Saturday, July 27, 2024

RB and Felix Mutati to Launch MMD Card Renewal in Eastern Province


President Lungu with Former president Rupiah Banda and MMD president Felix Mutati after paying a Courtesy call on Paramount Chief Kalonga Gawa Undi at Mkaika Palace in Katete on Friday, August 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
FILE: President Lungu with Former president Rupiah Banda and MMD president Felix Mutati after paying a Courtesy call on Paramount Chief Kalonga Gawa Undi at Mkaika Palace in Katete on Friday, August 5,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

The Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) will this weekend congregate in the mountainous City of Chipata in Eastern province for the launch of the party’s card renewal exercise.

The event which will be graced by party President Felix Mutati will be attended by founder members of the former ruling party as well as former Republican President Rupiah Banda.

Announcing the event on Thursday, MMD National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda called on members from across the province to troop into Chipata and ensure that they recommit themselves to the party.

“This Saturday the 29th, September, 2018 we will be having the card renewal launch undertaken in Chipata Eastern Province to which all members of the party in the province are all invited to attend and those who can afford to drive into Chipata can do so,” he said.

And Nakacinda explained that the launch of the card renewal will be followed by a special event in October were the party will be honoring their late first and second party Presidents who were second and third republican presidents respectively.

“The Renewal will be followed up with another special event in Lusaka were will not only be a card renewal exercise but it will also be a time to celebrate the legacy of the leadership of Dr Fredrick Chiluba our first party president and also second republican president. We will also be celebrating the legacy of our second party President and third republican president Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa.

“These events are going to run one after the other and it will also be an opportunity for us to show case what our party stands for in terms of ideals and principals upon which the party was founded,” he said.


  1. For RB to attend a party event is tantamount to him being involved in politics and should no longer receive his presidential emoluments.

    • RB is not going anywhere. He has wrecked many lives and will stay on to ‘manage’ any President that crops up. The indication is that Lungu is slipping away so he has to have a fall back on. He will not want what happened to Chiluba what Mwanawasa came in to happen to him. Nevers Mumba is bad for him and Lungu might also be ‘getting bad’ for him so he has to start championing another ‘protector’. RB will die by the sword!

  2. Its a forgone conclusion that its Technical Buyout or handover of UPND to MMD as seen in the new appointment and these maneuvers Meanwhile Nevers is to and from He was gifted a clean slate when there was change of the Chief Whip clearly shifting the balance of power to PF 70% and MMD 30% The other guy was good riddance because he was over crowding the Party and reason why and his boss the party doesnot grow Now the appointment is also not vibrant and gifts MMD the clear slate A younger and less boastful , neutral could have been positive Its gone maybe 2060

    • RB wants the keys to Zambia’s treasury, which was in his control when Mutati was at the Ministry of Finance. As soon as Lungu removed Mutati from the ‘money TAP’, RB has not been happy. He has told Mutati that he will now get him into plot ONE the way he got Lungu in. Nevers Mumba, as far as RB is concerned, is a very bad boy for taking RB to court to stop him from bouncing back, after SATA died. That’s why the only MMD that is good is the Mutati faction one. Yes now RB will stub Lungu in his back for stopping his access to the money when he fired Lungu. Lungu is in a fix because he alienated himself from the real PF. Lungu will now be very lonely and surrounded by MMD wolves.

    • Lazy bum illiterate tribal childish hooligan bully son of a polygamist father pooping in public HAGAIN! Please give him a diaper. HH will NEVER be president! He is a leader of a TONGA tribal H-organisation where you belong.

    • @5.3 Sharon.You must be handsomely paid to only write negative comments about HH. Ask Chishimba Kambwili who shamelessly tried to hide his foolishness by accusing the devil. Enjoy the moment while it lasts. History has shown me that nothing under the sun goes on for ever. Even KK cant believe that different presidents have come and gone when he had vowed that no one else will rule Zambia unless under his dead body yet he is still very much alive.

  3. It is sad to think that Mutati at one point was a favourite to rule this country. However, he too fell victim to the poverty of the mind that is a side effect of the PF government. The guy could only survive via politics because in zambia politics is a survival tool and not service to the people. So when MMD were no longer in power, he had no other option but to go to bed with the PF government in order to keep the same lifestyle he had. The man had pressure to ensure that his family continued living more or less the same life they had under PF. So the alleged intelligent man reduced himself to a minister under pf and yet claimed to be a president of an oppostion party. That my friends is the effect of poverty.

  4. @ Nzelu. The current circus is thanks to the very man whose life they plan on celebrating. Once FTJ started 3rd term maneuvers, MMD developed a ‘cancerous tumor’. While the nation survived the MMD engineered 3rd term, MMD as a party unfortunately lost direction. The rest, as we say in business, is history.

    • This Sharon is just an imbecile. The topic here is MMD and their card renewal and you are busy posting of HH. This is the problem with PF cadres all they think of is HH. In the toilet they think of HH. In the Bedroom everywhere.

  5. This faction nonsense needs to stop. MMD need to sort out your mess before it ‘spills’ over! Twanaka, MMD Prez Nevers Mumba lelo, then Mutati mailo…what A FREAKIN WASTE OF TIME!

  6. What type of weed does RB smoke? He is the one who is confusing Mutati with fake hope that he will make him win the presidency.RB does not command respect anywhere in this country except in eastern province and Mutati is so timid that he can not see. I didnt know that Mutati is such an opportunist that he can even accept to lose his integrity in vain hope of dreaming becoming a president of Zambia under MMD and didnt the courts say Nevers is the legitimate president of MMD? No wonder the ACC want Nevers jailed to pave way for RB backed candidate. Not so inspiring.

  7. This is in readness for RB to stand in 2021. The agreement with Lungu was I will back you up, as long as you relinquish power for me to return back in power in 2021.

    PF have no candidate that can take over from Lungu. They succeeded chasing away Kambwili who had presidential ambitions. Miles Sampa is a lightweight and messed himself going to join HH in the last election.Though miles has had ambitions for Plot 1.

    The target is to finish Mumba and stop him from running under MMD. Mumba made a mistake taking RB to court. This has now come to bite him.

    RB will carry both PF and MMD in 20121. And return to Plot 1

  8. LOOKING FOR A PERFECT PERSON? I can assure you that you shall live your life here on earth and NEVER find one. Mutati has at least shown that he can work and show positive results wherever he is posted.

  9. This Mutati and Nakachinda were saying they were taking over the party because Nevers was not performing, but ever since they hijacked the party from Nevers what do they have to show for. Nothing completely, ZERO. Even us the neutrals can tell that although they are fighting for MMD which in reality is just a shell, both parties have lamentably failed

  10. Sometimes its good to pay attention to some people. If you can rise from losing a national election in a landslide loss, arise from being a broke peasant, with a loan on your only known asset and become Veep and later Presido, lose an election, face abuse of office charges….and then rebound and make an opposition leader win….ignore him at your own peril…

  11. I am surprised that people like Sharon’s comments! Are you guys for real! Sharon mwana wa galu please have a life. You have serious issues.

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