Friday, October 25, 2024

Zambia not in debt crisis, even the World bank has confirmed this, Inonge Wina tells Parliament


Vice President Inonge Wina confers with Finance Minister
Margaret Mwanakatwe during the official openning of second session of
the twelfth Assembly

Vice President Inonge Wina has reaffirmed that there is no debt crisis in Zambia.

Ms. Wina said even the World Bank has confirmed this affirmation which reflects Zambia’s position of not being in a debt crisis.

She said only champions of hate speech and opposition parliamentarians are fueling the debate contrary to government’s position.

The Vice President said this in parliament describing the purported ‘debt crisis debate’ in some sections of the media as unfortunate.

Ms. Wina, who is leader of government business in the House, assured the House that Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe will next week present the National Budget.

She further, wondered how government will present the budget if Zambia is really in a debt crisis.

“There is no debt crisis in Zambia. Where would we get the monies to have national budget,” the Vice President said.

And the Vice President has said Zambia is not the only country that has borrowed from China.

Ms. Wina said America, South Africa and Kenya among other countries have borrowed monies and wondered why Zambia’s debt is being dramatized, singled out of proportion and used as a tool to destabilize her development agenda.

She said Zambia will trade with any country to benefit the Zambian people.

“Zambia’s debt crisis is a smear campaign being pioneered by champions of own interests who want regime change, chase away foreign investors so that the donor community can lose confidence in our able administration,” remarked the Vice President.

Meanwhile, the Vice President has urged members of parliament who are well abreast and knowledgeable to refrain from stigmatizing foreign nationals.

Ms. Wina said Zambia enjoys cordial relationships with not only her neighbors but other countries on the globe.

She said singling out China is setting a bad precedent for the nation when Zambia attaches great importance to the bilateral international affairs.

The Vice President said stigmatizing foreign nationals is a recipe for xenophobia as witnessed in other countries and is tantamount to committing a criminal offense.

During the 45-minutes Vice President’s question time today, there was an uproar in the August House from amongst the Opposition Parliamentarians who alleged that government was favoring Chinese nationals who commit crimes in Zambia.

She however, said that no one is above the law and the law will be applied to whoever comes in conflict with it.


    • Too old to make any sense, She should be in a nursing home, mama you are a let down the the women of Zambia, You have added no value the country what so ever, No wonder the th.ief EL chose you, He knew you are too old to think.

    • I don’t think this woman even deserves any serious recognition she has had her legacy messed up by crooked Lungu and team and she is in a trap …. Granny you are going down with this your gang of political degenerates

    • Never seen such foolish leadership. Such comments can make us lose respect for such people. YOU ARE TOO OLD SHUTUP AND RETIRE. We have 17 Million Zambians? let others also rule this country.

    • Ignore this shameless senile old hen Bo Inonge, as old as she is with nothing to lose still there watching people stealing…shameless old cow!!

  1. Let Zambia rise to the occasion.

    Lungu. Amos and sunday chanda think we are kids. They think speaking english all that Zambian s want.

    Zambia is bigger than pf and upendi put together.

    Lungu must Go and hh must never come near state house

  2. How it works in the real world of UNPATRIOTIC TRIBAL ZEALOTS. Using Mapatizya Formula of destruction and desire to have Zambians rise up against the government so that CHILDISH the TRIBAL god of UPND would have a chance and to be “Vindicated,” CHILDISH pays AC for their “Good Democratic Ideals and Contribution to Democracy!” He also pays Galu Watchers in Zambia some token to continue to write NEGATIVES about Zambia. Those who are not from Zambia, just see a barrage of critics from a site on Zambia and do not know that it is all an ORGANISED CRIME by A TRIBAL UNION OF TONGAS & their SUPPORTERS! They deduce, Zambia is in a CRISIS! UNDER FIVE (HH) who will NEVER be president and his TRIBAL BOYS are happy!

  3. you stupid sharon who ever you are , how does HH come in here , he is not part of the topic , here it is these thieves in GRZ and PF that is the subject not HH here , think for one you fools

  4. LET us launch Lungu-must-go campaign. Pf is not upendi were one wise leader reigns. And these chanda boys will dance one day.

    Power belongs to the people. Do you remember whta happened to Richard Sakala and Chiluba

    • CHILDISH will NEVER be president! He is a White Collar Privatization Corrupt Thief you never would want to be near our State House. Afuna ku guritsa ziko lathu! It will not Happen! Our Nest will NEVER be Harmed by those who bribe him with FAKE RECOGNITION PAPERS after he has committed a CRIME against a presidential motorcade! He needs to be in prison!

  5. Even the World Bank has confirmed. Mrs. vice president you need your Alzheimer medication, Problem with Geriatrics. Don’t you have grand children who need the position you are occupying granny?

  6. When did the world bank ever say this? Please madam I know you like your position which was your reward for bringing Lung Wu into power but leave some of these stories for Dora. We like seeing her make a fool of herself.

