Saturday, June 1, 2024

Shepolopolo down Cameroon to edge closer to COSAFA semifinals


Zambia players celebrate a goal scored by Lushomo Mweemba (2) during the 2018 Cosafa Womens Championship game between Zambia and Cameroon at Wolfson Stadium in Port Elizabeth on 15 September 2018 © Ryan Wilkisky/BackpagePix
Zambia players celebrate a goal scored by Lushomo Mweemba
(2) during the 2018 Cosafa Womens Championship game between Zambia and Cameroon at Wolfson Stadium in Port Elizabeth on 15 September 2018 © Ryan Wilkisky/BackpagePix
Shepolopolo have beaten Cameroon 1-0 in their second Group B match at the COSAFA Women’s Cup in South Africa.

Zambia now lead the group with six points having beaten Lesotho 2-0 in their opening match on Thursday.

Lushomo Mweemba scored the goal in the first half on Saturday as Zambia silenced guest team Cameroon who launched the COSAFA Cup campaign with an 8-1 win over Mozambique on Thursday.

Shepolopolo are almost through to the semi-finals of the regional championship.

They conclude group action on Monday against Mozambique.

Mozambique earlier on Saturday beat Lesotho 2-1 to recover from the day-one loss to Cameroon.


  1. Just goes to show what a waste of time practising tribalism, regionalism & racism is, “we are stronger together than apart!”

    Its time to focus all our energies on addressing the numerous challenges that bedevil our nation.

    Next up ladies, Mozambique…

  2. come on you people you have put your political enemint evrywhr sure,,why cnt we be one…its Zambia women national team …not pf national team or upnd national team please….

    we are the ones that are painting our country bad and now evrywhr we go we are called names please let’s unite ….put aside any political division…. we are bro and sisters…

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