Saturday, July 27, 2024

Maureen Nkandu to wed Cosmas Chileshe


Seasoned broadcaster Maureen Nkandu is next weekend scheduled to wed Journalist Cosmas Chileshe in Lusaka.

Maureen, 53, who is now based in Johannesburg, South Africa will tie the knot with Cosmas, 41, at a ceremony at the plush Inter Continental Hotel Lusaka.

Their relationship hit public sphere when Cosmas divorced his wife of 15 years with whom he had four children in a messy divorce.

The fall out from the divorce led to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalling Cosmas Chileshe from his diplomatic role as First Secretary-Press at the Zambian mission in Washington D.C.


  1. I didnt see this coming.

    How the mighty have fallen.

    Maureen comes out of this as a loser.

    Unless he has some amazing manhood, I think she has made a terrible mistake.

    Its NOT about manhood is it?



    • And lets wait and see how long this marriage will last..Maureen Nkandu is a loose cannon…my friend used to bang her when she was married to Mr Mundea way back in RSA…..Maureen if you’re reading this do you remember the Laughing Buddha days at the Randburg Waterfront…Mr Chileshe waloba ilyauma….and she is over the hill anyway…high milage

    • And Mr Chileshe ukonzekele my friend who used to bang Maureen when she was married to Mr Mundea passed away 3 years ago and Maureen knows that ….Zabwino palibe…yambilatu kumwa ma ARVs..dont say i didn’t warn you

    • You people condemning this union are either hypocrites or just plain ignorant.
      How many of these ministers MP CEO’s have traded in thier wives or husbands for younger ones?
      Some of them are regular customers at the dealership!
      On the other hand have you not heard the numerous divorce cases handled atvthe local courts?
      Then you want to talk about this one? As if you really care and your life is really remarkable!
      The truth is that the level of promiscuity in Zambia is alarming the only reason it is growing unabated is because everyone is involved. BUT had it been Homos3xuality the so called christian nation would rise to condemn it.

    • Maureen and Chileshe have taken their shameful acts public. However, we should never pretend that promiscuity or adultery is an overgrowing cancer killing our Zambia today like never before. Take a look at
      1). UPND’s Keith Mukata and His Girlfriend Charmaine Mel Musonda are fresh shameful.
      2). UPND’s Geofrey Hambulo (65 year old) Husband of Edith Nawakwi he married after immorally deserting his wife Georgina Daka and children, while married to Nawakwi he is openly in lopping expeditions with a Monde and Florence Zimba of Stanbic Bank widow of Lusaka Drug lord and car thief Gabriel Liywali. Hambulo sneaks out of his matrimonial Nawakwi home for the neighbor Florence Zimba to the chagrin of the window’s devoted Catholic family. Yet Hambulo is very close adviser to HH. Sick society…

    • Ubuchende=Pestilencse and Death …you must be Senior Citizen as he is the only one who feedles with the ticks up by awarding himself 50 ticks up even with zero page views.

    • Mushota it’s the proverbial pot calling the kettle black! Surely Nick definitely doesn’t have any bigger manhood than Chileshe- unless you’ve been privileged to have seen both. Otherwise why would you rush comparing your size and Maureen’s? Sickening! However, on the “hole” a bad decision!

    • @Anonymous, when was that? Used hang out there from 1996 till 1999. That woman is like game meat, goes bad quick if not properly preserved…..LOL

    • @1.7 Nkana Kitwe
      Around the same time you’ve mentioned 98,99,2000…The Laughing Buddha Randburg Waterfront Johannesburg RSA….she used to come there alot….almost every Saturday..

    • @1.7 Nkana Kitwe
      Now she’s so much into attention seeking…she knows her time is up…washed out and nothing to show for just destroying peoples marriages and giving it to every Jim and Jack

  2. Very Disappointing and nauseating. I sympathized with her after reading her book Kanshi she is mannerless

    • Truth on air Njimbu. Some of the things that bother human kind should not even be issues. The two have made a decision to get married whether there are sick or not. So what is the problem. I am not affected as I will continue leaving my life. Whether it’s in the media or not it is simply none of my business. The two have decided to wed period. Leave them to enjoy their union and if or when they die before you and I die so be it.

