Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH, GBM visit Comesa market victims, pledges support


Mr Hichilema engages with Marketeers at COMESA market
Mr Hichilema engages with Marketeers at COMESA market

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has pledged to come to the aid of the marketeers whose goods were gutted in the COMESA inferno.

President Hichilema,l who could not hide his pain at the the sorry sight said he shared in the pain of the marketeers and that him and his party would reach out in its ‘small’ way possible to help them.

“We sympathize with the affected families of the recent happenings where goods of our marketeers were caught up in the infernal. We offer our utmost condolences for the life that has been lost. One life is just too much. We can’t afford to be losing lives just like that. It is important that safety measures are put in place during the planning and construction phases of markets in order to prevent incidences such as this one”.

“We will ensure that we help out in our small way,” said Mr. Hichilema much to the delight of the Marketeers.

And youths who rushed out from all around the Central Business District (CBD) to set a glimpse of Mr Hichilema, Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Mayoral candidate Chileshe Kangwa said they had learnt a lesson and that they would do the right thing in any future elections including the forthcoming Mayoral election set for July 26th.

Mr Hichilema also said he longed for a time when the Zambian people would trade not only with sanitary conditions, but also with proper safety measures in place such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms and in well structured trading places that meets all the health and safety standards.

A spot check at market on Saturday morning revealed the intensity of the damaged caused by a fire believed to be politically motivated, as the market is believed to have been sold off to the Chinese.

Mr Hichilema, Kangwa Chileshe and GBM touring COMESA market
Mr Hichilema, Kangwa Chileshe and GBM touring COMESA market
Mr Hichilema, Kangwa Chileshe and GBM touring COMESA market
Mr Hichilema, Kangwa Chileshe and GBM touring COMESA market
 Mr Hichilema engages with Marketeers at COMESA market
Mr Hichilema engages with Marketeers at COMESA market


    • HH is a clown…its now time for Photo op….why dressed like he is going underground mining? Tragedy is good news for HH…now he can get some press coverage. HH desperately wants to become President of Zambia but voters will keep rejecting him…Just watch what will happen to the Lusaka Mayoral election

    • Very funny leader…did he just buy that safety outfit for this occasion or he had it in his closet waiting for the fires….????? With all the money…HH still acts like a clown

    • And he has ichimpompo…let him go get a job in the mines uyu pompwe HH….showing fake sadness….you cant fool voters Mr HH

    • Abo baleya nechimpompo niba mulamu…HH real clown Politician abikapo na black belt pali red safety suit…iyo mwandi

    • Anonymous: Why do you want to choose how HH should campaign? Why are you uncomfortable with the way he wants to practise the rights that come with citizenship?

    • That attire Hakainde is wearing would have been suited for visiting Black Mountain tragedy…but we all know none of these chaps including Lazy Lungu had the balls to visit those unpredictable boys!!

    • HH and Lungu are politicising the people’s sufferings. I now strongly believe that Lungu and/or HH caused the fires, directly or indirectly to further their political goes to win the Lusaka mayoral election and the other impending Chilanga late Mumba Malila’s wife mayoral by-elections. HH is no real and Lungu is not real. They are both taking turns to visit the crime scene they well know they are responsible for directly oy indirectly. The politics of the two HH and Lungu stink to say the least.

    • Comesa market is right behind Chinese Great Wall Restaurant & its been given to tu ma Chinese by the corrupt PF00Lish regime just like they sold Luburma Market & Lusaka City Market, NRDC, Chimbokaila, Kamwala prison, Jacaranda primary school, Lima House, Maramba market, etc.

      Actually Lusaka City Market was sold to a Chinese woman a few days before the fire. Chisokone was also sold to tu ma Chinese, but the sale was reversed after news went round & riots almost broke out.

      Our sisters, aunties used to go to Dubai, Joburg, Turkey,Thailand to buy tiles, furniture, clothes, toys etc. & our brothers, uncles used to rear chickens, sell roasted maize, salaula due to PF economic failures.

      But PF00Lish has given those businesses to tu ma Cho-Cho-Lee. Where do they want our unemployed…

    • Indeed my guy But uyu anonymous dude has got so much hate in his heart not good for anyone.Such Bitterness awe sure can even poison your own self.

  1. There you have it…this market was already sold of to the Chinks; already our poor are now paying rent to them. So it doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to put one and one together on this one…if all markets are sold where we LCC get its revenue from?

