Saturday, July 27, 2024

China pledges continued trade with Zambia


Part of the audience at the 3rd Western China Public Procurement Conference during the 17th Western China International Fair being held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province China.
Part of the audience at the 3rd Western China Public Procurement Conference during the 17th Western China International Fair being held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province China.

The Republic of China says it will continue to foster trade relations with Zambia, by laying a good foundation for economic growth for the benefit of the two people.

Chinese Commerce Investigator of Laws and Regulations who is also in charge of International Business and Trade Relations Li Peng says China and Zambia have strong relations alongside cementing bilateral ties especially in the area of education.

Mr. Li disclosed this recently in Changsha city, Hunan Province during the national ethnic policy and management seminar which was held from August 29th to September 18th, 2018.

The seminar which attracted 15 participants, was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce from the People’s Republic of China and organized by Hunan International Business Vocational College.

Mr. Li thanked the participants and challenged them to prudently use the gained knowledge, which is aimed at consolidating the traditional friendship between China and Zambia.

And Assistant Director of the Training Centre, Zhang Feifu said the seminar is an eye opener in building and strengthening cultural values

“We are determined to work very well with each other and deepen the relationships that exists between China and Zambia in the education sector,” Mr. Zhang said.

And group delegates’ representative Chola Mwewa appreciated the flourishing policies in preserving and upholding ethnic values, and the support for tourism.

This is according to a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by the Chinese Embassy Delegate Press Secretary Peter Chikwampu.


  1. Let him tell his people to respect us while they live among us and its hi time they learnt our language and integrated not isolating themselves

    Thank you

  2. The pf have been led to believe that they are trading with china. They are under some false illusion that china gaining control of all zambian strategic resources and institutions is trade. You even have situations now where zambians are being mistreated on their own soil. And you want to insult us, by calling this trade? A chinese man selling nshima and runnign taxi company is now trade? I dont blame the chinese because even me if i was doing business with people as dumb and greedy as the PF, I would take advantage of their desperation and greed.

  3. Nelson Mandela told the USA that the USA should not force South Africa to be enemies with Libya. This was after the USAs displeasure with Mandelas visit to Gaddafi. So you people using Zambias relationship with China stop wasting your time. Your little bastard will not become president through unfair propaganda. Change your tactics.

    • Today hh is a bstard and yet the dogs that are stealing public funds meant for your poor sisters and brothers are some gods to you. If we have ignorant dckheads like you who think this way in majority then we can forget changing this country for the better via democratic means. We hope nature will play out and get rid of undesirables such as you through natural death. Who knows in future Zambian might have a generation of leaders of integrity.

    • Hope as much as you wish Mr Most Educated Zambian, but as long as your campaign is filled with hatred, people will not notice what you even if it may contain some truths. Please change your tactics. Otherwise you’ll be confined to the opposition bench forever.

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