Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Buchi Residents riot after Police officer shoot a car wash youth


Residents of Buchi Compound in Kitwe have rioted and blocked the Kitwe-Chingola Dual Carriage Way. This is after a Police officer gunned down a youth who works at one of the car-washes along Kazembe road.

The Irate Buchi residents on went on rampage burning tyres on Kazembe road and the Kitwe-Chingola Dual Carriageway. The protest led to the closure of the dual carriage way, causing dozens of vehicles going to North Western Province to be stranded on either side of the road.

For over two hours, the Buchi Residents threw stones at Police officers who were in the area to clear the road. At some point, Police officers were overwhelmed by the stone throwers and discharged teargas canisters as they withdrew.

Police reinforcements from Riverside, Ganerton and Kitwe Central Police Stations helped to quell the unruly crowd which was mainly composed of youths. Kazembe road links Buchi, Kamitondo, Kwacha and Bulangililo Compounds to the Kitwe-Chingola dual carriage way.

After a two-hour battle, Police officers managed to clear the rioters and traffic has normalized on both the Kitwe-Chingola Dual Carriage Way and Kazembe road.

Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga says the incident happened when a police Officer who accompanied officers from Nkana Water and Sewerage Company shot one of the clients.

Mrs. Katanga however said she had no further details of the incident.

Copperbelt police commissioner Charity Katanga
Copperbelt police commissioner Charity Katanga

Meanwhile, Police in Kitwe on the Copperbelt province are holding 19 men for allegedly stealing 32bags of copper concentrate weighing 32000Kg which was destined for Chambeshi copper mine(CCS) smelter from Democratic Republic of Congo.(DRC)

Copperbelt province Police Commissioner Charity Katanga says the truck was intercepted after the bags were being offloaded and replaced with same weight of black soil.

She disclosed that the incident happened on Sunday evening around 21:30hours at Markov mining plant which belongs to Shawi Faeazi situated along the Chingola-Kalulushi road.

Ms. Katanga said police managed to apprehend 19 suspects from the group including one master -minder who are in detention at Kalulushi and Kitwe central police stations respectively.

She said police received a tip off from members of the public as well as from the owners of cargo who managed to track the diverted truck via the global position point (GPP)

The Copperbelt police Chief confirmed the development in a press statement issued to ZANIS in Ndola today.


    • Government should start reading more into this my advice is that the President should have some of his people “researching” on the ground these riots …first in parklands over the shooting or a girl by a Chinese and now this ? It’s like people are now just on the verge of riots at the least provocation. There is something deeper here and the PF may be in denial

    • You people you were calling Luapuluans as savages, uncivilized, for killing headman Bunda Bunda.
      What about these on copperbelt??

    • Dangerous criminal Shawi is a good friend to fellow thief Lung-Wu. He’s bn to state house several times.

      He is behind most truck hijackings on copperbelt. His father killed Grant Kolala in the 80s & was deported by LPM.
      LPM failed to deport Shawi coz Lebanon refused to let him in he was born in zambia.

    • Boza yeka yeka. Firstly that picture is not Buchi. Secondly : causing dozens of vehicles going to North Western Province to be stranded on either side of the road?? That can’t happen. You mean vehicles going to North West were either side of the road?

    • “The protest led to the closure of the dual carriage way, causing dozens of vehicles going to North Western Province to be stranded on either side of the road.” It seems this was written by a person with a dung brain. HH’s vehicles were on either side of the Road going to North Western Province! Sorry going to Namwala! (On either side of the road!)

      Lock up those shooters before they finish innocent citizens. After that choncholi serves his sentence, deport that white nigga.
      Our cop might have been drinking. Lock him up indefinitely.

    • @1.5 Nkhani fimo fimo
      If you do not an area silence is golden. We had these riots here in Kitwe and the road was closed.

      So stop denying reality! There’s a problem and the smart people of the “Chambian Enterprise” are not happy.

    • Zambian fimofimo as you can see from my name, Grasp what is being discussed. I’m talking about the coverage of the event not whether it happened or not

  1. These riots will inspire people country wide to take the law into their own hands.

    The government has failed the people.

    Instead, the Chinese are the ones being protected by this corrupt government.

    Mr. Lung Wu (aka Lungu), you can not take people for granted.

    Enough is enough.

    • “Riots in Kitwe buchi township after police officer shoots dead a car wash worker. Nkana water were carrying out disconnections and the car wash workers resisted that. Police were called in and residents started rioting after the shooting.Flava Fm Journalist was stoned and beaten by angry mob for covering the story.” Get the full story before having wet dreams of your upnd revolution. Police were unprofessional by shooting the guy and should be condemned and that officer charged. But it is unlawful to block water employees as well as ZP from doing their job.

