt. We will not get out of it by selling or taxing everything, but by creative thinking that will bring about sustainable means of earning back our value. Iyeee…

  8. Bloggers in Lusaka go and attend the debate at Government Complex. Lusaka need to modernise. I support this on two conditions. 1) The new Jacaranda School will be built. and 2) There is no corruption involved in the acquision and redevelopment.

    • Is that notice sufficient ? How can they just say ohhh tomorrow we are holding consultations pleas attend ?


  9. My only reservation is that as a country we are always let down by selfish officials in these negotiations. The intentions may be gud bt along the way selfish interests and motives come in, in the end Zambians lose out.

  10. These buildings look very nice. The idea is not bad. We need development some of buildings like Kwacha house are very old and dirty.

  11. Meanwhile Emirates Engineering successfully accomplish the first-ever complete replacement of landing gear systems on an Emirates Airbus.And you are busy debating on useless things.

    • Zambia is the 17th biggest and 28th biggest in Africa & the World respectively geographically and you are busy debating on land when a lotta virgin land is idle.You are scrambling for graveyards, plots , farms, and so so forth.May the white man come back and colonize us bcoz its too much with our docility and stupidity.A mixture of blood between white and black will also give us handsome coloreds not hippopotamus like CK.

    • There you go talking about aviation sector yet you are clueless to the business side of things …do you know where Airbus is based and which countries manufacture the parts? Youngster your head is so far up your white boss’s behind you fail to think…

  12. The proposed redevopment plans for the so- called wasting assets look attractive but why include Jacaranda Primary School? Surely a school cannot be a wasting asset. Ivo iyayi,takana.

    • To thieves like Kaizer who have never been to university it is ….they have never worked for money as they are thieves so to them its of no importance..

  13. Why is our government so obsessed with shoppingmalls, don’t we have enough of them already? You mean they don’t have the capacity to renovate and upgrade the school? But we managed to buy firetrucks for a $1M each, just tell us the real motive of the sale.

  14. This invite is too soon ….only a few days after being exposed ? Should have given the public at least 3 months notice.

    They have been busted. The land in question where the school stands has already been sold…..bribes have already been recived.

    Anyone can pull out computer generated mockups of buildings.

  15. is our Government serious of what they doing. Why this syndrome of selling Land is coming from? why no leasing the Land instead of selling. 3 years from now the entire country will be sold. As much as we want to develop our country lets also find ways and means of preserve our Land. And the same People busy selling Land to Developers who are foreigners they have children and their children will have their children . where are they going to settle?

    • Just imagine Land being grabbed away from the public lime light…next it will be your plots at this rate as Chinks will simply point I want that piece of land and you will be kicked out…will already know that Cabinet Office area is due for redevelopment so why in the hell are they bent on building offices here…very suspicious indeed ..

    • JJ that is very true….they are citing lack of government space, the cabinet office area is big enough to accomdate most if all GRZ …

  16. Mutaware wanbantu at it again. Just say that you have already sold the said land you morons. These so called proposed buildings belongs to Mutaware and his bigots. Scandal after scandal is the order of the day. People better wake from slumber before they sell the whole country. Chipantepante indeed.

  17. But of course Jacaranda school will be relocated and rebuilt somewhere. These things happen everywhere in the world including London and china.
    Ba upnd, tamwakwata ifyakucita?

    • Where do these things happen , where historic schools are sold in secreate ?

      The fake consultation with fished CAD buildings is too soon after Being exposed…if this was real atleast 3 months of public consultations were in order…

    • I don’t know why you waste your time debating with a clueless vermin like this cadre…who is only good at being partisan irrespective of the topic.

    • JJ
      I debate with him to show him and his fellow kaponyas that they are backing theives and looters.

      Maybe good governance will be a priority in their mentality above shi.tty tribal and party politics

  18. #3 the people, of course the responsible ministers know what they are doing. But they don’t want to be messed misquoted by specialist rubble rousers like upnd.

    • Lies. PF , Even their supporters are expert liers.

      Ministers telling lies for fear of being misquoted ? Are you on drugs cader ?

  19. The sale of jacaranda seems to be an illusion in some people trying to mislead the ignorant. The two building are a clear ancient remains. Herbert Young hostel is completely dilapidated. What government should do is a build operate and transfer agreement. The Land and properties will remain GRZ after the investor has recouped the cash for development. The same with Longacres lodge. So government should do a BOT

    • Such procurement routes you are suggesting need to advertised and these thieves do not have the time for that because they already have an “investor” who has selected or approached them like NRDC land.

  20. Kk left us with free education that was taken away! now you want to take away the schools too? The problem is our politicans are greedy all about those brown evelopes ! If you really want to bring development to the country STOP USING ZAMBIA AS A CHEAP DAMPING GROUND FOR SOUTHAFRICAN GOODS SHOPRUBBISH !! HOW MANY FACTORIES DID KK LEAVE US ? WE ARE LOSING BILLIONS IN TAX REVENUE IN THE MINES ALONE BECAUSE OF CORRUPTION! OUR BALANCE OF TRADE IS SHOCKING TO SAY THE LEAST

  21. Zambians are so easy to dupe…..just show them a CAD building mock up and they are already dancing……anyone can pull up such drawings in 30 minutes.

    How can you give the public notice of consultations due only a few days after you have been exposed ?

    Lungu has already sold this land….bribes have been exchanged…

    Do not trust lungus GRZ who sign loan deals in secreate , who sell and move mukula logs in the dead of night when others are sleeping…..keep an eye on lungu, you will wake up and everything is sold….

    • For sure for them to have even done CAD drawings means all the land in question has already been sold.
      This debate is a SHAM.