  7. What if WB said Zambia was in debt crisis, what would she have said?

    Bo Inonge what constitutes a debt crisis? That are the criteria?

    Start from there!

  8. This woman is a let down to the Zambian pipo.we expect old pipo to protect the nation instead of selling it.How many years do u have to live on earth mama?leave good legacy instead of defending thieves.And u’re called woman?so disssapointing to have such a vice president.Ati even the world bank

  9. I didn’t know the world bank runs the Zambian economy. What does the world bank know about Zambian debt and the conditions of repayment to the debtors? Zambia has hidden every information hence the refusal by IMF to deal with Zambia. Zambia is not creditworthy for any lender. Only those with very very very credit rates can touch Zambia now. World Bank can go to hell. How much have they loaned Zambia that is on record?

  10. Tribal zealots
    Everything is measured on tribal tags.Read very well what mama wina said to your representatives in parliament.
    ZAMBIA IS NOT IN TRIBAL CRISIS am sure will understand now because whatever Mama winner said you didn’t understand.

  11. Iwe u supposed to be in a retirement village at ur age, only half the brain cells function, u r past ur sale by date no wonder Jonathan picked u, he knew u won’t question anything. Kabiye mukulima mbuya

  12. World Bank position leave a sour taste, for an irresponsible government like ours it means acquiring more and more commercial loans for consumption projects. Let the world bank come on board and bail us out. From formerly Senior Citizen.

  13. Bo ma inonge you only have 3 to 5 years to live max, rather” shut up” you life is in the rare view mirror.
    You dont fit in the 2030 middle income plane rather work on your barial plan.

  14. Why would a person lie Sharon say UPND think like cows or a donkey, out of all things sure, is this the time use such words on others. I have so many questions, I will only ask a few. Do you have/ had a father a mother siblings? From the English can you have some literacy, but level of education did you reach? Are you married? Do you have children? Do you have any relatives? Do you ever think we are Zambians trying to fight what is good for our nation? My friend, not everyone will like HH and not everyone will like EL. Cool down, been PF does not make one superior, or been UPND does make one inferior. Just try to remember this God see’s and hears everything, good, bad, evil, stupid etc and one day we will give an account of our lives. I am not stopping from writing what you, the choice…

  15. Madam Wina knows IMF has refused to lend Zambia $1.3billion becoz the Fund feels Zambia is over borrowed and there is too much Fraud and Corruption in Loan Contractions. IMF and the World Bank are sister Institutions within the Bretton Woods Family. These two Institutions complement each other rather than contradict each other. When did the World Bank officially say that “Zambia is not facing a Debt Crisis”? Madam Wina should get proper advice on this issue. Madam Wina will be embarrassed when the World Bank denies ever giving an Official Statement on Zambia’s Debt Sustainability.

  16. “Zambia’s debt crisis is a smear campaign being pioneered by champions of own interests who want regime change, chase away foreign investors so that the donor community can lose confidence in our able administration,”
    And we know the devils and their surrogates behind it all. In Kenya it has quietened down because Odinga realised his country doesn’t belong only to him and his supporters but to every Kenyan and their children. In Zambia and Zimbabwe, the protagonists of regime have no heart for their countries and would rather see it burn if they don’t become president.

  17. These PFools are not serious indeed. Its not about World Bank confirming this and that its about hunger and squeezing of the citizens financially. Look at how mush you are overpricing constructions. You make us pay more than the contractor just because you want to pocket. . People are hungry because salaries are delayed or just not there. Of course world bank chaps are feeding nicely and cannot see how hungry and squeezed Zambians are. Just look at how many taxes you have introduced just to squeeze the citizens and get that extra gwagu you are devils and God will punish you badly.
    I think too much beer is also not good for good leadership.
    Besides there has never been an official saying that we are not in crisis because we are in a crisis and its like a Kings new clothing. They know we…

  18. I agree with you Zambian citizen, however there is truth that is why he optimising.So,if you don’t want your enemy to take advantage of your weakness, be firm with people around you.As soon you detect dishonesty and fraudulent behaviour,get rid of them before others have time to open their mouths.Be reactive that is the rule of thumb.

  19. It reminds me of how we hope to win soccer: waiting for the other team to lose another so our points can stay intact. It is not about what WB or WTF says – it is about what is being delivered ON THE GROUND. Let’s deliver please napapata neo piliziiiii – a cimwene ndi a cemwali!!!???? Piliziiii???

  20. Hasn’t the VP given a thought that maybe the World Bank is just being diplomatic and telling the government what they want to hear? If as a government you are failing to pay back loans/debt, what does that mean, what message are you sending? Meanwhile you still want to contract more loans/debt from user-friendly countries like China or Turkey? Do we want to start singing the national anthem as Land of Debt and Sorrow in Disunity?

  21. Shameless old hag supporting her corrupt boss. To sincerely believe and claim that this country is not in debt distress is both insult and assault on the intelligence of Zambians. This pathetic thieving lot is the worst to have led this country. Blessed is the day that we see their backs!!

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