Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mining Tax Changes aimed at getting maximum benefits from Zambia’s Mineral Wealth-Davies Mwila


PF Secretary general Davies Mwila
PF Secretary general Davies Mwila
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila says the changes made to the mining tax regime in the 2019 budget is aimed at deriving maximum benefits from the Country’s wealth and boosting related business activities in the industry.

Mr. Mwila who has since urged mining companies to support the proposed tax regime says government wants to stabilize the taxation in the sector apart from getting what is meaningfully due to the Zambians.

He noted that the issues surrounding the Value added Tax-VAT refunds and payment of mine suppliers needed to be addressed with a sustainable and friendlier taxation regime.

Mr. Mwila says government has also broadened the tax base to ensure that a larger chunk of the budget is funded using local resources for sustainable development and improved people’s lives.

The Secretary General who was speaking during the PF Lufwanyama Fundraising braii at Mindolo dam in Kitwe on the Copperbelt said the Party will not hesitate to flush out any individual working against President Edgar Lungu.

He said the party wants officials who are credible and loyal to the President.

Mr. Mwila also urged the party to explain all the developmental projects being implemented by the party in Lufwanyama to win the electorates confidence.

He said government has built dams, roads and developed two farming blocks in Lufwanyama to improve people’s lives.

During the function over 260-thousand Kwacha was raised for party mobilization in Lufwanyama.

And PF Copperbelt Chairman Steven Kainga assured Mr. Mwila that the party is intact in the region.

The function was attended by Livestock Minister Kampamba Mulenga, PF Copperbelt Youth Chairman Nathan Chanda, District commissioners and several civic leaders.


  1. Ubufi! The tax hike would have been a benefit but no it’s being used to service loans! External debt repayments have doubled from last year; from K7 billion to K14 billion! Those projects he’s talking about are Nkongole mwebantu sure. Sonta echo waikulila, not ifya Nkongole!

    • PF already discarded campaign thing called Dununa reverse, now they have adopted Mining Tax.
      Do they even know the meaning of mining taxi or dununa reverse?

    • It is sad that ordinary Zambians do not benefit from tax increases.

      Our leadership always prioritise lining their pockets first.

      The aforementioned had a little bit of the sound economy going to a point of vowing that then following years were going to funded locally. Wasn’t that brilliant policy? Do do that, you need fiscal discipline. Not misappropriation of funds. Isn’t ZAMPOST entity enough to grow there revenue and profit rather than reaping where they had not sown?

    • We are being ruled by people who have no idea what it means to serve the public.
      Bty Zambia doesnt owe any money to China but Lungu and Tasila ebakongola. The Chinese need to go after these guys

  2. An increase in mining taxes will only be beneficial to Zambia if it leads to meaningful investment in areas of infrastructure, synergy and know-how necessary to attain national sovereignity over our mines and guarantee sustainable growth through our resources.

    In clear English: we need good Zambian engineers, roads, bridges and industries to process our copper and turn it into finished quality products for the global market.


  3. People still comment on what these pfools say? We stopped a long time ago. It’s a gonner country! HH the mess is too big. Just forget about it! They have run down the country these Congolese!

  4. How does a cadre pass coment on highly technical matter

    Sata made leadership easy thats why you have lusambos stealing limelight.

    These kadaz must be told that Zambia is not pf and pf is not Zambia

  5. I am hoping that they don’t grow cold feet and do some reversals on the minister’s pronouncement. The problem is that Zambia is in a position of weakness (due to poor economy ) as it tries to deal with the mines. Our neighbours Botswana for example can :tell off” the mine owners because they speak from the position of strength backed by a strong economy. A desperate man is easy to manipulate.

  6. mmm! the features of this man! these are people who give credence that man indeed originated from monkeys. looking grey uyu c1kala.

  7. ……said the Party will not hesitate to flush out any individual working against President Edgar Lungu.

    Hegemony by the SG at its worst!!Where is democracy?

  8. Davies Mwila is a party functionary with little or no knowledge of taxes….. he is playing politics….this man is a low thinker with a basic education….. he does not know what he is talking about…. he is doing it to show Lungu that he is working….. watch how PF operates….. everyone praises Lungu even when they dont understand issues……
    Imagine Lusambo going to china to negotiate a railway line contract? what does he know? Can Mumbi Phiri talk to Japanese investor and Zambia gest a better deal? Havard trained lawyer talking to Kampyomgo for upgrading justice enforcement as it is in USA? Ask Kampyongo if he understand immigration laws of Zambia

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