Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government prioritizes the agricultural sector


Minister of Information and Broadcasting Dora Siliya
Minister of Information and Broadcasting Dora Siliya

President Edgar Lungu says in line with the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP), Government has prioritized the agriculture sector as one of the economic drivers of the nation by establishing the agricultural services and training centres in Luapula and Muchinga Provinces of Zambia.

At its 17th Cabinet meeting held at State House Chaired by President Edgar Lungu today, Government has approved phase one of Luena Agricultural services and Manshya training centres in the implementation of the project to help small scale and emergent farmers transform into commercial farmers.

Cabinet feels Government emphasises that the only way the small scale farmers can improve their productivity is by way of empowering them with the necessary farming skills and knowledge by engaging in high value crops so as to increase their incomes.

The services to be provided includes mechanization and modernisation of irrigation, increased storage facilities, capacity building in order for Zambia to export to neighboring countries.

Cabinet feels these are important elements and key in boosting productivity, minimizing post-harvest losses and wealth creation leading to poverty reduction among Zambia’s farming communities.

During the same Meeting, Cabinet approved Zambia’s hosting of the International Development Association (IDA) 18 High-Level Mid-Term Review Meeting to take place in Livingstone from 13th to 15th November, 2018.

The IDA 18 High-Level Mid-Term Review Meeting to more than 400 delegates, follows Zambia’s request to the World Bank Group to host the 2018 meeting.

Further, Cabinet also approved Zambia’s hosting of the 2019 East and Southern Africa Association of Accountants – General Annual Conference in February, 2019 in Livingstone, Southern Province.

Zambia last hosted such a Conference in 2009 and a decade has now passed to host such an event next year.

Other important items approved by Cabinet is the National Legal Aid Policy that provides a framework for broadening and increasing accessibility to legal assistance by the poor while, enhancing the capacity and accountability of legal aid service providers.

The Head of State said Government aims to promote human rights, which is considered very cardinal to the people of Zambia.

In winding up the meeting, Cabinet expressed happiness with regard to attaining Sustainable Development Goals, Zambia will host the Sustainable Development Goals Centre for Africa-Sub Centre in Lusaka which will coordinate the Southern African countries in the implementation of the SDGs in collaboration with the main centre in Rwanda.

The meeting also learnt that the construction of the Bombay drain is 73.5 percent complete and the Mazyopa drain on the other hand is 99 percent complete with the outstanding works scheduled to be completed immediately after the 2017/2018 rainy season.

This is according to a press statement issued to ZANIS this evening by Chief Government Spokesperson, Dora Siliya.


  1. Shocking, it has always being Amos Chanda issuing cabinet meetings, including firing of ministers. Now PF start to learn.

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