  22. Maybe we need to ask our friends the Indians to modernize Kamwala, especially those buildings near the flyover bridge. They are an eyesore. Let’s change our city outlook. Imagine how that part between Makeni Mall and Downtown would have been by now, had the developers not bought off those houses in Misisi ang John Laing.

  23. We is several state owned institutions that overburden the treasury e.g ZNBC, Times of Zambia, *Religious Affairs and National Guidance Ministry, etc, why not start with the selling of these institutions?
    They’ve deliberately put a public debate at a moments notice to suit their agenda.

  24. Let them contruct a university where there Jacarada school is period.We don’t want the Zambian property to go to foreigners.Foreigners can’t own prime land in the country.So if Mutati wants ukulyamo twakana.That man also is too corrupt no wonder Zesco never kept him.Lungu also is a big problem.we don’t want foreigners to take advantage of our corrupt leaders.We are against the sale of Jacarada school but the rest can be sold in partnership with Zambia people.If u want to sale build a great modern university there.

  25. In my considered view, why not demolish the old government building and construct new one or there are alot of compunds in Lusaka that can be repossed and considered for such projects. the Land owners can either be compesated or relocated to better and planned areas. Thats one why the Government will address the issue of illegal settlements.

    • THis has nothing to do with that ..they are simply looking for prime land to build either flats or Shopping mall…why would a private investor venture into PPP to build govt buildings …think about it??

  26. There is too much poverty of minds. People are so used to squalor and allergic to progress and modernization. Look fat Toad Kambwili, saying he will camp at Chisokone if Govt tries to modernize the market using a grant from the Chamber of Mines. Very pathetic.

    • Do you blame CK when everything is being signed in the dark corners ? Only revelations in some press expose them then when caught they call for consultations the next day , a classic ploy by theives so no one is ready.

  27. #18.1 Spaka lilo, go to London and other older cities and see the massive redevelopments taking place everywhere EVERYWHERE before you yap and expose your ignorance. 8f you cant afford the airticket get on a bus and go nearby to south africa. No wonder your so called towns Mazabuka Monze Pemba etc look like kraals for village cattle. As for for Jay Jay, can’t waste my time on people who think with their trible and misplaced or directionrless upnd reasoning. He is one who will continue to live in the mudbrick relic house which he inherited from his grandmother and it will pass on to his grandchildren. They will not rebuild it because they believe its a nice relic to be treasured. And you Spaka think I should waste my time debating with such waste?

    • Ati go to London ?

      You don’t know what you are talking about….fyi London is full of historic buildings ……..schools are a priority to your shopping malls. Especially historic schools.

      Not you thieves who think shopping malls are a priority……why are you kawalalas talking about office space when there is cabinet office complex getting redeveloped ?

    • Cader , excuse my language….did not mean to be insulting.

      I value contrutions by PF die hards. Their reasoning is a case for research….

    • Do you know what a listed building is you dingbat …for you to mention old building? Do you know how much paperwork one has to go through …even London 2012 Olympics the govt had to justify the use of that old industrial land…they had to apply for permission and make a case to the community; studim has been deconstructed into a community centre with a library and gym…the athletics villages were remodeled into apartments for residents in Stratford, London.
      You simply spew rubbish without research!!

    • Its a hastily draw mock-up even me I can draw that in 20 minutes tops …it doesn’t even relate to the site topography….these people take you for docile fooolish villagers

  28. You hopeless tribal cadres, go and give your views at the public hearing. Go and listen to reasonable people who read and research. Not just yapping because h.h said so or because my tribe wants this and that
    Failure to that go and campaign for that blood stained chakuti chakuti. Yaba mushobo uyu!!

    • Ati consultations the next day after you have been caught ?

      This is a cover-up by these theives.
      Where have you heard of consultations being held a day after their crooked ways are exposed ?

  29. Sale that land including state house. Edgar make sure that you are rich before you leave office because they will cancel your legal practicing certificate again. ECL Best kawalala than FTJ.

    • Its the PS who will be scarificed in this deal as its their signature on the letter …yet they are probably gettting peanuts and fearing to sacked.

  30. Before I ask two questions,let me educate fellow bloggers on one simple fact.

    !. ONLY 10% of our land is STATE LAND.This where 40% of Zambians live and are fighting for land

    2. 90% of our land is CUSTOMARY LAND.This is where 60% of Zambians live and is controlled by chiefs.
    Now my two questions.

    1. What is a WASTING ASSET?
    2. What is PPP?
    Its our business ignorance as Zambians plus political musturbation that is preventing us from maximising the use of our own resources.

    Where do foreigners come in on this good initiative when we private citizens can raise capital to patner with government in developing our own land?

    • If they had given enough time , 3 months for public consultations, not the next day,
      I would propably would have organised a diaspora incentive and flown down myself to present. But they are using the 24 hr notice period to cover corruption after being exposed.

  31. I understand the sale of old structures, but a responsible government would hace found another location for a new school.

  32. Manifestation of corruption, off the cuff, is all that one can say. How, as ‘Minister’ Mabumba says, can a school be a wasting asset? Something’s WRONG here, and no need for an indaba.

  33. Have we run out of shopping places such that shopping malls have now surpassed manufacturing industries surely?Shopping nation ka?

  34. We are in a hurry to develop this thing! Keep it up! “He has nothing for him here!” Transforming the nation slowly but surely! HaTribes cannot beat Lungu! Even when the president is sleeping!

  35. HH and his F000LLs are busy buying land in Namwala and depositing money in offshore accounts in Paradise in Panama. He wants to give the land and companies Hagain to his crooked friends who had enriched him.

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