  3. I think that’s a terrible mistake for Mr.Chileshe to marry for a second time. I agree with you Mushota .

    Does he have the concious and for Maureen its a shame.

    How will this children look at Mr.Chileshe.

    Its not too late to reverse the decision

    • You probably livevin a small hole where you are disconnect from reality there are soooo many divorces and bas tards alike!

  4. The devil came to steal,kill and destroy, in this case the devil has destroyed Chileshe’s first marriage. I pray that God could intervene and save this man from this mistake. Remember sin is very sweet.

    • Lets all pray to God to look into this issue urgently…where is the King James Bible so i can pray whilst i bash it with my palms in the name of white Jesus.

      Wake up you gullible foooools!!

  5. I wish them all the best…he is divorced from his wife and she is single.. I am sure he will continue to support his kids…41 years married for a second time is very normal and he is young. In fact they are not even Public officials so what do I care even if he marries a 61 year old woman….in Zambia our elders like to encourage wives to stay on in loveless marriages just to uphold the status quo yet the husband has several side chicks; millions of couples have been buried over the years due to HIV because of this.

    • I understand your position. Those who have done the same like this couple is doing will definitely find consolation in this situation. Great validation for you I suppose. Only thing that hurts many people is that this guy took his children to USA, Maureen who started going out with Cosmas early 2017, followed. Chileshe divorced wife (of four kids, youngest 6 months) on March 18 and a week later, was engaging with Maureen. Well…

  6. I feel very sorry for the divorced lady on account of Maureen, this president will follow one of them because you can not divorce your wife of so many years on account of finding a new catch, yes if there was another more convincing reason one may understand but just to say ” I’ve now got Maureen so my wife you are now former”, this is wrong and it can never be right no matter which angle you look at it.

    • Get a grip of yourself..When was the last time you read news from local Magistrate courts …it happens 100 times a day…if you feel sorry for the wife go and marry her…that’s life.

    • Well, Maybe Chileshe had a lot of marital problems before Maureen Nkandu came in the picture. Hence him divorcing his wife of 15 years and settle for Maureen. Marriage affairs yalikosa bane.

    • Maureen persuaded Cosmas to divorce his wife so that she can find passage into the USA; running away from debts in South Africa. She is already applying for jobs at VOA so that in the event Cosmas returns (on recall) she remains there. All she wanted was marriage certificate and she is done. In the meantime, Cosmas’ kids are in a village on the Copperbelt. From a great school in Maryland to a village school (is it Masaiti or something?)

    • But Maureen has a lot to lose out of this however much they seek public validation from people who have done the same. She built a great name over many years: for a woman, it takes an impossible journey to rebuild your reputation especially given the circumstances of this marriage. Given her age, she should have advised Cosmas on his marriage problems than grabbing the man to herself. Maureen, do you know the lives of those kids will not be the same because of you?

  7. This is a Taboo

    Western culture is destroying our reach African Culture.

    Divorce cases are common in Western countries

    He can still reverse and appologise to the wife. You cant abandon your children just like that

    • Which African culture are you talking about? African have always been divorcing. This is not a new phenomenon.

  8. This is a shame! not even a year since cosmas divorced his wife….

    ……Because of the cry of the wife he divorced and the children….This marriage is not going anywhere…

    …..Awe mwebabemba bana ndi..mwatusebanya…i thot this things can only be done for pipo from Eastern province..pantu taba kwata brain coz of the rats they eat…

    • So will madam kundu need alangisi/bana bukombe or Chileshe ba shi bukombe?Can anyone with morals accept such important roles in ths marriage to be.What is the marriage history of this famous maureen?this Chileshe guy thinks is Zambian Macron.Such marriages do not last here baba,do the right thing,Go back to the wife of your youth and take care of those children,your father never abandoned you nor your mother.4 children
      and the mother can never equal the famous and once beautiful maureen, Wachipelesha,she is one of those glittery things but not gold.