  2. “…Mr Hichilema also said he longed for a time when the Zambian people would trade not only with sanitary conditions, but also with proper safety measures in place such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms and in well structured trading places that meets all the health and safety standards…”

    I have been calling for the same from the first fires that corrupt theif lungu started touring 4 years ago…….a fire prevention and manufacture local industry can be build to make fire extinguishers, smokealarms and other prevention equipment in Zambia. Thousands can be employed by this with exports in millions.
    But PF are too corrupt and lazy , they have most likely shared out import tenders already instead of making in Zambia.
    An SI for fire saftry is comming. No dought.

  3. Mmmm no burned market was visited by our two coleagues but this one is special because some of affected marketeers are voters. …I say some because the majority are foreigners or people coming from other towns.

    • when city market went up in flames he was in jail and the market was burned to make sure a state of emergency is effected you have already forgotten .we all know the man we have in state house is incompetent but we keep on denying that fact our economy is but surely being run into the ground but we still are living in denial that HH is a better option for president and we know but we dont want to accept.I sit down and imagine:
      1.Would KK have let the FIC report go just unatteded to
      2.Would KK have gone for three years without a press conference .
      3.Would KK have had aides who misbehave and they go scot free
      these and many other things make this president a bad leader ,he thrives knowing Zambians love medocrity by the time we will wwake up from our slumber it will be too late.

    • Last time UPND tried to visit was it the burned masala market fire ? they were attacked by lusambo , only now the corrupt theif lungu has been warned by the Europeans are opposition allowed to visit disaster areas ……

  4. Maybe its only me..but every time there’s tragedy you see UPND supporters jumping up and down…remember when we had the black Mountain tragedy…it was celebration time for our friends in UPND….Zambia are very smart people and thry will never make a mistake of voting for UPND

    • You’re not the only one. ….there’s a Upnd member at a local club a guy from Mwinilunga. …..he was celebrating like nobody’s business when we received the sad news of the demise of our fellow Zambians at the BM

  5. People will always rush to judge HH no matter how noble his intentions are. That’s why it is said that don’t judge others before you are also judged. The president visited the burnt site to console the marketeers affected and it was all good. HH visits the site and he is judged already. What I know is the two people are similar- they are both politicians. The only difference is one is the Republican President and the other is opposition leader.There sure is a reason why people get worked up whenever HH does something, even mere strolling in the Lusaka CBD. Why always on his case? He could be destined for greater things for all I know, and like late president Sata, no one can deny him his constitutional right if God allows it according to His will. That’s my opinion exactly.

  6. Why does he have to be in UPND regalia, is he visiting for campaign purpose or does he see each and every situation as an opportunity to campaign?

  7. ” ONLY UPND DOES CELEBRATE SAD NEWS IN ZAMBIA” says Tayali. We know how HH,UPND ZWD celebrated when sata died. They also celebrated when we had load shedding. When the Kwacha was depreciating against the major currencies they also celebrated. When we had the drought and the arm worms this tribal grouping was rejoicing. When the city marked was gutted a certain TONGA man MWEETWA posted his happiness on the face book. All well meaning Zambians know that HH and his tribal cult are sadists they don’t mean well for this country. God cannot allow a man so wicked like HH to rule this country we Zambians especially in 6.5 provinces will keep on rejecting him, after all Zambia is better off without HH and his tribal grouping.


  9. H.h: “It is important that safety measures are put in place during the planning and construction phases of markets in order to prevent incidences such as this one”.
    Since you just came into politics recently, of course you may not know that this and many of our so called markets were not planned in the first place. They are the product of the indiscipline that came with our recent indisciplined politics where each politician wants to make political mileage by opposing everything good done by their opponent….as h.h has been doing. Instead of compkemwnting and supporting good ideas.

    • Which good ideas ? 42/42 ? Inyasti land for lungu ? Lusambos potriate on all coners of lusaka ? Or aybe moving and selling mukula in the dead of night ?

  10. Politicking 24/7 is the order of the day in Zambia. Why are they not in Mufulira where another major market burnt down. Here they are campaigning with a wolf in sheep’s skin Kangwa, since there jezebbel couldn’t win in Chilanga.

  11. HH went to see the extent of the damage his cadres caused. He is not happy that only one person died. Tis sadist

  12. The corrupt theif lungu and his equally corupt gang have been touring burned markets for 4 years and have done absolutly nothing except wait for a photo opportunity in the next fire……one thing the theives did was sell a desperate nation 42 crap fire trucks for $42 million , that is like pickpocketing a down and out accident victim.

