Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mines Minister issues a second warning to KCM over jobs and delayed payments


MINES Minister Richard Musukwa
MINES Minister Richard Musukwa

Mines and Minerals Development Minister Richard Musukwa has threatened that Konkola Copper Mines-KCM has been given enough warnings regarding its operations and should NOT force Government to ACT decisively.

Mr Musukwa says Government will NOT allow KCM to continue decampaigning the ruling party through increased unemployment levels in areas where the firm is operating from.

He said Government does NOT want the mining giant to turn Chingola and Chililabombwe into ghost towns due to its activities.

Mr. Musukwa was speaking when he addressed scores of PF members at the constituency office, after receiving Ms. Ng’andu and other UPND defectors.

Mr. Musukwa said the mining firm should guarantee locals jobs and should STOP the habit of late payments of salaries to its staff and delayed clearance of its debt to local contractors and suppliers.

This is the second time withing a month that the Minister is issuing a warning to KCM. Earlier in the month, the Ministersaid that government was saddened by the failure of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) to demonstrate a clear roadmap in terms of sustainability.

Mr Musukwa had directed KCM to immediately avail government with all the statistics of who they owe, how much has been paid and the records of the outstanding balance.

The Minister further directed the copper mining company to immediately settle all outstanding August salaries to its employees warning that no payment to the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) or any other entity should ever be used as an excuse for failing to meet their periodic obligations towards both contractors and employees.

Mr Musukwa warned that if mining houses such as KCM refuses to adhere to very friendly directives, then government will have no option but to practically intervene.

“We have a duty and a responsibility towards our people to ensure that the contractors and suppliers are paid and that employees of KCM are equally paid at the correct time. You must remember that suppliers, contractors and KCM employees are NOT shareholders in that company. So KCM has a mandate to mobilise resources and ensure that they liquidate their indebtedness.

“And when they pay CEC or any other company for that matter, it does not mean they now have a leeway to default on employee’s salaries, or default on payments for contractors and suppliers – not at all, by tolerating such, we are just creating an imbalance in the system and it is clear that KCM needs to demonstrate seriousness,” stated Mr Musukwa.


    • Ati Government to act decisively ?? Hehehehehe we have seen how you go licking KCMs nether regions whenever CEC cuts off power from their mines … And you want us to believe that the PF GRZ has cojones to act decisively on KCM??????? Muli fipuba

    • The minister has told us the PF fears most that is losing votes. No wonder they are always politicking. KCM will use that against them in any negotiation and the end result is that Zambia will never benefit as it deserves from the mines because the PF is obsessed with remaining in power at all costs.

    • These chaps can make you laugh the whole day. Ati decisive action. Isnt this the guy who mislead the whole world that black mountain was safe? The same guy who is always ignored by KCM

  1. Agreed Hon Minister, but all talk and no whip spoils these curry munching boys who have no respect for Zambians. Start with.their chairman Argarwal when he next visits state house, let him in and then kick him out. When you do that maybe he will be forced to sell KCM and leave us in peace. Then we can sell to Glencore, they seem better and more responsible more civilised devils……kikikikikikikiki

  2. Spaka very true that’s the agony of having a corrupt leader. The so called ministers can talk tough and threaten these Chinese but they will just ignore them knowing that they can bribe the man in state house.

  3. Copper prices are down on the world market making it difficult for mining giants to meet there obligations – how about Government pay them there VAT refunds so that they in turn can pay there bills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are just Continuous threats to make the government look like they are a caring one

    • @5 Fedup, If copper prices are down, remember that at one time, the same prices were up and Mines companies made a kill which they never shared with Zambia!!

    • That mine is not in the business to claim VAT refunds..yes refunds have to be paid by ZRA but they have nothing to do with not paying workers on time. This company sells copper abroad via transfer pricing to its subsidiaries then resells at market prices to make profits then just sends back to Zambia minimum working expenditure whether price of copper is high or low.

  4. minister of mine giving an important warning during the defections party what a joke of a governmet we have. Only hiding behind the carders.

  5. Look who’s talking. This is a case of monkey see monkey do. The government itself is in the lead of doing exactly what they are warning others from doing… Awe shuwa. How did we get to this???