    • He divorced the wife 18 March this year and ten days later was engaging Maureen and trying hard to convince the world he wa unhaopy in his marriage. When did they start going out with Maureen? December 2016 when Maureen lost her job with the UN and found herself in debt; she had fallen out of the stock market for real bidders hence landing a fortune with Cosmas who, until this time, Maureen we out of his reach. Since she was a jackpot to him, plotted to throw away his wife and four children into a village from Maryland.

  9. There only two variables here; either Mr Chileshe has a fat wallet or a big dicK, girls are likely to go for one of these variables.

    • These are topics that the docile Zambians love..look at this one above he/she is even talking about variables..

    • @Jay Jay, if you are not docile then come home to fight for the things that you advocate for. The reason why you criticise on internet and not coming to do it in Zambia is because you are a coward

  10. Wishing them a happy Union, stop being critics. Some of you have done worse things. Can only advise Comas to fully support his kids.

    • Maureen engineered thensending of the children from USA. They are in a village school in Copperbelt. He disclosed in court he can only support his four children with only K1000 a month. We have done worse things but not throwing away our children like he did. I know you have done the same and there is a price to pay.

  11. Don’t judge anybody that couple need everyone’s support and love. Look at yourself in the mirror before you condemn the couple. Who are you question them? They are being unfairly treated, everyone needs love. Don’t be jealous ba kolokombwa imwe.Lekeni abantu bopane.

    • I am proud though I have not thrown away my children for any other woman. You are the hypocrite who thinks your conduct is the same as everyone else. No wonder the Bible says ‘To the impure all things are impure…’ They judge things from their own mindset. Individuals like Cosmas have abdanines their calling and you want us to cheer them on? Why encourage someone to abandon his children when you have not done the same yourself…or have you?

  12. At 41 Cosmas is a very good second hand, lady driven, 4 wheeler. Maureen can really bang them, she’s the mother of Great Kalu’s 1st born daughter. Both of them have lived half of their lives, let them enjoy themselves. It’s better than picking Zimbos from Joseph Mwilwa. Even D Pule divorced his mzungu wife and is now happily married. Is there anything wrong with that?

    • How many have you divorced yourself? Why encourage someone to do something you dare not do yourself? This is hypocrisy.

  13. Inga’nda ushilala baikumbwa umutende.Im not saying I support Cosmas or Maureen. But I won’t judge any of them.Sometimes we re so quick to point and judge other people when our hearts are full of dirty secrets.Some of us have done worse things than these two.Its just that our dirt is not on the internet for everyone to see.Awe this is really interesting

    • You mean abandoning four children you have sites for a woman? Most of you encouraging Cosmas to get into this marriage are the type who would applaud a person to drink Poison so long it made them happy. No one is judging Cosmas and Maureen; we are simply giving them parachutes of life …the path they have chosen is blinded from realities. They can go ahead and marry; its their choice but many of us are hurt with the manner of the divorce that has affected innocent souls; those four kids they brought into this world. Only those who have done as thisncouple has done will congratulate this couple- perfect validation for husband snatchers!

  14. Fellow ladies, let’s try as much as we can to dignify ourselves before society. If I were Maureen, I would have gone quiet into this marriage. There’s nothing wrong in this affair, but the manner in which it has publicly been discussed especially that the guy has hastily, unclearly and unceremoniously divorced his long wedded wife. Fellow women and men in the media, let’s remember that we are moral beacons of society and our behaviour must be above board.

    I am saddened to see the awaited yet another embarrassment to hit the social media coming from yet another TV personality of my admiration, one ZNBC famous Paxinah Kolosa/Hankanga who is double-crossing men and politicians alike, while flirting with a boy the age of her first born daughter…. Sadly, it is believed that she has…

    • True! Somebody must tame this bedroom canon! My aunt’s marriage is on rocks as I speak because Paxinah is messing up with uncle. We thought our uncle just admired her news reading, until my aunt found silly sex messages from her seducing my uncle into a relationship. I had respect for her, but not any more. She is a sexual witch posing as a christian….we will expose her soon!

