Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mob justice kills 66 year old village headman on suspicion of practicing witchcraft


Zambia Police
Mob justice has claimed a life of a 66 year Old village headman of Lukwesa chiefdom on suspicion of practicing witchcraft in Mwense district of Luapula Province .

Luapula Province Police Commissioner Elias Chushi confirmed the alleged murder of headman Bunde Bunde whose real names are Goodface Kabungo saying the incident occurred last Friday around 20 hours.

“This was after that villagers saw a white cloth on the football pitch which made them to approach the headman to explain what the cloth was all about.

“The headman then engaged a witchdoctor who ( the witchdoctor ) unfortunately accused him to be a witch saying it was him who was behind some recent deaths which had occurred in the village, “ said Mr. Chushi.

The Police Commissioner said upon hearing the news that the headman was a witch, the mob then descended on the headman and consequently burnt his grass thatched toilet and a kitchen.

“The headman locked himself inside the house but the mob set his house on fire which forced him to come out, “ he said.

After he came out, the mob then descended on him and stoned him and he later died around 22 hours at Mununshi rural health center due to the injuries, he said.

Police have since arrested one person to help with investigations while the body of the deceased is at Mwense district hospital mortuary awaiting burial.

And Mwense District Commissioner has since appealed to members of the public not to take the law into their own hands but involve the police to resolve any issue affecting them.

Meanwhile, Police in Lufwanyama District on the Copperbelt have instituted a man hunt for Enten Maseline for allegedly murdering his 92 -year old uncle, Malubeni Muyoba of Chombola village.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner, Charity Katanga confirmed that Maseline, 42 of the same village allegedly broke the victim’s door when he was fast asleep and hit him on his head with a log causing severe head injuries that cause death instantly.

Mrs. Katanga said in a statement that the incident occurred between September 22 around 20 hours and September 23, 2018 around 04 hours.

“ The suspect threatened to kill anyone that could come to the rescue of the deceased, “ the police commissioner said adding that the motive for the killing is not yet established.

The body of the deceased is currently lying in Kalulushi district hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Meanwhile, in Kitwe’s Twatasha compound, Nenson Kondolo, 31 has allegedly been killed by his brother after a brawl.

“It so happened that the two brothers stay at the same house, and that the deceased insulted the elder brother Lewis kandolo 48, and this angered him and the two started fighting.

“ Despite being advised to stop the brothers continued. Then this morning around 01 hours the matter was reported to the police who found the victim dead in the house, ” Mrs. Katanga said.

Mrs. Katanga said there were also blood stained pieces of planks and nails  found at the scene, allegedly to have been used in the murder.

The body was found with two deep cuts on the right upper arm.

The body has since been picked and taken to Kitwe Teaching hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem .

The suspect is currently on the run. Docket has been opened and investigations instituted.


    • Can you imagine imwe, failure to control ones libido and sexual fimo fimo you blame your elders who have looked after and respected their bodies. Awe sure this is ignorance at its best. So did the elderly deceased actually, force the young man or woman into promiscuity so as to get ill or force them to be druggies or alcoholic so that their lives go down the drain?

  1. Good. When you take them to the police they tell you to bring evidence. What evidence when they do their witchcraft when we are sleeping? Kill them before they kill you

  2. The country has regressed. In Zambia every belief system is alive and well: Tooth Fairies, Witches, Goblins – you name it. Now because these are make believe they are setting up real human beings and accusing them to satisfy these belief fantasies. Awe mwe – ifyabupuba mwalaipailamo na bantu mwe mbwa mwe!

  3. In Zambia, especially the Northern parts, people believe in witchcraft too much. even riches are ascribed to supernatural powers. Being rich is an offense on its own. People would kill you that you have used black magic to get rich. It will take a very veeeeery loooong time to defeat poverty. Imagine someone was telling me that he saw Toyota Spacio vehicles coming from a gravesite and that the said vehicles were definitely owned by a certain transporter (taxi driver) who has used magic to create them. Then what magic has Toyota Motor Corporation used for their manufacture? In other places they believe people that drive dark (black, navy blue e.t.c) vehicles belong to some occult. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, all these would have been stoned/burnt to death if they were…

  4. ‘If zambia invests in education and health care …’ If your understanding of education excludes an academic approach to witchcraft then be ready for more such incidents, all a result of western induced hypocrisy embedded in ignorance. ‘My people perish due to lack of knowledge’

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