Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Affairs Minister Summons NKANA, ZESCO football clubs over Fans unruly behavior


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Government has condemned the unruly behavior exhibited by Nkana and Zesco soccer fans during the week 24 fixture played at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo says government will not allow any form of hooliganism to dent the image of the country as a beacon of peace.

Mr. Kampyongo disclosed to ZANIS in Lusaka today that he has since instructed the commissioner of Police on the Copperbelt to summon both managers from the two clubs.

He urged FAZ to work with the law enforcement officers under his ministry to insure that perpetrators of this vice are brought to book.

He said soccer is a unifying sport and wondered why soccer fans resorted to indulge in behavior that doesn’t promote the spirit of fair play.


  1. This is typical of one overstepping boundaries. If the fans broke the law simply arrest them if they didn’t leave it to FAZ. If FAZ doesn’t act then the sports minister summons the teams otherwise shut up Kampyongo!

    • FiFA will close those clubs if they start leaking Kapyongo & PF stinking #$$#.
      You don’t arrest soccer funs, only under PF.
      Ask what thug-Kaiser was today by CAF, he got so disappointed, and got his frustration onto female officer.

    • Kampyongo is simply a thug …anywhere else this former Katondo Street Currency Dealer would never be a minister. He can not focus on the market as he started it himself….busy issuing instructions to Police which is wrong in itself!!

    • He says government will not allow any form of hooliganism to dent the image of the country as a beacon of peace. Then government must act on PF cadres who are always starting riots

  2. The whole minister summoning clubs instead of leaving such matters to Provincial Police Commanding Officer…you appoint dull chaps as ministers this is what you get…instead of urging FAZ to implement reforms like having seats at stadiums and cameras.

  3. You can’t abandon burning markets to go close soccer teams too.
    Nangu kutumpa this is way out of bounds.
    FIFA don’t like ministers, worse ministers who throw stones at flying helicopters.

    When are you summoning Kaizer for Gross indicipline, illegally discharging a firearm in a public place, assaulting a female police officer in full view of the public, including your useless inept drunken leader Chakolwa Pombe, & Damaging a Government vehicle whilst driving intoxicated all habits Chakolwa tolerates, including removing the vehicle, thereby hindering Police doing their job, & thwarting justice?
    I almost forgot, why not summon Munir Zulu, for using officers of the law as sparring partners on the streets of Lusaka

    • Exactly what happens when you put Kaponya’s in positions they are ill equiped to handle.

    • This is a cabinet full to the rafters of dull ministers …I mean you have a minister like Dora who tweets that Turkey is the 5th largest economy in the EU with pride and no shame. The President is simply a dull and absolutely lazy figurehead who is just glad to called a President.

  5. First it’s the whole of the IG himself who has to go and camp in copperbelt to contain the gangs that have mushroomed there and now the whole of the home affairs minister has to contain fans hooliganism. What is it with police on the copperbelt are they so incompetent then change them.

  6. England has had more severe instances of football hooliganism than any other country in the world. The problem has also been associated with this country for the longest period of time too (,2018).
    There are hundreds of articles online on how English FA has combated and is preventing football hooliganism and violence…if we had smart ministers they would have put pressure on FAZ to act and even sponsor FAZ officials to England and see first hand what is the best practice to prevent football hooliganism at Zambian Stadia.

  7. #6 jj, okay we have heard you, with effect from 1st August the government is hereby DIRECTED to appoint jj as Minister of Home affairs. You can bring some sanity to the ministry.

    By the way, as you call President Lungu “Lazy” how about restoring some measure of fairness in your life by calling h.h as “Desperate” as in Desperate Hakainde or any word of your choice but has to be derogatory enough?

  8. FAZ can handle any issues to do with local football, no other body has that mandate, not even State House. Kampyongo has misdirected himself on this one. I hope he is not going to sign another controversial tender at Football House

  9. @JJ yes please give HH a nickname like you have done to the Head of State you little tribal blogger. No matter how hard you try to demonize ECL he still continues to be more popular than your tribal chief. You are very predictable but in your little tribal brain you think you are superior. You are nothing but a full time UPND cadre trying to pretend that you are neutral and a patriot.

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