    • @Juanitta

      Yangu, yangu…ati ba Paxinah is going out with a boy the size of her first born daughter. What type of bazookas do these boys have to be exciting oldies like her?

  15. Let us also look at the French President who married his grandmother. The boy Chileshe must not be attracted to looks. These women of likes moriin spend most of their time on skin care. Àll moriines named women are loose creatures. If the boy has relatives they musr sit him down and advise him correctly.

  16. marriage is about commitment but this young ladies are too much on fashion even am about to divorce and marry my agement

  17. age aint nothing but a number. Maureen may be 53 but she looks like a 40 year old retired beauty pageant. in fact Chileshe together with the old wife look older than Maureen. Given a chance, i would possibly pounce on her as well.

  18. To each his own. We appear fixated about the consummation part of marriage (which speaks a lot about the state of our society). I trust Maureen will embrace her new family including Cosmas’ children; I know step-parents who have just been nothing but wonderful to their partners’ kids. Most marriages breakdown long before the courts know about it – sometimes it can be years before. Those of you who are not in relationships of a qualitative nature may not even appreciate how hard it is to keep compatibility going! When it breaks or a wrong start is made it is like a nylon zip – difficult to stitch back together.

  19. Until I know the truth, I can and will never judge, in bemba we say inganda ushilalamo baikumbwa umutenge.

    • Word ba mutale! Word! Except for those very very close to the situation, the rest of us are just speculating….we don’t know for sure if ba Maureen led to the break up of the marriage or she came on the scene after the fact! And for this “she is older, he is young ” business…..he is NOT underage and you can find love in any1 but of course pa zed we stil ve a long way to go in that dept. The only regret would be if ba cosmas neglects his kids n if ba Maureen encourages!

  20. Ubuchende pa znbc kwati bwa mbwe pushe awamako ala fesi ubuchende Paxina leave uncle alone you shameless woman

  21. Most TV casters here don’t fancy getting married because they have alot of multiple secret ‘blessers’…. Sibangakwatiwe banthu aba! Even if they get married, vikwati sivinkala…ubuchende even among themselves. We know that many women here survive because of their bottom power… Paxina is one of them. She has no papers for the job she has and we are still shocked.. it was Chibamba Kanyama and her opposition MP manfriend who fixed her for this job. Paxina was at the last kuomboka and no one of the znbc crew knew where she was lodging until we spotted her with this former ZNBC now opposition MP….ala bwafya pano pacipanda. We need prayers!

    • So if ba Paxina has no papers for that job, is it not the same as those teachers who faked papers and fired? Boma iyanganepo apa!

  22. If a Znbc single lady is your tenant, take charge of collecting rentals, don’t leave a it to your husband. My friend lost a Marriage…..chineke oooooo!

  23. Oweeeeee….we are now told Paxina just ditched a decent divorced/single man who wanted to marry her and was looking after her six children from her broken marriage. The man dated her for five years but she was dribbling the guy for with other men for marriage. Ati manje ba guy is in depression and hospitalised…

    • Please drop contacts for this depressed man here… Baliko bakazi basakila vikwati. That man must not die or suffer. There still decent and respectable women around… Osasobelesa bamuna iwe Paxinaa. U will remember that man

  24. So if ba Paxina has no papers for that job, is it not the same as those teachers who faked papers and fired? Boma iyanganepo apa!

  25. Please drop contacts for this depressed man here… Baliko bakazi basakila vikwati. That man must not die or suffer. There still decent and respectable women around… Osasobelesa bamuna iwe Paxinaa. U will remember that man my friend.

  26. Well some people are so shallow she can be on ARV’s and so what she can live to be a 100 years old that can’t be said by those who take other medications, for God’s sake leave positive people alone. I wish them a happy long married life no one is perfect. Forget about the bloody water front you are so bitter and vindictive. We will all die some day you’re not here to live forever!! You’re so ill informed. To be honest! You’re ignorant period!!!

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