    They ripped off a nation despaired with fires many suspect them , PF were behind.

    What the bet folks , this cycle will start all over again with lungu wearing gum boots for a photo sweeping in the midst of a cholera storm , come the rains.
    Then in June the corrupt theives will be looking humble again touring burnt markets….

  13. #1.6 jj: “that attire Hakainde is wearing would have been suited for visiting Black Mountain tragedy…but we all know none of these chaps including Lazy Lungu had the balls to visit those unpredictable boys!!

    If your first name for Lungu is “Lazy”, what is your first name for Hakainde?

    We have to be fair mr jj, h.h is not such a good man, he is actually a full blown liar who has failed to learn that he cannot lie his way to state house. To quote your own words, h.h does the same things over and over again and expects different results.

  14. Am voting for Miles Sampa on 26/07/2018 nomatter how HH pretends,his party will lose!!!Plus dont deceive HH that youths told him that they have learnt a lesson and they will now vote for UPND-THAT IS A PURE LIE!!Wait for results after we vote next week and HH will be embarrassed once more-MARK MY WORDS!!!
    Like i told you that France shall win the world Cup and it has happened.Am also telling you that MILES B SAMPA WILL WIN AS LUSAKA MAYOR NEXT WEEK!!

  15. Lungu was shown shamelessly touring the burnt market for which he lamentably failed to protect despite having 4 years warning, shedding crocodile tears.

    To lungu and the PF rats , touring disaster zones looking humble is hard working, not working to prevent disasters ……working to prevent disasters is too much hard work , they rather sell off to foringners and expect them to do the work….

    Shame on lungu and PF with their laziness and corruption.

    After the first fire , none of this should have happened again.

    Theives. Lazy corrupt theives.

  16. Why do certain people hate HH for no reason is it becoz he is Tonga we all claim he sold the mines but when I check the facts HH was part of the 120 private consultants invited by GRZ & he had little influence to sell anything we had bigger men that were able to sell off the mines more over how foolish can you be to hold a gradge that happened several years ago and fell to see the many theft that have just happened in Zambia (42 fire trucks,FIC report ,ambulances,expired ARVs ,swaziland mansion e.t.c) .look at the comments you can see why Pilato says “this is zambia” .We have too many fools in Zambia how can Tongas be tribal when not even a son and the father will have the same character

  17. The bemba proverb says (echikupepula echikulya) meaning the one who comes and shows that he/she comforting you is the one who is eating you or witching you.Be careful they want to get political milage on the expense on the victim of comesa.

  18. The government has failed it’s that simple the country needs more than roads when the opposition parties said the government is over borrowing what did Kambwili and the government say now see what’s happening. By now the government could have built better markets but they have failed to move the marketers they have failed to understand why the marketers don’t want to move .All they have ever needed was assurance that they will not be replaced by cadres & so the question remaining is how do you assure the marketers , the only way is to document the agreement that’s register the marketers have them verify their details ,publish the list of names in the newspaper, give them offer letters them bring down the markets build new ones with fire suppression systems , water, toilets,council…

  19. In normal countries , after a first disaster , things change. Governments work full throttle to prevent that happening again.

    Not our corrupt gang of theives…..a disaster to them is a photo opportunity to wear gum boots and be pictured touring the disaster zones pretending to work …. if the theives can not make money by getting inflated tenders , they just sit back and wait for the next disaster photo opportunity….

    This fire should not have happened–After 4 years of fires.

    What sad indictment of lungus useless corrupt rule.

  20. This fire is also a reflection on the poor mentality Medicare thinking of Africans and Zambians in particular…..

    You can see all these intellectuals we have above debating ” visit toures ” by the useless leaders they have.

    Zambians of all persuasions should be demanding heads roll in GRZ for letting these fires happen. Again. And again. And again.
    You can not a fires for 4 years running and all you do is globe trot and borrow money.

  21. Kubantu takwaba ichisuma.God created us ONE in his image but some became sadist why?????The PHD syndrome in Zambia will never end.

  22. Ichibemba Chitila ati “Ichikupempula ECHIKUOCHA”.

    Pamo nga Mwine Lubemba nabikapo ipinda Mukwai. Kuti nalindapo: Umwana Ushinaya atasha nyina Ukwenda.

  23. Leader of a Terrorist Group trying to put butter on our faces. I hope the Security wings will not fall for this fuulishness.

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