Saturday, July 27, 2024

Political parties agree on the Dialogue Road Map, Church Mother Bodies to chair the dialogue process


Delegates at the Political Party CEOs meetings taking a group photo

The differences among political parties regarding the leadership of the dialogue process has been ironed out as the political parties have unanimously agreed that the Church Mother Bodies should chair the dialogue process while ZCID remains at the centre of the process by facilitating the process.

At the conclusion of a two day meeting for National Secretaries and General Secretaries held at Karina Inn in Siavonga stated the following, the ZCID Board Chairperson issued the following statement.

We the under signed National Secretaries and Secretary Generals representing various political parties and the people of Zambia confirm our commitment to the National Dialogue Process. We have fully deliberated on the matters associated with the national dialogue and have come to the following common agreement:

  1. We agree that the process shall be facilitated by ZCID and chaired by Church Mother Bodies;
  2. We agree that the broad thematic areas to be considered at the Summit of Presidents shall include the following:
    • Constitutional and Institutional Reforms
    • Separation of Powers and Judicial Independence
    • Tolerance, Freedom of Assembly and Civility in Politics
    • Electoral Reforms
  3. We further agree to form a technical committee comprising of legal representatives from political parties and other identified stakeholders that shall look into key issues;
  4. We agree to mandate ZCID to immediately meet with the Church to set the program for the dialogue process;
  5. We have thus proposed a draft agenda and roadmap for the dialogue process;
  6. We wholeheartedly undertake to keep each other engaged in continued consultation to achieve our common objectives; and
  7. We reaffirm our commitment to the dialogue process in the interest of all Zambians.


  1. So they had to go to Siavonga for a two day meeting to discuss Dialogue Road Map when they are all based in Lusaka…really laughable …this the problem with self-serving organisations like ZCID; they are more interested in accruing allowances, accommodation, free food ..etc they should have just let the church mother bodies deal with this.

  2. Zambia’s cancer of politicking 24/7 must STOP tis the reason why we have barely moved up developmentally since 1964 . Singapore ,Chile and even Botswana are laughing at us.

    • Take heart, time is coming for Zambia and has now come to develop exponentially beyond anyone’s expectations. We will overcome and overtake.

  3. “Dialogue” is a misnomer as far as the Zambian political dispensation is concerned! It is a distraction and a coined name by a chronic loser to digress from reality and engaging the ruling party with unsubstantiated innuendos. What a waste! If you lose go away! Far away! Learn from Americans!

  4. Karina inn, nikuti uko? So zcid will just be arranging for meetings, venues, catering, allowances, microphones etc. All the best to the church. Just make sure you don’t include those men of gold including the xtians for (kumutomola Zina nikulakwa)

  5. We will see who’s going to bring along a horse of chanting cadres to the meeting. Even Cosmo Mumba would wish to be treated as a VIP. Mutati and Mumba will also clash, free comedy is coming courtesy of ZCID

  6. Ecl and hh must not stand

    Upend field in new face

    Pf field in new face

    Of the two one candidate wouldn’t accept this proposal. He will say it’s political


  8. What do they have to talk about. Zambians are always working hard, while politicians are busy bickering. Let them work with the church, and let the constitution be the rule book.

  9. The same church mother bodies will be infiltrated by some pro-PF church mother bodies be on the look out for those who campaign for Lungu and and dine at state house table. They are part of church mother bodies but we have never heard them condemn corruption in PF, violence from PF, abuse of public order act by PF police as they arrest and torture those with divergent views, they see nothing wrong in PF ministers amassing wealth they are quite and praise Mr Lungu for being humble christian. We will know them by their language during dialogue proceedings.

  10. By the way job well done for not allowing ZCID whose PF cadre Raphael Nakachinda is a member. It was going to be a disaster listening to PF minions.

  11. Bravo Secretay Generals. lets iron out this animalsity among us and this is a great step in the right direction. We need to forcus on making our Zambia a great nation.
    Well done

  12. You can’t trust these church mother bodies.They are corrupt Pastors/Reverends and Bishops there……lol

  13. Wasting time buying into HH’s delusions. He is just distracting you! He is a loser and he will lose Hagain! Do not let him make you lose your goal and focus. He must go away like all losers! Far away!

  14. Thank you political parties. Way to go. Now we have church mother bodies chairing the dialogue as desired by all participants including upnd, if I am correct considering the predictable directionless upnd which does not know what it wants. Let’s hear from their directionless leader h.h.
    I suggest to include internal democracy as an agenda item, it’s just as important if not more important than freedom of assembly and all the other agenda items put together. Through jj or on his behalf what does h.h say to that?

  15. On behalf of PF, Lungu must not stand in 2021, & indeed, on behalf of UPND, we are fed up with HH. Top 2 in UPND, Kuwayawayafye.

  16. ZCID incapacity was never in any doubt. It is full of satellite parties of the PF that pretend to be political parties in their own right. They never stand candidates in any election but command coverage in the Daily Nation as leading opinion-shapers.

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