Saturday, July 27, 2024

Veteran politician Daniel Munkombwe dies


Defense Minister Edgar Lungu (l) who is also PF Secretary General with Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe (c) and Western Province Minister Richwell Siamunene (r) at a PF Rally meeting at Blue Gums in Mongu District of Western Province
File:Defense Minister Edgar Lungu (l) who is also PF Secretary General with Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe (c) and Western Province Minister Richwell Siamunene (r) at a PF Rally meeting at Blue Gums in Mongu District of Western Province

Veteran politician Daniel Munkombwe has died. Mr. Munkombwe died in Livingstone General Hospital after an illness He last served as Provincial Minister for Southern Province.

Daniel Munkombwe was at one time one of the wealthest Zambians in this country. He was definitely the biggest indigenous cattle rancher and commercial farmer and at a very young age. He was brought up in the same house as Mr. Vernon Johnson Mwaanga (who is his cousin) by VJ’s father Mr. Samson Mwaanga.

He achieved notoriety when in 1972 the largest cheque made out to a farmer by NAMBOARD was to one Daniel Munkombwe. The cheque was so large it came to the notice of then President Kenneth Kaunda. The cheque was bigger than all the money paid out to farmers in Northern Province implying he had produced more maize than the whole Northern Province.

His Kabebya Ranch had the largest cattle herd in the country and a string of butcheries from Livingstone all the way up to Mufulira. He was lured into full time politics and thus began the slow downward spiral of his business empire.

He was a close friend and relative of my father’s Munali classmate Mr. Samuel Mweetwa (another cousin to Mr. Vernon Johnson Mwaanga) and I met him several times when I lived in Mufulira as he had developed a friendship with my father.

He sponsored literally dozens of students at UNZA. His massive Olympia Park home was always full of relatives and his open handed generosity may have also contributed to the diminishing of his fortune.

Whatever his faults in the political arena, Daniel Munkombwe has always been a man to help his friends and relatives and always has a fund of great jokes. A connoisseur of female beauty Mr. Munkombwe married several times and is a real Tonga Bull so to speak.

Daniel Munkombwe has run his race and he made an impact in this country.


  1. A True Zambian and Patriot. Politics aside, here is one worthy of emulation. A great loss to the country . Condolences to the family and the the Nation at large

  2. Death from aging and death from other causes are two different things. We will soon be able to ‘cure’ aging i.e. abolish the aging process so that people will not have to die through it. But we will NEVER be able to abolish every single other cause of death. This means that people may not die through aging or through cancer etc, but they will die of other causes such as nuclear explosion, drowning, gunshots to the head, burst appendix, alcoholism etc etc. So, although we will be able to live for an indefinite length of time we will still eventually die at some point.

  3. May his soul rest in peace. I loved the man in spite of his political boobs, but then who hasn’t got them?

  4. Mhsrip …Didnt know about that NAMBOARD story…how did he lose his wealth then to be reduced to a bootlicker.

  5. Mr . Munkombwe has now moved to ‘Heaven’ the “Party’ full of milk and honey, the side that is buttered most. Go well Badaala and please Rest In Peace if you can.

  6. My sincere condolence. I remember one day passing through his farm in choma with the late Darius Hakayobe. Rest well badala.

  7. Daniel Munkombwe was a gentleman who gave away his wealth to cadres. He lost his fortune to politics. He was a man with a big heart. Go well mudala, young Tongas must emulate him. They have failed to beat his maize production record. Hichilema has taught them violence and insults even the devil gets dismayed by their insolence

    • The young Tonga’s of nowadays are useless, they are tribalist and flatout useless just like their counterparts in the PF, all useless. The Tonga’s of today are not the Harry Mwanga nkumbula type that loved everyone for simply being Zambian, the current Tonga youths headlined by Larry Mweetwa as useless as a used condom. No patriotism at all until their God HH is elected president. Don’t get me wrong, I vote HH any day because the guy is smart than the dunderhead we have for a president, but the attitude of most of these moffons leaves a lot to be desired.

    • Please say let Zambians Emulate him as he is Zambian after all and a great politician for every Zambian really and not only tongas

  8. Despite being The Pope of belly politics practiced by Cardinals, & Bishops like Miles Sampa, Mulenga Sata, Munkhombwe was a Freedom fighter.

  9. LT its best to reference or acknowledge authors of articles like what Mwebantu does, this article is from Brian Mulenga’s Facebook page.

  10. Interesting rich background! He was a real philanthropist. That’s the best way of living with his wealth: Sharing it with others. Real living is living for others. Go well old man.You were great in your own way.

    • Ka mushota would have know Late Munkhombwe had the late been a Pimp.
      Pimps are the people ka Mushota knows, as they use her mental illness vulnerability to pimp her out to Drug addicts in “Sunny Glasgow”.

  11. He was a great leader in the real sense. Although some people make fun stories about the so called politics of the belly….. That’s the truth. In as much as politicians go to serve the masses, to a larger extent, they go for wealth ,power and fame. No one can dispute this fact.

  12. Go well our old man. You ran a full race.
    It was really an honour and pleasure knowing you with your immeasurable contribution to mother Zambia.

  13. My heart condolences to the family and Zambia as a nation.He was a leader, a father, grandfather and uncle who deserves a befitting send off.

  14. The man who was in politics to eat and would switch parties immediately one lost and another came along. He has finally has his belly full and gone on to eat somewhere else. Rest in peace.

  15. Condolences to his family; i liked him because he was honesty to tell us that people go into politics to eat; politics of the belly; Zambia will miss him;

  16. Who takes over as Dean of the School of Politics of the Belly? Thanks big man and go well and rest in eternal peace. At least you have produced some graduates in you famous school of politics of the belly

  17. Wolves never say anything good about others: Tonga this HH that.You never grow up you mean little minds.Stop ranting and talk sense. It costs nothing.

  18. Oh God its sad to lose Mr Munkombwe. MHSRIP – Amen He entertained us and worked a lot for Zambia. Please Accept my condolences.

  19. There are very few remaining men of his generosity and integrity. He will be surely missed! A true Tonga bull!

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