Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian Woman Rants about the Chinese In Zambia after the Shooting



  1. Eish , the xenophobia here is raw ,direct and strong .Please ask Malaysia and Indonesia who have had Chinese presence far longer how they’ve built tolerance and one nationhood.

    • She is from luapula, where my friend @Nostradamus comes from, they dont want nonsense hahahhah, they can just send lightening to all Chinese in Zambia, be careful

    • @Mzambia wa Zamani. It is not xenophobia. The woman is just complaining about a foreigner who shot a lady. She is complaining to authorities to deal with the case promptly. Her complaint is what what every indigenous citizen does in every country when a foreigner commits such a violent crime. Its not xenophobic.

    • We’ve been telling you about these Chinese & over-borrowing from as far back as 2012. PF has been running a Govt on perpetual borrowing. KK borrowed $6 billion & built companies. PF has borrowed $15 Billion & built expensive sub-standard roads which will be pot-holed in 3 years time.

      Today the pain of hunger has opened your eyes.
      Dununa Reverse & that dandy-crazy song which had pain-killing effects on your pain has worn out. It’s time to face the music, it’s now payback time.

      Those girls who were dancing Dununa Reverse in bum-shorts on top of cars after rigged 2016 election results were announced have been put of business by Chinese. They used to travel to Dubai, Beijing, Thailand, Turkey to buy tiles, carpets, furniture, brazilian hair, clothes for resell. But now Chinese are…

    • CONT’D…
      But now Chinese are bringing these goods in container loads.
      The local contractors who were screaming chikonko-mwikate at us in 2016 are now broke as all the contracts are being awarded to Chinese firms.

    • And ZP has stated that it was accident…these are wasted Lungu years…he is in NY dancing at the moment as that’s all he knows!!

    • Zambia is the only F00Lish country which gives gun licenses to foreigners.
      They’ve even start giving NRCs & Zambian passports to chinese, Somalis, Lebanese, senegalese, malawians, congolese.

    • @Ndobo, kikikiki you know us well kaaa. Yes we don’t like nonsense.
      You should attend one of Kalaba’s meetings, so hilarious, true Patrotic People!!

    • Your minister Bowman is in China enjoying all expenses paid trip …you surely think these guys can take this serious, only docile Zambians need to wake up and take to the streets

  2. Lungu says it’s ok as long as he and his cronies are getting kickbacks from allowing Chinese to exploit this nation. Lungu will run to.swaziland once this country is fully under control of.china. you think he cares ?

    • my dear Swaziland is not heaven, whoever has stolen public funds will account for it. we will follow them, we will catch them and we will bring them back to Zambia. Don’t worry, they will run but they will fail to hide.

  3. You voted TWICE for the Visionless one.
    Enjoy!! Only the beginning.
    For a change you can eat the P.F Chitenge material, while you enjoy THE SMART ZAMBIAN ENTERPRISE!!

  4. The problem is not the Chinese, it’s us the Zambians.
    Where they come from it’s very very hard to get a firearm, but here in Zambia due to corruption and muzungu sorry muchoncholi anikonde attitude we have really made it very easy for them.
    A China man comes just today tomorrow he applies for a firearm license they issue it to him fast, the third day he goes and buys a firearm. Anyone who’s used a firearm knows it’s not a toy. I understand what people can do for a quick buck but it shouldn’t come at a cost of being sellouts.
    We ought to fix the law yes, but so much more is the people who Fcuk up this country. One day we will wakeup without a place to call home. If we don’t fix this country we will one gladly burn it, those of us who are constantly pushed in the corner. The same…

    • Cont’d..
      The same happens in our homes/fields we sometimes resort to burning them in entirety because one of us was foolish enough to let the pests/parasites/snakes think they are king.
      Once again I don’t support/advocate/tolerate for hate of any kind, but if it will take xenophobia and racism to fix things then I will pick them any day than silly tolerance and forgiveness that can make my children not to love and want to sacrifice for their country as much their father (me) has.
      My grandfather spent 2 years in Fort Jameson prison fighting for our independence and sovereignty. It would be an insult to lose it all either to ourselves or just about any body.
      Poseniko amano.

  5. Ask any kaponya on streets, the worst crime a Zambian can commit today in Zambia is to rob or harm a Chinese, these are direct orders from lungu and kapoyongo….whilst they do as they pleas , they are the paymaster generals of PF ..

  6. Awe kwena mayo ukolanda ifisinka ifyatundumana inga insofu isunsumene… I suspect the politicians will only complain about the use of social media… maweee!

  7. I have seen a video of Chinese men beating up a Zambian student in China with Iron bars just for going out with a Chinese woman and I don’t know whether those men know that there are Chinese in Africa

    • They know that because that’s where the peasants come to and become Project Managers for all these GRZ projects ….which Lazy Lungu is asking for 20% local contribution. The country is in such a mess that he sees going to UN at the top of the list. The Chinese already own the markets PF burned down …so be prepared to see more of them like in that picture.

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