Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vendors saddened with 7 day ultimatum


Street Vendors in Kabwe have expressed sadness with the seven day ultimatum from the council directing them to move out of the streets to various designated markets.

Kabwe Street Vendors Association President Teddy Sinkala, says the seven day notice is not enough for street vendors to move out of the streets and find designated places for their business.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kabwe, Mr Sinkala said his members are willing to move out of the streets but the seven day grace period is not enough.

The Kabwe Municipal Council (KMC), on Monday issued a seven day ultimatum to street vendors who have resorted to using various service provider booths to vacate the streets or face the wrath of the law.

However, Mr Sinkala observed that most street vendors face financial challenges and a short notice for them to vacate the booths will not only push them out of business but injure their businesses.

He said instead of asking the street vendors to vacate the streets, the local authority should consider giving them more time to re-organise themselves.

Mr Sinkala has since appealed to KMC to give the street vendors ample time while it finishes constructing the Kasanda market to create space for the traders.

He also advised the street vendors to be patient and cooperate with the authority and use the approved procedures in trying to convince the council management to consider legalizing their businesses.


    • If there are designated markets where these vendors need to move to, then they should move. They need to go to the designated markets while they wait for Kasanda market to be completed. Waiting for the vendors to finish “re-organizing themselves” is not the way to go. If you allow them to continue vending from these illegal places, they’ll never move. They need to move as per council ultimatum. Seven days is enough time for them to find a new legal place to trade from. The Council is doing a good job in enforcing the law. Keep it up. KEEP KABWE CLEAN. KEEP ZAMBIA CLEAN!

    • Can you imagine, we even have an association for lawbreakers. “Kabwe Street Vendors Association” who registers such? Next you will hear armed robbers association of Kitwe being formed

  1. These traders always have enough time to vacate the streets on their own, go home and come back the next day. This time around let them leave town center and go elsewhere. They should have known from what has transpired in other towns that one day they shall have to relocate.

    • in LUSAKA they are back in numbers, almost all the places and the council is ndwiii waiting to react when politicians talk about it

    • @akashambatwa, they are waiting for the next rain season when cholera kills some citizens. Then they will bring in the army to chase the vendors. And Lungu will appear on the streets in overalls to campaign for votes

  2. The only way to remove them,is by waiting for them to knock off….in the morning when they are coming back …they should find the police already taken control of the streets….otherwise…it is not going to be easy least in ws cholera which removed them from the streets

  3. Your counterparts already vacated the streets that should have been enough warning to you to do the same.if you had heeded the warning then by this time you would have even moved to kasanda market and would not even need to ask for more time.

  4. 7 days is enough time for them; why did the council allow them back after the cholera outbreak?

  5. So anyways… whatever happened to the Tokyo Market that was due to open in February 2018???

    So far, June 2018, the place looks like they were just making one huge pavement for drunkards to stroll on.

    Then some pipo are talking about building hospitals by the end of the year.

  6. come 2021 election year , the vendors will be free to trade on the street , mark my words , looking for votes , politicians temunobe

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