    • People across the country will start rioting soon for whatever grievances they collectively encounter.

      People are now getting inspired to do so by these riots in Kitwe.

      Mark my words.

    • LT can you please show us more photos of Kitwe! It looks great! Please show us the dual carriageway! President Lungu and the government are working very hard. When BaMwisa left they left only one road. We have worked very hard to make Zambia great! Yesterday I was with a lady from another country and she was impressed with Zambia! She had visited Ndola! HAZALUZA HAGAIN!

    • Could be an indication of a bigger underlying problem. Rioting and looting are a sign of hunger in the common man’s stomach

  2. Jesus come quickly! After 10 has been using illegally connected water for many years but didn’t they go with guns to shoot the Lebanese? The story is now quiet. Even the Sharwi Fawaz case will just go quiet. Couldn’t they have just approached those poor souls and asked them to be paying zali per month? What a Christian nation preparing for National Day of Prayers!

  3. Could be an indication of a bigger underlying problem. Rioting and looting are a sign of hunger in the common man’s stomach

    • @comrade Kudos thanks for your objective comment. Whilst others pretend that all is fine it takes someone who is honest to see that there is a serious mess! The President needs to listen to the common man. We complained years ago and even now about the high perks, abnormal allowances and luxury SUVs top govt officers are getting and how this is infact where donor funds are diverted to but nothing is being done to stop this vice! Sad state of affairs!

  4. “….She disclosed that the incident happened on Sunday evening around 21:30hours at Markov mining plant which belongs to Shawi Faeazi situated along the Chingola-Kalulushi road….”

    Shawi faeazi , one of lungus clients before lungu became president.
    A major lebanese criminal who PLM tried to deport.

  5. Police officers are also frustrated that’s why they have become trigger happy. Police are not supposed to shoot an unarmed person. Citizens also should learn to respect the law.

  6. People are edgey just waiting to explode..the lazy moron is dancing in NY thinking Old Senile Hen Bo Inonge can sort anything out.

  7. Shawi Fawazi, the Kitwe KingPin. Remember the heavy truck which was stolen in Kalulushi in the night and only to be found at his mine in Kalengwa NWP. How it moved no one knows and the case died a natural one. LPM deported him up-to SA and he was denied entry and was on the next plane to Zambia.
    PF needs self introspection on the lawlessness going on. They could be telling us something

    • HH and UPND need self introspection with their Traffic violation and endangering the President Motorcade with cader and village mentality.

  8. We are a very very peaceful nation. People want to fight the law enforcement agents? If you have no permit to use the water and service providers want to control you cannot just take law into your own hand and resist. In America, a “democratic” country police shoot for resisting arrest. People are completely hallucinating to insinuste that the riots have to do with the PF Govt or servicedelivery, it is about responsibility, rule of law. We all know the spirit of difiance to law enforcement agents. People are happy when they can live in lawless environment but they are the first to cry foul when lawlessness affects them.

  9. Has our country still got men and women in uniform worth their salt? Is there any police men and women that can bring down that useless Fawarz AND his bootlickers if he is the cause of a loss of life??

  10. They are too scared to deal with the Chinese but quick to pull the trigger on their fellow country men. Life under pf police state. We told u. Only way out now is for plane carrying entire pf entourage to crash in Gabon sea

  11. This is what hunger does to the masses. Just wait and see what is going to happen in the next few days more especially after the budget is presented on Friday. A lot of people will be disappointed as nothing tangible will come out of it. Anything that triggers people to become violent will be welcomed with both hands s people are protesting the leadership of these misguided nincompoops in PF.

  12. I have just seen mama Laura Miti and it’s so painful to here her making fake analysis on oxygen of Democracy . I can’t continue. I changed the channel

  13. Zambians always protest if a policeman misbehaves, nothing strange here or worse still it does not give passage to tri.bal Hacks to go to State House. The riots of 1986 of Kitwe are different, nayaibela.

  14. A clip on znbc showed some wicked police woman pick a stone and throw at the angry mob whose member has been killed by police.
    Who trained these officers????

  15. Listen to this LT: “The protest led to the closure of the dual carriage way, causing dozens of vehicles going to North Western Province to be stranded on either side of the road.”
    Is this possible? I need clarification.
    The question is why but why!!!! I am made to think that this is not good.These boys are trying to make the ends meet and subsidise those big belly politicians who are stealing day and night.

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