Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mayoral ballot papers arrive in the country


The first consignment of ballot papers for the forth coming July 26th Mayoral/Council chairpersons and local government by-elections have arrived in the country.

Stakeholders from two political parties and the Electoral commission of Zambia (ECZ) officials witnessed the arrival of 16 pallets of the 27 expected while the remaining 11 pallets will arrive in the country tomorrow.

Patriotic Front (PF) Vice-Secretary in the Elections Committee Brain Katunansa has hailed the electoral commission of Zambia for exhibiting transparency in the handling of elections.

Mr.Katunansa said ECZ is equal to the electoral task, adding that the PF is glad with the way campaigns are going on.

“We are happy that the first consignment of ballot papers is in. We will await for the second consignment tomorrow and the commencement of the verification process. As Patriotic Front we are happy with the ongoing campaigns and our candidate has been well received by the people,” Mr.Katunansa said.

Meanwhile, United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) Party member of the committee on national elections team John Kalwena said the electoral process is so far transparent and his party awaits verification tomorrow.

Mr. Kalwena told Journalists after witnessing the arrival of ballot papers that UPPZ is happy with the campaign atmosphere which is violent free.

He further expressed optimism that his party will carry the day owing to the youthful candidate they have fielded .

Zambia will on the 26th of July hold six local government, 7 Council Chairpersons and One Mayoral by-elections.


  1. Chief Electrol Officer

    If you have nothing constructive to say,it is best to keep
    your erroneous thinking to yourself.
    Your careless talking can cause unnecessary tension in the country.
    Should you be asked to would you prove that the pre marked
    consignment of mayoral ballot papers arrived last week in the country.

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