Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President expected on the Copperbelt this Friday


President Edgar Lungu flanked by Minister of Infrastructure Ronald Chitotela (2nr) RDA Chief Executive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape (r) Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo (2nl) and Special Assistant to the President Andrew Chellah (l) inspecting the progress on Lumumba roads
President Edgar Lungu flanked by Minister of Infrastructure Ronald Chitotela (2nr) RDA Chief Executive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape (r) Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo (2nl) and Special Assistant to the President Andrew Chellah (l) inspecting the progress on Lumumba roads
President Edgar Lungu is this Friday, expected on the Copperbelt, to launch the 449 Million Dollar, Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project.

The Project is aimed at improving water supply in Ndola, Luanshya, Mpongwe and Masaiti Districts, with 6 hundred and 78 thousand beneficiaries, once complete.

Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environment Protection Public Relations Officer, Amos Zulu disclosed this to ZNBC News in Lusaka.

Mr. Zulu said the project is in line with the Vision 2030 of having 100 percent access to clean and safe water and 90 percent adequate sanitation.

He says the Kafulafuta Water Supply System Project will include the construction of the multi-purpose dam, transmission pipe lines, treatment plants, water distribution network, storage reservoirs and installation of water meters.

The Project which is being undertaken by China National Complete Engineering Corporation will be completed in 2021.


  1. But mubi uyu lungu. How can u be a thief and ugly on top of that. In most cases people are one or the other.

    • Dear Mr President,

      Is that all you are good at? Moving from place to place, today inspecting, tomorrow commissioning, the next day launching. why do you have ministers?
      Who then is setting the pace on policy matters? Do you ever have time to read reports from your ministries, briefings from intelligence?
      Do you ever look at the performance national economic KPIs, health KPIs, education KPIs? Do you ever do any actual presidential work at all?
      Is it any wonder that things are in disarray? No one is sailing this ship. it is tossed to and from by every wave and wind. The captain is too busy getting drunk and trying grow in praise for doing nothing

    • He is a thief we are disappointed. He should Resign, That Mwanakatwe useless MOF should Go as well. Anyways why are we surprised? These thieves are MMD made. The Party we kicked Out

  2. Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. Sometimes it’s good to lay low for a while and reflect on your deeds. Is this tour necessary at the moment?

    • Yes by stealing the money meant for the poor and ARVs. We really appreciate Mr. President. We appreciate your giving all contracts to Chinese because they give nice bribes. We appreciate your buying scania fire trucks for 1million dollars, when they actually cost 300 thousand. We appreciate your buying ambulances for 300 thousand. We appreciate your building mansions in swaziland. We appreciate your building lots of properties for yourself and your minions while the rest of your countrymen are starving and can’t get basic medical services. Mr. Presdident, we really appreciate sir.

  3. UPND cadres please it’s clear that your party is not alternative.No one is taking to the streets despite all these corruption issues at the moment.we will give The President chance to clean up .HH is not the answer or the solution.

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