    • Really laughable no wonder that Indian girl at KCM run circles round them like fooooools …you can not have such clowns like a former trader unionists with a diploma in Science to negotiate such important issues

  6. Yama ba Musukwa upto now tabalami chekelako, zoona ECL namibika mu tough time pretending like you talking on before of poor Zambians. Reduce the all day increasing tax on the poor Zambians and then talk that nonsense. Anyway waiting for the 3rd, 4th and 5th warning from such pathetic fools (PF).

  7. Going forward, grz should do something about these mining houses trying to take advantage of situations. Lee Haabazoka has proposed a very interesting idea of taking over some of these mines. That is a proposal we must be exploring on a serious note as a country. Chile did it and that has consolidated their economy. IDC and ZCCM-IH needs to put their heads together.

  8. This Minister is more concerned about PF than the economy! He should have resigned after the Black Mountain disaster, Iam sure KCM just ignores his rantings.

  9. Kindly reposes this mine. Our friend from Russia Doc Habaazoka has advised that we nationalize the mines.Lets take over KCM we see how best we can manage it on our own. Then secon Luashya mine.For Lumwana and Kasanshi we can leave them to contunie operating under a white man.We can do better than the Indians and Chinese.
    then we take over Kagem emerald mine also.

    • @12 Priviet, SPOT ON!!THIS SHOULD BE THE MODEL and SHOULD HAVE STARTED WITH KCM and LUANSHYA MINES WHEN ANGLO PULLED OUT OF KCM AND BANANI FAILED TO RUN LUANSHYA MINE!! Even now we have an opportunity to push out KCM but these corrupt chaps are busy negotiating bribes with them instead of taking over the mine run it or find a better Joint venture partner for us to start keeping some of the forex and profits in Zambia!! THE MAIN PROBLEM WE HAVE IN ZAMBIA IS ROTTEN LEADERSHIP IN THE RULING AND OPPOSITION BECAUSE NON OF THEM IS PATRIOTIC, THEY ARE THERE FOR THEIR OWN POCKETS, ESPECIALLY THE LATTER WHO ARE ALREADY FUNDED BY MINING COMPANIES!!

  10. There is a minister of mines in Zambia?And what does he do?Wear a tie,a salaula suit and address who?This a laughing stock.If Welensky were to rise he would have the last laugh on how we have sunk so low as talking toms with little action.

  11. It’s very painful reading news nowadays because all one sees is mediocrity!! We never learn at all! Binani saga in Luanshya is happening all over again but this time in different places Chingola, Chililabombwe, Nampundwe and Kitwe…. Meantime, the leadership still sits ndwiiiii…. Don’t threaten these Indians, act and get rid of them all now…SIMPLE!!!!

  12. Most of these Indians are demon possessed. They have no human heart but many gods in their hearts. So, if you think Argarwal will capitalize operations at KCM and pay the employees salaries, you are in for a big surprise!! How docile we can be!!

    • I do not think that is correct to say most of these Indians are demon possessed. I do not see you condemn or call the government to be demon possessed. As you can see the problem lies with the government which fails to pay its employees on time. The government has failed in its obligations. If KCL is taken to court for failing to pay on time, the government should also be taken to court

  13. Nationalization is not done in a swift manner whats wrong with our heads? we need to to encourage the local investors in this case Zambians to invest in the ZCCM investment holding to share 50 to 50 shares with the government. Then slowing down by empowering Zambians to own the mining wealth through partnering and simply do away with these so called foreign investors.They have taken us for granted because we have surrendered our blackness. We are so weak in our own country shame.Its easy for the government to source and accumulate funds as capital investments together with local mining entrepreneurs and run the mines period.

  14. Mr. Minister, it’s better to set your “house” – government in order before cursing KCL. The government is supposed to be example of employers who pays its employees on time. The council employees are not paid salaries. How many times has the government workers not paid on time? The other companies are following in the footsteps of the government. Mr. Minister do not be an hypocrite. First, pay government workers and companies will behave. What can you teach companies if the government cannot do the same. I ask the minister to examine himself.

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